Deer. nuf said

    • 9 posts
    June 27, 2012 7:31 PM PDT
    Thanks again, Jet. Sheesh. Sometimes it works for me, sometimes it don't...
    I know, I's the operator. LOL!

    Ride Free
  • July 1, 2012 8:24 AM PDT
    Maybe an extra word of caution: I don't know how much the "schedule" varies from place to place, but I am starting to see fawns. Yeah, they're cute little buggers, but they're prone to just wandering out into a road, and momma tends not to run away into the woods quite as quickly when Bambi is just getting his or her legs.
  • July 1, 2012 8:27 AM PDT
    Mmmmmm, "Bambi and Chips" would you prefer Fries with that?

    (Here in England what you call fries we call CHIPS!!! )
    (Here in England what you call chips we call CRISPS!!! ) 
    • 1780 posts
    July 1, 2012 9:47 AM PDT
    Took a little trip a couple of weekends ago to Willy Nelson land Luckenback Texas.....I was jamming down hwy 16 doing about 80 when I noticed movement to my right.....It was a huge Doe coming at me.......our eyes met she stopped ...I swirved...and we both fell in love by the side of the road. Glad I didn't have to kill her.
  • July 1, 2012 3:37 PM PDT
    2004 when I hit this deer on my way home from Sturgis Rally! **Note the ape hanger bar mark on the shoulder**
  • July 1, 2012 3:41 PM PDT
     2004 when I hit this deer on my way home from Sturgis Rally! **Note the ape hanger bar mark on the shoulder**
  • July 18, 2012 3:59 PM PDT
    I know first hand why kind of damage hitting a deer can do. I just had my third surgery on right thumb and legitimates are gone. Thank God I had a helmet on. Wont stop me from getting back on and riding...:)
    • 9 posts
    July 19, 2012 1:58 AM PDT
    99Savage wrote...
    Jonesy1340 wrote...
    a deer whistle is a small squat piece of plastic that looks like a sits on a base that has sticky shit on it you peel back the lining to expose the contact and stick in your front guard. the air rushing through it causes a shrill noise that scares wildlife outa your path. They work well. Truck drivers use them alot. The work for kangaroos too.

    Saw plenty of deer last time over in 2010, luckily i saw them before they found me. Funniest thing was when I came around a bend and saw an armadillo...I didn't know what it was so i stopped and had checked him right out...imagine a 4 legged armoured atc....all terrain critter....

    Might respectfully disagree w/ you on the effectiveness of deer whistles, but what the hey, they are cheap and might work, certainly will do no harm

    If you arn't scared enough this might add to the paronia


    HUDSON, KAN. -- A 32-year-old man was injured Monday morning after his motorcycle struck an armadillo west of Hudson in Stafford County. 

    At 7:40 a.m., Jeremy K. Krankenberg was westbound on Northeast 100th Street, about three miles west of Hudson, when his 2009 Buell motorcycle struck an armadillo. Krankenberg lost control of the bike and laid it over, the Kansas Highway Patrol reported. 

    Krankenberg was taken to Great Bend Regional Hospital with serious injuries, according to the patrol. A hospital spokesperson reported Krankenberg has been treated and released. 

    The patrol's report did not indicate whether Krankenberg was wearing a helmet. 

    I have nightmares about hittin' a freakin' armadillo.  That's just a little more than a "speedbump"!  'Specially at night!  

    Ride Free 

    • 9 posts
    July 19, 2012 2:01 AM PDT
    Jetman wrote...

    Guero's Link from previous page... activated...

    Tweeks Link from above... activated ... />
    Where you guys are not getting the link to run from here is where you are clicking the submit reply box...if you go through the advanced reply that is to the right of it it will activate your links, also you have to put a space after adding the link to the message ok?

    Clicked the link for S&G's, to see if it works, still.  HOPE YA'LL ARE EIGHTEEN!  Buahaahaaahaaaaa!  OMGosh...REALLY??? MUAH!

    Ride Free

  • July 19, 2012 6:14 AM PDT
    2004 when I hit this deer on my way home from Sturgis Rally! **Note the ape hanger bar mark on the shoulder**

    Dam Black9 she blew up real fast too! LOL!