Where are we going with this country

    • 1780 posts
    August 11, 2011 7:19 AM PDT
    I've always made it a point  NOT TO discuss three things....Religion, Politics or how much money I make, but I think I will make an exception here, because I would like the opinion of smarter people than I on ....where are we going as a Country?? I mean Countries around the world are going broke, our economy isn't really looking all that great, and I've heard cry's of a reloution. Somebody enlighten me please, because I'm prepairing now for the worst. This is what I tell Angel Eyes when I buy another gun.....LOL

    Night Dragon
    • 0 posts
    August 11, 2011 9:54 AM PDT
    Mate your mob seem to be in a bloody shitload of strife with cash atm..I'll give ya the mail.You mob aint Robinson Crusoe mate..Our economy is still ok so they tell us but I believe them as much as I do in fairies..Speaking of fairies we have a premier in one state who is an old poof and major politician has just announced that her and her lesbian lover are having a baby and we have a sheila prime minister who got the job by default..We have boat loads of the scum of the earth washing up on our shores everyday and being looked after in motels by these clowns..This year as a social experiment the clowns decided to import 16000 refugee's from Kenya(most are actually somalian) and drop them right in the middle of our suburbs..Since then violent crime and crime in general has risen by 23% which aint a bad average seeings as the imports are only 5% of the population.When we moved to this city 4 years ago it was a pleasant nice big country town,now you dont go out after dark unless your protected..We have 3 mosques with in 4 miles of here and sometimes when shopping you struggle to spot another Aussie..Our population is only 20 million and immigration is a part of every countries growth..Problem is we are letting the wrong people in who are not here to become Aussies or assimilate..They ghettoize and hate us they look at us like we are shit...We have been invaded passively and the powers who be are to stupid to see whats happened.The biggest problem Dragon my old mate is our countries and destiny's are in the hands of an incompetent few who serve their terms get their pensions and are not accountable for the damage they leave behind.. The minority unfortunately these days is PATRIOTS old mate..END OF RANT...CHEERS BOOF
    • 1780 posts
    August 11, 2011 10:04 AM PDT
    I will tell you this my crazy down under Bro if I see a mob coming down my street with a look of evil in their eyes, they will be met with extreme violent repercussions from the Dragon and Angel Eyes. I shoot pretty damn good, and Angel Eyes shoots even better than I. I say BRING IT ON!!!!! I will man the roof with my Remington 300 Ultra Mag with Bushell scope, while Angel Eyes covers the windows with the Thompson. Me two dogs will clean up whatever manages to get through the perimeter.
    • 0 posts
    August 11, 2011 10:38 AM PDT
    Well mate old habits die hard..As you know for a while there I was in the security industry..Now days when I look at a new house I assess its defense options..The house we are looking at has the high ground a concrete bunker style garage area and great visibility from all angles..As for defending this position you have seen the toy box mate..An old bloke once told me" grab all the guns and ammo you can carry,coz nothing sux more than dying from a lack of shooting back"..Civil unrest down here is truly a bloody longshot mate.BUT IF it does occur I aint gonna be snoozin..CHEERS BOOF
    • 638 posts
    August 11, 2011 11:31 AM PDT
    when you cater to lazy pieces of crap and illegal immigrant criminals and throw them free housing and money, they are sure to vote you in for another 4 years. Look at what has happened in just 2 years of this crap. Can you imagine another 6? The number of well fed and insured illegals and unemployed will surely double by then meaning double the votes for the next asshole in line with the same agenda. It's pitiful. I am still a proud American, but really disapointed in the Americans that allowed and invited this to happen to my country.
    • 1780 posts
    August 11, 2011 12:13 PM PDT
    Kingbiscuit what in Gods name can we do besides vote to clown's out? Why is this happining to such a great nation, that our forfathers spent thousands of hours trying to write a cover all sitution document just to have it spat upon for the sake of the rich and powerful. This is suppost to be a nation of the people for the people.....What happen?
    • 638 posts
    August 11, 2011 12:47 PM PDT
    I wish I knew brother. This isn't the place I grew up in that's for sure. I feel sorry for my kids and grandkids. I thought I would be leaving them more than this. I would rather empty out my 401k and set it on fire rather than let someone else have it. I'm a VERY generous guy, but this is BS.
    • 2072 posts
    August 12, 2011 2:00 AM PDT
    I do not like this Uncle Sam, I do not like his health care scam.
    I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books.
    I do not like when Congress steals, I do not like their secret deals.
    I do not like ex-speaker Nan, I do not like this 'YES WE CAN'.
    I do not like this spending spree, I'm smart, I know that nothing's free.
    I do not like their smug replies, when I complain about their lies.
    I do not like this kind of hope. I do not like it. nope, nope, nope! ~
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    August 12, 2011 2:08 AM PDT
    Jeeze Kenny ya scared me. When I first read the title of this forum I sharpened up my edit pencil. No need, for all has been handled well.
    I for one am not a doom sayer. Crap has happened to every generation, I remember my parents complaining of the youth of their day, and my father crying the woe is us mantra about Kennedy being elected. Crap a Catholic in the White House, what's next, a Jew? Where is this world going they would say. So now I guess it is our turn to utter the dirge. I for one am the eternal optimist, until ya slap me in the face, then expect 10 times back. But my rose colored glasses does not mean I am not prepared.
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    August 12, 2011 6:04 AM PDT
    If you can answer this correctly, you can answer the question on what action to take on raising the Federal debt ceiling.

