ok, I may be opening a can of worms here, but I feel it is important to say this,
May is Motorcycle Safety Month Right??? Soooo.... Do you practice good riding safety all the time??? How about your helmut???? Do you wear it?? or is it decoration on the back of the bike "INCASE" you have to wear it?? I know many of you like having the choice to wear it or not, and I totally understand the relaxing feeling one gets when the wind is blowing through the hair giving you the look of a realtive of Einstine. BUT>>>>>> it is not called "Brain Bucket " for no reason. I also am aware of the controversy of whether it can safe a life or actually end a life >>> Same as seat belts!!! Did you know Brain damage is irreversible??? I have seen the effects of brain damage >>> it turned a 40- year old man into the life of an infant or small child, although he physically he looks ok, his mind is like that of a child. He had to learn to read, write, talk, walk, and function all over again. it is very sad watching him.
Since I have been on here the past two years, I have recieved lots of support and encouragement in my riding. Everyone says to ride safe and rubber side down, Which I am very thankful for. So I am taking this time to return the care and concern back to all you as well. Please be safe and ride safe, PLEASE CONSIDER WEARING YOUR HELMUTS AS WELL!! I would like to KEEP you as friends here>> to hear your stories and share in your experiences. Enjoy your day, and live to ride!!!
Your friend,
Biker Sue