Sue, thank you for continue spreading "Motorcycle Awareness" and keeping it in our minds. Accidents will happen, deaths will occure and so will those who end up permittly disfigured or those with brain damage. I am all about the right to decide for myself is I want to wear or not to wear a helmet. All my helmets are DOT and Snell approved. My passangers have the choice of Full Face or Full Face, well one I didn't offer a choice. Personally Helmets are most needed on those "short" trips or around town. We are more likely to get into an accident when we are with in 10 miles of our homes, at slower speeds out chances are greater for survival from a slow speed accident. However with that said we are more likely to suffer the greatest risks for brain injuries at slower speeds. Highway accidents well helmet or no helmet folks surive by the grace of God. I have found my self reaching for a full face more than the dome helmet lately I don't know why, can't even give ya a good reason either. I have to admit this I often wear a helmet to keep my scalp from getting burnt, my hair from being a mess since I'm not a fan of the doo rag. No matter what you decided to do it is your decision to wear or not to wear, as it is my decision to wear or not to wear. Now that my hair is longer, well I can to things to keep it from being messy so I may go without a helmet too.........I do believe that it is up to each and everyone of us to know the facts, learn the facts, and from there make the decision to wear or not to wear. Education first then decide its your life, its your choice, remember only you can choose for you..................Me Sometimes I wear my full face, sometimes I wear my 1/2, other times I got bared headed and no matter what happens from this choice it was my choice. Have a great one! "T"