    You come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup and you have sewage up to your ceilings.

    What do you do?

    A.. Raise the ceilings

    B.. Pump out the crap?

    • 9 posts
    August 12, 2011 7:06 AM PDT
    Pump's the word. Riot Pump. There's going to be a revolution, maybe not for a few more years, but you can bank on it my friends. Or better yet, don't bank. Dig a hole and hide your money, cause the way banks are still failing, I wouldn't want to trust the FDIC to do it's job. Or any other governmental security agency, for that matter. It's also, only a matter of time, that one of the "sleeper" cells, Osama sent here 15 years ago, is gonna do the job that they've been scrupulously planning, the kind with the most devastation. I'm sorry to sound like an alarmist folks, but the time is coming, and Dragon is so right. We need to be READY!!!
    Ride Free...until they pry it out of your cold, dead, hands!!!

    Dang, Dragon...
    Just watched John Wayne's America
    Nobody but the "DUKE" could stir as much emotion!  SIGN ME UP!
    • 9 posts
    August 12, 2011 7:12 AM PDT
    Rev: C: Ya give yourself a big raise & move to a new house!
    • 395 posts
    August 12, 2011 8:35 AM PDT
    when i was growing up, my parents made me aware of what to expect when things go bad...from reading all the books on how to survive a nuclear blast, to what plants you can eat in the wild, to cooking anything on an open fire, to being able to hunt and kill my own food...and i hated it! when i finally asked why the answer i got was simple.......the world has now become one big country, with selfish greedy people running it and sooner or late the glass boat is going to break and the government will be worried about their own and the rest of us will be s.o.l...unless we can fend for ourselves. i as well don't want to be all "gloom and doom" but with only three to five days food supply in any major city, and so many of our society having the "the government owes us" attitude when thin gs do go south i would much rather have the skills and not need them than need them and not have them.....to answer your question things are going south and the best thing you can do is hope for the best...but be prepared for the worst.
    • 3006 posts
    August 12, 2011 12:39 PM PDT
    Good question,wish I knew the answer! Yet I can say one thing violence aint the way to start making the changes we need to do as a society in this day n age,there is too much at stake.If democracy is going to survive,then it cant turn a new page if its based on the same old same old from washngton politicians..it is clear in this election year that anyone has a shot at making it as presdnt ,.. they had better have some sort of agenda outlining the changes that need to be addressed immediately. some real changes that we as citizens clearly see the need for.
    Unfortunately our current pres seems to like to lead from the rear,and I am not being ovrly critical abt his leadrship,he just seems to lack any real spine when it comes to policy decisions.The same applies for all the folks who are in congress..its in sore of need of house cleaning the whole idea of failing to work together to advance the countrys well being in this last congress seems crazy,the fact that we are favoring the incredibly rich few at the expense of our countrys well being ...is something thats part of our craziness I guess..yet that too will change,who knows when..?
    • 567 posts
    August 12, 2011 1:03 PM PDT
    Just like NightDragon, I "try" to not discuss politics, religion and salaries. But I'm in complete agreement with him that I feel this country is going downhill and the decline is accelerating.
    I consider myself basically middle of the road when it comes to politics. I'm fiscally conservative and liberal when it comes to moral issues .. mainly because I think its true that the govt needs to keep their noses out of our personal lives. And, I do listen to both sides whether I agree with them or not. They are entitled to their opinions. (They just need to know that I'm not going to allow them to cram their opinion down my throat.)
    Speaking of entitlements ... I remember when things like Social Security and Medicare where there to protect our elderly and disabled. But people have forgotten that they are NOT entitled to everything. You are supposed to EARN your way in this world. You are not employed by the government and therefore not on their payroll. Its supposed to be your taxes on your earnings that pay for ALL entitlements .. of which I feel there are currently way too many. Also, like many others, I'm aware how people play the entitlement system. Besides things like food stamps, they get govt entitlement money to not only pay their rent and their utilities, they DON'T pay those items themselves so that they can get eviction notices or get their utilities turned off and then have a government program come in and bail them out .. and then the cycle starts all over again .. deliberately!
    Okay. I need to get off my soapbox before I bore y'all to death on the subject.
    Lets just say that I not only agree with NightDragon's way of thinking .. this afternoon I went to the gun range and got in some practice.   

