my grandmom

  • March 26, 2012 10:13 AM PDT
    Sorry to hear that Honey...but as you said, a better place soon ...keep the faith Honey...thinkin of ya...
  • March 26, 2012 10:06 PM PDT
    Jetman wrote...
    Sorry to hear that Honey...but as you said, a better place soon ...keep the faith Honey...thinkin of ya...
    thank you soo much!
  • March 27, 2012 8:51 AM PDT
    hey guys! i want yall to know that granny is now on complete bedrest! shes not getting out of bed till GOD comes and takes her home...... i have a brother tom tom and a nepew little chuckie< that will be at heavens gate waiting for her............ im ok tho! tears keep getting in my eyes but im gonna be strong for my mom! we will get thru thisshe has a rattle in her chest and my mom says its a death rattle : ( never heard that till now!  but my granny told me to tell my friends on cyclefish, thank you for your prayers and she will hold a spot for you all when its your time to come home....... ohhhh hahahaha dont know weither i should laugh or cry so im gonna do both!   thank you for everything! god bless you all!  much love *idamae*
  • March 27, 2012 9:53 AM PDT
    be strong, whether she makes her birthday( which would be really cool) or not is not for us to decide. But waiting and getting through this is still hard no matter what. I was blessed to have all 4 of my grandparents throughout most of my adult life. I now only have 1 grandma left ( 93) whom I love to visit often in the home. All three of the others went differently, and each of them were just as difficult as ever. I was very close to all of them as it sounds like you are too.
    Nothing can replace those we love so much, but keep the memories alive and remember the fun and love you have had. thoughts and prayers are with you, Here's hoping she makes her dream even if she does as she sleeps. And know she loves you too.
    • 823 posts
    March 27, 2012 5:21 PM PDT
    I only have my dad left as far as parents and grand parents go. Went through some tough losses especially my mom. I still miss her but I have good memories of her and all of them. Those memories will always be with me......... That in my book is what we live for, to be remembered well by those who love us. In that way we live on still. I feel for you Idamae.
  • March 27, 2012 9:46 PM PDT
    thank you both! my grandmother passed away last nite....... she's in heaven now, im a little sad but im ok! i made her smile and laugh the last few days we had her.... i have my memories to keep her close to me. its so sad when we lose the ones we love! but im still here and im gonna be happy and live my life!
  • March 27, 2012 10:05 PM PDT
    I'm sorry to hear of your loss. There are no magic words I can offer but maybe these two thoughts will bring you some comfort...First,God makes no mistakes and has a plan for everyone and Second, you have friends and a folks from all over offering prayers for comfort for all of you.

    Take care and God bless you and yours.

    MSG Bigg
  • March 27, 2012 10:50 PM PDT
    Sorry she didn't make her Birthday, but hey, Now is the time to just keep on remembering and just as important, look after YOU now ok? Dont forget to take care of You right now, right? Thinking of ya!
  • March 28, 2012 12:21 AM PDT
    MSGBIGG69 wrote...
    I'm sorry to hear of your loss. There are no magic words I can offer but maybe these two thoughts will bring you some comfort...First,God makes no mistakes and has a plan for everyone and Second, you have friends and a folks from all over offering prayers for comfort for all of you.

    Take care and God bless you and yours.

    MSG Bigg
    thank you so much, she's in a better place now and i did cry, but i also smiled because i did spend time with her laughing an painting her nails, we talked alot of when my brothers an sister were young, hanging on the back porch eating tomatos from her garden, and laughed about me wrecking my mini bike an me landing in the bushes! lol  love you guys for being here and offering kind words! thank you sweetyidamae
  • March 28, 2012 12:27 AM PDT
    Seakers wrote...
    I all so hope she makes it. Our elders in this country are second class Citiziens and get very little respect from young people. They are to be enjoyed and listened to and help when they need it. I have lost 5 out of 6 of mine and never got to know 1 of them. Sending prayers for you and your family.
    thank you sooo much! i have always given respect to my elders! thats how my momma raised me she's in heaven with alot of family members now..... and finally at peace
    • 9 posts
    March 28, 2012 12:29 AM PDT
    Sorry for your loss girl! Cherish those moments you had. I was privileged to have such moments with my Mom before she passed, and I'll always, always treasure them. She obviously had a great impact on and in your life, so YOU are her living legacy. Be proud, the best of her is in YOU. And she can live forever, as long as you pass down, what you received from her. My prayers are with you.

