September 1, 2010 12:17 PM PDT
I had never driven a motorcycle and had barely been a passenger but I've always wanted one. Got divorced and decided to start living. Took the safety course, got my license, and bought a 2010 HD Super Glide Custom. I have a lot of friends who ride so they have encouraged me to ride with them on short trips to start out with. I dread the interstate because of all the traffic. I have put 1900 miles on my bike since June 6th when it came home. I am definitely more confident but I still have the "fear" of the other vehicles and dangers on the road. Start out slow and just ride around the block every day until you can get to the grocery store and back with a gallon of milk. Be very careful on loose gravel - almost lost mine 10 miles into a ride! I even had someone ride with me on his bike from my house to my work 20 miles away before I would drive it to work so I could get comfortable with the trip. Enjoy the ride!