April 25, 2009 4:18 PM PDT
Hello everyone, a little new in this forum (as in my first post), but I feel compelled to chime in on this one:
- A couple years ago, I saw someone end up with a tank slapper because someone made a left and "didn't see him."
- Last year, I high sided avoiding another car that came into my lane (other alternative was oncoming traffic on 202).
- Just today, during a poker run in MD, there was an accident that ended up with one rider DOA and another medivac'd out. http://www.thebaynet.com/news/index.cfm/fa/viewstory/story_ID/13002
For me, there is too much riding on me keeping my brain and face intact. There are too many people out there that have there minds on things other than driving for me not to wear my lid (full face) 100% of the time. I applaud to have freedom of choice. My choice is to wear protection, Head-to-toe.