December 30, 2015 1:01 PM PST
I am not a rider. About 3 years ago, the Lord gave this idea to me. The Lord gave me these (decals) marks as a way to reduce the number of motorcycle accidents by ensuring that drivers are diligently looking for motorcycles as diligently as they are looking for cars, trucks, and people. This decal will help drivers to focus their eyes and their mind to diligently look for motorcycles. I know this to be true because as military helicopter pilot we flew many hours flying low level using night vision goggles. During that time the goggles that we used could not distinguish power lines, so we were taught to diligently look for the power line poles. Looking diligently for the power poles gave us the ability to avoid power lines. Likewise, this decal will remind drivers to diligently look for motorcycles and other riders.