January 15, 2013 4:24 AM PST
Just a note,to my knowledge I do not know of any lane splitting accident that resulted in a fatality locally,tho I am sure there could be a few.Typically the accidents where the details are published,riders are cut off at freeway riding/ or solo accident descriptions or late at night deer encounters,often times the newspaper gives little to no detail.
One memorable time stuck in traffic on HWY 1,.. 7-8 milebackup,followed a Calif HP riding on his Harley on the shoulder all the way thru the mess,gotta love having a good escort LMAO, my sweetheart on the back was blown away.
Lane splitting is a perfectly sensible way to ride provided you follow those simple tips already given here,and another of mine which is share the lane w/fellow riders,if someone approaches moving at a higher rate of speed
make way for them,then resume your own lane splitting.Heavier bikes require more stopping distance.Which is why my lane splitting is never above 25.
January 15, 2013 4:36 AM PST
Blurplebuzz, I am sorry to say that there are actually a LOT of deaths from accidents while lane splitting here in CA. The majority that I read about though are when people are splitting lanes at highway speeds. Just plain stupid to lane split when cars are going 65 mph and you are going 70+ between them... but I see it all the time.
January 15, 2013 7:59 AM PST
I got to roll with Doclubo on this one. I know here in Texas there are a lot of Pick-up Trucks with mirrows that stick wayyyyyyy out to see behind their horse trailers. Not saying I haven't done it but I try to keep it to a minumn.
Ride safe
We got them down here to. Normally they are raised trucks so my handlebars will go right under the mirrors
January 15, 2013 10:02 AM PST
Living in Southern California like we do means that lane splitting is a necessary evil some times.I will only lane split if the traffic is completely stopped and i ride less than 20 mph. One of the problems I have alot of times is not with the cars but with other bikes who want to ride at 50 plus thru the traffic. I just pull over and let them go by, I guess their bodies are a little more durable than mine. I will never be comfortable lane splitting but for those of you who say you never will have never been in LA traffic at 5pm so lets just say never say never until you come out west for a visit.
January 16, 2013 12:53 AM PST
Although it's legal here in CA. I typically don't.
Only when something is amiss - with the bike or with the traffic (like wheels said). More often than not it's in the summertime where it is REALLY hot here on the freeways. Don't want to inch along at an idle in 100+ degrees. Scared for the air cooled.
January 16, 2013 3:50 AM PST
I typically only do it when traffic is going less than 20mph on the freeway and I only go a little faster them they are going. Before I started doing it, one day Traffic was stopped and a CHP on his bike rode up and stopped next to me and told me to follow him , he moved over to the shoulder and we rode about 5 miles on the shoulder passed all the traffic (and the accident that was just clearing). That was a very cool experience.
January 16, 2013 5:51 AM PST
What irks my craw are fkn truckers who, for some freakin' reason, can't stand to see a biker taking the right shoulder to get by the jam. Some of those s.o.b.'s actually pull their cab onto the shoulder so ya can't get by 'em. What's up with that anyway. Just because the rest of the world has to sit for an hour doesn't mean I have to. And a trucker doesn't have the right to stop me.
January 16, 2013 6:03 AM PST
That's strange for truckers, I normally find the the truckers to be the most courteous drivers on the road, especially on the open roads. Most of them out here when the see me splitting lanes will slide over to give room between lanes. Might be because lane splitting is legal here and they are used to it.
January 16, 2013 6:37 AM PST
That's strange for truckers, I normally find the the truckers to be the most courteous drivers on the road, especially on the open roads. Most of them out here when the see me splitting lanes will slide over to give room between lanes. Might be because lane splitting is legal here and they are used to it.
Well I wasn't exactly talking about splitting lanes; more of going around a severe backup via the right shoulder. Now I don't have a problem with all truckers because I know what a toll it takes to be a truck driver. What bothers me are the dumbasses who have this freakin' monstor in their possession and abuse it. One trucker killed my sister and her unborn. He KILLED my sister; it wasn't an accident. It was fkn' bravado and reckless behavior. A trucker also killed my brother. He KILLED my brother, riding his ass in heavy traffic and then pushing him into a concrete wall. But I don't hate all truckers. Just as#hole truckers; like those that drive an empty rig in 45 mph+ winds on the highway, or those who drive so fast they overturn their rigs..
