I totally understand how you feel regarding being short and finding that "perfect" bike for you! My husband found CycleFish, and wanted me to set me up as a member on here; however, I told him that until I had my own bike, I would not join, because I had wanted my own for so long, and was always told I was "too petite" because I am 5'1" if I have heals on! My inseam is actually 2'1/5". About 3 weeks ago, we stumbled across a 2008 Honda Shadow Aero 750, already lowered 2", and some seat padding removed also. It is the "Perfect" bike for me. I had never ridden before only as a passenger, so I've been going to a big parking lot and practicing. I was also very worried about the riding course having a bike fit me, however, my course started Friday night, and we made it through all the classroom and took the written portion, and I passed, but the riding portion had to be postponed to due storms in the area. The Harley dealerships use the Buell Blast for the course, and they have modified a bike to fit me as well, so I don't think you will have any trouble with the course at all! Even though, I haven't gotten to ride the course yet, I really enjoyed the classroom, so I know on the 22nd and 23rd the riding will be fun as well! I definitely recommend you take that class. I am just as much a "newbie" as you are, and vertically challenged as well! By the way, the bike I chose was 1 yr old with 2700 miles on it, and Very Reasonably Priced as it was already lowered and several accessories on it already! Good Luck to you, and please keep us posted on your progress!
Ok,..I am only 5'1" ON A GOOD DAY.....lol,...I have a HD Sporty Custom 1200...also,.. I have a fantastic husband that did some great Mods for me,....I put "short" shocks on the rear, and did a for lowering kit on the front,..which has provided me with a firm flat foot on the ground with a very cool "slammed" appearance,..along with that,...I put some $$ into a solo seat that was tapered in front significantly in the crotch area with is perfect. It fits like a glove!!
Best of luck to you,...my advice would be to buy what you like and modify it to your personal taste and fit. After all,....I like to be different and not conform to the cookie cutter image. Ride safe.
I'm 5' nothing and ride an Aero.
wood blocks on ur boots .
August 27, 2010 8:55 PM PDT
Well, I'm pretty short myself. Five foot two on a good day.
What I usually do is stand on a stool and bend over the.... Oh wait, that's not what we're talking about is it....
August 27, 2010 9:59 PM PDT
Well, I'm pretty short myself. Five foot two on a good day.
What I usually do is stand on a stool and bend over the.... Oh wait, that's not what we're talking about is it....

September 1, 2010 12:10 PM PDT
I'm only 5'6" and I was also concerned about being vertically challenged and a new rider. I test rode a 1200 sporster but ended up with an HD Super Glide Custom. The bike is geared toward shorter folks. I LOVE it!
September 2, 2010 2:57 AM PDT
Harley has a sportster called "48" You will fit perfectly. It is an 883. I am 5'4" and I am too tall for it. The seat makes a HUGE difference on any bike. harley makes a reach seat that is great for short people like us.
June 19, 2011 6:41 AM PDT
I know this post is a year old, but in case anymore shorter women are looking, I am 5'3" (barely) and I ride both a 1990 Kawasaki Vulcan 500 and a 2003 Triumph America (800cc). I easily flatfoot the Vulcan and the Triumph is just a hair off of flatfoot.
August 21, 2011 1:14 PM PDT
This is a cool site for those who are looking for a motorcycle based purely on seat height (or other specification):
http://findmyhog.com />
January 30, 2012 1:48 PM PST
I just bought a '07 Harley Davidson Sportster 1200 XL Low from a guy on Craig's List. For a good price too and in immaculate condition. It was his wife's but she quit riding. Look for the "Low" in the name. I'm 5'4" and with my riding boots on I can put my feet flat on the ground. Also the Sportsters aren't that heavy so not too hard to balance and ride. It works for me. It's heavier then the 250s we learned on in the training class but I'm getting used to it now. Some Harley dealers have what they call "Fit Shop" where they can modify your bike so it's more comfortable. You can read more about it on their web page. Hope this helps. Good luck and happy riding!
January 30, 2012 2:36 PM PST
I am a 5'8 male rider. My first bike was a 600cc shadow which was low enough for me. I also found out with other bikes, that they can put a gel seat on which usually lowers it around 2 inches. They also have lowering kits.
Hope this helps
.ps the Yamaha Virago might also be an option. I have an 1100 virago and my feet are firmly on the ground with room to spare
January 30, 2012 2:39 PM PST
While on the height topic, does anyone know how I can lower an 86 V65 Honda Magna, I got this bike to work on but it is way to high for me especially in my un even gravel driveway