Deer. nuf said

  • June 25, 2012 2:38 AM PDT
    Well, I had my first true scare on my bike this weekend.  Generally speaking when my hubby and myself ride together, he likes me to lead. So we decide to go on a short little trip along a nice windy road by a river to a local bar & grill for some lunch.  We were going maybe 40-45 mph and a doe came leaping out on to the road.  My front tire missed her by feet; it  happened so fast!  In my state of panic I look over to my right to see if she's being followed by more, and thankfully she wasn't.  I can't even imagine what would have happened if I would have hit that deer just a second earlier.  It took a half hour and a bloody mary to stop the shakes.
    I know many of you out there have had your share of run-ins with nature, so I consider myself rather fortunate to have kept it upright.  But still, everyone be careful out there and thanks for listening to my, still...freaked out self. 
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    June 25, 2012 4:11 AM PDT
    Very glad you missed her. Close encounters of the deer kind are always very frightening.
  • June 25, 2012 5:12 AM PDT
    My close encounter wasn't a deer but a dust devil. The first one only blew dirt in my face but the second one I spotted down the road was about 80 ft. tall and 30 ft. in diameter and after a quick assement I realized we were going to cross paths in about 1/4 mile. I hit the throttle passing in front a mere 20 ft. I'm sure it would have changed my day.
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    June 25, 2012 5:31 AM PDT
    Deer are all over here, most of us run "deer whistles" on our front forks, they really work.
    • 1 posts
    June 25, 2012 6:27 AM PDT
    Have had more then one to close for comfy encoutores with them deer. My moto eat more venision.
    Glad you are okay.
  • June 25, 2012 7:07 AM PDT
    Deer whistle?
    • 5420 posts
    June 25, 2012 9:53 AM PDT
    Glad you are okay. I too have had a deer run out if front of me. The good thing about it was I didn't get hurt and now it's really engrained in my brain to watch for all animals. You know you're supposed to and people tell you all the time, but as they say there is no better teacher than experience.
  • June 25, 2012 10:14 AM PDT
    The deer here are plentyful, though the size of small german shepards, but on one of the federal roads I took in Sturgis what got my attention was the cow and her calf that just rambled right out of the brush between me and 2 oher bikes. Another attention getter was many moons ago when a Moose stepped in front of me in New Hampshire that is lesson always be aware and take advanced Motorcycle training if ya can! make it count have a great one! "T"
    • 1 posts
    June 25, 2012 12:29 PM PDT
    a deer whistle is a small squat piece of plastic that looks like a sits on a base that has sticky shit on it you peel back the lining to expose the contact and stick in your front guard. the air rushing through it causes a shrill noise that scares wildlife outa your path. They work well. Truck drivers use them alot. The work for kangaroos too.

    Saw plenty of deer last time over in 2010, luckily i saw them before they found me. Funniest thing was when I came around a bend and saw an armadillo...I didn't know what it was so i stopped and had checked him right out...imagine a 4 legged armoured atc....all terrain critter....
    • 2 posts
    June 25, 2012 12:48 PM PDT
    Jonesy1340 wrote...
    a deer whistle is a small squat piece of plastic that looks like a sits on a base that has sticky shit on it you peel back the lining to expose the contact and stick in your front guard. the air rushing through it causes a shrill noise that scares wildlife outa your path. They work well. Truck drivers use them alot. The work for kangaroos too.

    Saw plenty of deer last time over in 2010, luckily i saw them before they found me. Funniest thing was when I came around a bend and saw an armadillo...I didn't know what it was so i stopped and had checked him right out...imagine a 4 legged armoured atc....all terrain critter....

    Might respectfully disagree w/ you on the effectiveness of deer whistles, but what the hey, they are cheap and might work, certainly will do no harm

    If you arn't scared enough this might add to the paronia


    HUDSON, KAN. -- A 32-year-old man was injured Monday morning after his motorcycle struck an armadillo west of Hudson in Stafford County. 

