November 13, 2010 2:58 AM PST

This is Nellie Belle, the 1962 Police Special Duo- Glide that my Dad,( God Rest His Soul !), bought in '68 for $375! I rode her for the first time at the age of 13! Dad gave her to me in '72 when I got my High School Diploma! I am Blessed beyond measure to still be riding her almost daily!! She ,of course has several mods, such as a '02 front end,( 4" over,4 piston brake caliper),Rear disc ( drum brakes won't work for Ft. Lauderdale traffic !), 1.5 primary belt inside the tins, S&S E carb, 12 volt electrics, .050 over pistons, "H" cam, ect... . Not many can truthfully say that thay have ridden the SAME scoot for over 40 years !! God is Good ,All the Time !!! Ride Safe, Ride Free, Ride for Him !!!!! God Bless !!!