A majority of the young men in today's army, are superior soldiers, IN A VIDEO
GAME. But you put them any where near actual combat, and they start crying for Momma and sucking there
thumbs. And they are also mostly drug addicted, (marijuana) alcoholics. Hence, the highest number of suicides among returning combat veterans, in the history of all foreign wars.
There are so many things wrong with that statement, I don't even know where to start. A majority? Really? That whole statement just makes me shake my head. Tweek, you seem like a nice enough person but, what do you think qualifies you as someone who can analyze PTSD in combat vets?
I'm not talking about men who actually have PTSD. Who have seen and done things, that would shake anyone's reserve. I'm talking about the kids coming back, never having seen ANY action. Some so far removed from the frontlines, they're on another continent. Now, if just being in the armed forces is enough to cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, then that's the point isn't it? They are accepting weak indivduals, who can't handle the orders given them. I don't know if you have children, but I can tell you, the kids today are very immature comparitively speaking. Our generation at nineteen and twenty something, were prepared for life, before college, or career's and even marriage. And most of us did all of those things without giving it a second thought. Kids today are more concerned with what they're getting next, and from who. Their sense of entitlement is off the
freakin' charts. And gratitude is unheard of. Not by all, but by many. I know this, because I have a 20 year old, in college. And I have many friends,
whose son's HAVE enlisted, and in many cases, I saw the results I spoke about. And I also have two disabled vet's in my family, and have made
many trips to the VA with them. There's no such thing as casual observation in a VA waiting room. Parents of veterans, and veterans all talk.
These conclusions are not just my own. Sorry if I offended you, it's just my observation, after all. PEACE
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