    Ride Free
    • 395 posts
    March 28, 2012 12:35 AM PDT
    So sorry my friend..remember what i told will help.... your fond memories will always keep her in your heart.
  • March 28, 2012 1:43 AM PDT
    So sorry my friend..remember what i told will help.... your fond memories will always keep her in your heart.
    i will keep her in my heart, always..... im ok tho, cryed so much last nite! my head hurts!!!!!! lol but im going to bed now, been up too long, tex ya later sweetyand thank you sooo much!
  • March 28, 2012 2:16 AM PDT
    My condolences on the loss of your mother. Thoughts and prayers.
  • March 28, 2012 2:42 AM PDT
    Brewer wrote...
    My condolences on the loss of your mother. Thoughts and prayers.
    thank you brewer! im ok now that she's at peace.......
  • March 28, 2012 3:33 AM PDT
    I just saw this and my heart & Prayers go out for you, her and your family!! I Pray that she will celebrate her 90th with you all!! It sounds like you come from a strong family and thats what she has passed on to you. Idamae, when you look in the mirror you will always be looking at her strength, her courage and her strong sense of family!!
    Prayers for healing & continued strength comin your way!!
  • March 28, 2012 8:24 AM PDT
    I'm sorry idamae. I was really hoping she would make it, But I guess God always knows best. I am glad you are doing ok, with it too. sometimes it is more peaceful knowing they are not suffering any more and those of us left here, dont have to wonder "is today the day" anymore, In time you will move on, live for her, honor her, remember her. tears are ok too! I still cry at times when I stop and think of my grandma and it's been 3 years.
  • March 29, 2012 12:51 AM PDT
    bikersue wrote...
    I'm sorry idamae. I was really hoping she would make it, But I guess God always knows best. I am glad you are doing ok, with it too. sometimes it is more peaceful knowing they are not suffering any more and those of us left here, dont have to wonder "is today the day" anymore, In time you will move on, live for her, honor her, remember her. tears are ok too! I still cry at times when I stop and think of my grandma and it's been 3 years.
    awwwwww lol now imma cry again! yes im soo glad she is not in pain anymore! we are putting her to rest on her birthday, april 2nd 2012. thank you sweety for just being here for me and mine! bless your heart! always *idamae*
    • 580 posts
    March 29, 2012 12:00 PM PDT
    So sorry to hear that Idamae but happy that you managed to spend lots of time with her. Forever in your heart hun and you can take comfort in the great love you shared. Sending you sincerest condolences and big hugs x
  • March 29, 2012 12:21 PM PDT
    chocmintz wrote...
    So sorry to hear that Idamae but happy that you managed to spend lots of time with her. Forever in your heart hun and you can take comfort in the great love you shared. Sending you sincerest condolences and big hugs x
    aww thank you chocmintz! yes im ok today! tomorrow is another day lol have a good nite! thank you everyone!
  • March 29, 2012 12:38 PM PDT
    My condolences Idamae to you and your family. It is hardest on us left behing because we just don't know what is coming next. Remember the joy, hope and love and with time her memories will make you all smile. I light a white candle for her may Blessed Mary help guider her to the kingdom of Heaven. For all of you I send you strenght and comfort. My Deepest Sympathies,
    • 1780 posts
    March 29, 2012 5:47 PM PDT
    Grandmothers are the best people on earth. When ya get to spend the night with them, they let ya do things your Mom won't. I use to spend Sat. Nights with my Nannie (my Mom's Mom) and every Sat. Night for desert we had half a pear with cottage cheese on it, while we would watch wresting and Roller Derby. I do sometimes miss those simple times.
    You hold on to the memories of you and your Granny, thoses you can keep forever.
    Thinking of you during this tough time
    The Night Dragon
  • March 29, 2012 9:32 PM PDT
    Tumbles wrote...
    My condolences Idamae to you and your family. It is hardest on us left behing because we just don't know what is coming next. Remember the joy, hope and love and with time her memories will make you all smile. I light a white candle for her may Blessed Mary help guider her to the kingdom of Heaven. For all of you I send you strenght and comfort. My Deepest Sympathies,
    thank you for being so sweet! i know she is in no pain an is in a better place
  • March 29, 2012 9:35 PM PDT
    NightDragon wrote...
    Grandmothers are the best people on earth. When ya get to spend the night with them, they let ya do things your Mom won't. I use to spend Sat. Nights with my Nannie (my Mom's Mom) and every Sat. Night for desert we had half a pear with cottage cheese on it, while we would watch wresting and Roller Derby. I do sometimes miss those simple times.
    You hold on to the memories of you and your Granny, thoses you can keep forever.
    Thinking of you during this tough time
    The Night Dragon
    yes they are the best! she was the last to go and i did spend time with her!  i have good memories like you i loved to spend the weekends with her an my pop pop! thank you! she's at peace an has no more pain an for that i feel better
  • March 29, 2012 9:41 PM PDT
    i had gotten my granny a different kind of lilly, she wanted to plant it in my moms yard come easter : ( so now my mother an i are gonna plant it in the yard near my grandmoms window outside of her bedroom........ i think she would have liked that....... i will miss her, my whole family will. but im gonna be ok and be happy that she is with my lil brother tommy, my nephew lil chuckie and my son edward. they are all together i believe, thank you everyone! idamae