    At 7:40 a.m., Jeremy K. Krankenberg was westbound on Northeast 100th Street, about three miles west of Hudson, when his 2009 Buell motorcycle struck an armadillo. Krankenberg lost control of the bike and laid it over, the Kansas Highway Patrol reported. 

    Krankenberg was taken to Great Bend Regional Hospital with serious injuries, according to the patrol. A hospital spokesperson reported Krankenberg has been treated and released. 

    The patrol's report did not indicate whether Krankenberg was wearing a helmet. 
    • 1 posts
    June 25, 2012 12:55 PM PDT
    what happened to the armadillo?
  • June 25, 2012 1:37 PM PDT
    they is pretty not so smart creatures, they hurt when they run into your leg when hiking about......................
    • 823 posts
    June 25, 2012 3:14 PM PDT
     No one commented on my video in another thread so here it is again.  Last month on vacation..............

    • 823 posts
    June 25, 2012 3:27 PM PDT
     These six pics are still frame from video.  I am not sure how many frames per second but this all took place in six frames.  I thought I was going to have to have my underwear surgically removed!
  • June 25, 2012 3:28 PM PDT
    Why did the deer cross the road?
    • 823 posts
    June 25, 2012 3:30 PM PDT
    To scare the sh*t outa me!! lol
    • 79 posts
    June 25, 2012 4:19 PM PDT
    had alot of close calls on the bike but have never hit one,i have killed two with my truck
    • 3006 posts
    June 26, 2012 12:31 PM PDT
    Where there is one,there is usually at least a couple more !!! We git them in family groups in the neighborhood.Only hit one once,just a glancing shot,mainly cause I was going too fast & didnt have time to git out of there way.Another couple of major animal hazards out here,turkeys & buzzards!
  • June 26, 2012 11:36 PM PDT
    jmd1967 wrote...
    had alot of close calls on the bike but have never hit one,i have killed two with my truck

    Same here... almost hit a wolf on my bike a few years back, which is probably one of my more interesting wildlifre encounters on a bike.  A few weeks back, I ran over the hindquarters of a dead deer on I-39... again interesting, sound of bones breaking, happily none of my own...

    I can't get over how monumentally stupid deer are.  Two years ago, one ran into the back of my pickup while I was heading into work.  I didn't hit it; it hit me.  Just ran out of the woods and smacked into the bed.

  • June 27, 2012 8:10 AM PDT
    Years ago we had a doe jump over the front of our bike. My wife whirled around to look and see what that was, well when she did that it thru the balance of the bike all to hell. We spent the next 100 yds riding on both sides of the road. Good thing there were no cars in the other lane at the time. What still amazes me about it was that the whole deer episode happened so fast that we could'nt have done anything about it.
    • 9 posts
    June 27, 2012 10:03 AM PDT
    This one is an oldee but goodee... It doesn't look too bad. But keep watchin'. WOW!

    Ride Free

    TheTweek64 has shared a video with you on YouTube:
    Motorcycle Hits Deer @ 85 mph | Helmet Cam
    You might have to C&P the url, sorry.  It didn't load right...ugh.

  • June 27, 2012 10:28 AM PDT
    Brewer wrote...
    Why did the deer cross the road?

    It was the chickens day off!!!

  • June 27, 2012 10:30 AM PDT

    Guero's Link from previous page... activated...

    Tweeks Link from above... activated ... />
    Where you guys are not getting the link to run from here is where you are clicking the submit reply box...if you go through the advanced reply that is to the right of it it will activate your links, also you have to put a space after adding the link to the message ok?

    • 823 posts
    June 27, 2012 10:58 AM PDT
    The space was throwing me off. Thanks! Oh and also I see lots of deer strike videos with those little whitetails. Not saying it is fun to hit one though by any means. Mule deer are harder to walk away from. We grow them bigger out west!
  • June 27, 2012 2:24 PM PDT
    In South Arkansas deer are plentiful. Grown one's stand over 3' from their back to the ground, and weigh over 100lbs. Bucks are much larger! We've all gotta keep a close watch and remain aware.

    99Savage mentioned an armadillo. I read where hitting one is like hitting a sandbag...not a good thing.