Enough of that. I'm just getting upset. My sister was 19 and I was 13 at the time, my brother was 34 and I was 39 at the time. I have a number of friends who are truck drivers and even pick guitar with a couple of 'em. But even they can't tell me why a dumba@@ truck driver would try to prevent me from moving my motorcycle out of a traffic jamb. But they did tell me what to do when that happens. Sshhhhhhhh, it's a secret.
January 16, 2013 7:13 AM PST
That's strange for truckers, I normally find the the truckers to be the most courteous drivers on the road, especially on the open roads. Most of them out here when the see me splitting lanes will slide over to give room between lanes. Might be because lane splitting is legal here and they are used to it.

What I see is that owner operators seem to be the most courteous. Not all, but the greater percentage of them.
Here in the NY NJ PA area I find bus drivers and non owner operators the biggest a holes as far as them using the size of their vehicle to "bully" their way around. Then again anyone that is texting on the phone, including some moron police out here are the real problems.
January 16, 2013 7:14 AM PST
That's strange for truckers, I normally find the the truckers to be the most courteous drivers on the road, especially on the open roads. Most of them out here when the see me splitting lanes will slide over to give room between lanes. Might be because lane splitting is legal here and they are used to it.
Well I wasn't exactly talking about splitting lanes; more of going around a severe backup via the right shoulder. Now I don't have a problem with all truckers because I know what a toll it takes to be a truck driver. What bothers me are the dumbasses who have this freakin' monstor in their possession and abuse it. One trucker killed my sister and her unborn. He KILLED my sister; it wasn't an accident. It was fkn' bravado and reckless behavior. A trucker also killed my brother. He KILLED my brother, riding his ass in heavy traffic and then pushing him into a concrete wall. But I don't hate all truckers. Just as#hole truckers; like those that drive an empty rig in 45 mph+ winds on the highway, or those who drive so fast they overturn their rigs..
Enough of that. I'm just getting upset. My sister was 19 and I was 13 at the time, my brother was 34 and I was 39 at the time. I have a number of friends who are truck drivers and even pick guitar with a couple of 'em. But even they can't tell me why a dumba@@ truck driver would try to prevent me from moving my motorcycle out of a traffic jamb. But they did tell me what to do when that happens. Sshhhhhhhh, it's a secret.
Real sorry to hear than Jimmy, I understand loss like that. Peace right back to you.
editing, I don't know how I put this in here. Hope you see it.
January 16, 2013 11:58 AM PST
Like others I normally only split lanes when the traffic is stopped or almost stopped.
I always split lanes to get to the front of the line at a Red Light!
January 16, 2013 12:32 PM PST
Always go to the front of the line at red lights!!!!
January 18, 2013 6:26 AM PST
I do it when it's plenty wide enough andtraffic is relatively slow but it's not only those who don't see you who you need to watch out for but morons who deliberately move their cars or vans over to block your way!!! The mentality becomes "if I can't get ahead neither can you!"
Also = why is it that I always breathe in! Makes me feel smaller so I can get through lol (o:
January 18, 2013 12:41 PM PST
Lane Splitting as stated in the video is legal all over, but it has been legal there for a long time, so no drivers are surprised by Motorcycles coming between cars, they expect it. Try that in Chicago today and your chances of dying will go up really quickly. In Europe cars actually move over to let you pass, to make it easier to split a lane, at least in Germany, Austria etc. Still once in a while you see some person thinking they own they road and will actually close up when they see you coming. Here in the US, I think is is suicide, you cant control what cars do and many cant drive cars properly to begin with. Many groups we bitch about their ability to drive to begin with, throw a bike between them and ... I have had many close calls just last year from cars next to me trying to run me over - cell.