    • 1780 posts
    August 13, 2011 2:00 AM PDT

    Well there has been a lot of comments about this subject, but I know one thing we as a nation, a group of hard working tax paying people MUST stand together and in one loud voice,  say..."I will not take this anymore from the rich greedy and self serving" this is a country of the people, for the people, and it's worth fighting for. John Wayne has said it pretty well.
    • 2 posts
    August 13, 2011 4:26 AM PDT
     IMO. blaming any current or recent administration is pointless. The situation in the U.S and the rest of the developed world is caused by a corrupt and broken financial system. A friend who is much smarter then myself and has over 30 years experience in the working of Wall street provided the best explanation of the current (and future crisis). I will share it with  y'all.

    "The US has a disease.

    The disease cannibalizes the wealth and freedom of options for the middle class, small businesses, the concept of the nation state and in particular, the USA itself:

    1. First, the disease starts with the ability to combine trillions of dollars in mortgages guaranteed to default by packaging unlimited quantities of them into mortgage-backed securities (MBS), (Notice this invention has to be recommended to senior management, boards, risk managers, general counsels and approved…all deliberate actions deliberately taken….and they have to inform people at the Fed…especially the Fed in NY) 

    2. Then the disease sets in motion the marketing and sales efforts necessary to turn the concept into wealth for a few by creating unlimited demand for fraudulently originated loans. Again, budgets, plans and approvals by many are required

    3. Then these MBS are sold as "safe" to credulous investors, institutions, town councils etc.

    4. Then the diseased institutions make huge "side bets" against these doomed mortgages so when they default then the short-side bets generate billions in profits.

    5. Then the diseased zombies leverage each $1 of actual capital into $100 of high-risk bets.

    6. The hosts hide the utterly fraudulent bets offshore and/or off-balance sheet (not that the bought off and co opted regulators would have noticed ).

    7. When the long side bets go bad, transfer hundreds of billions of dollars in Federal guarantees, bailouts and backstops into the private hands which made the risky bets, either via direct payments or via proxies like AIG. 

    8) This enables the zombie Power Elite Institutions (TBTF) to borrow hundreds of billions more from the Treasury/Fed at zero interest.

    9. Deposit these funds at the Federal Reserve, where they earn 3-4%. 

    10. Reap billions in guaranteed income by borrowing Federal money for free and getting paid interest by the Fed (meaning the taxpayers in the middle class).

    11. As profits pile up, start buying boatloads of short-term U.S. Treasuries. 

    Now the middle class taxpayers who absorbed the trillions in private losses and who transferred trillions in subsidies, backstops, guarantees, bailouts and loans to private banks and corporations, are now paying interest on the Treasuries their own money purchased for the banks/corporations.

    12. Slowly acquire trillions of dollars in Treasuries--not difficult to do as the Federal government is borrowing $1.5 trillion a year.

    Now the diseased have multiple possible next steps as they accelerates cannibalization rates:

    The diseased could sit back and count the hundreds of billions of dollars in interest payments being paid by taxpayers on Treasuries that were purchased with their money but which are safely in elite hands. 

    Since the Federal government could potentially inflate away these trillions in Treasuries, it will be important to promote austerity so inflation remains tame.

    The circle is now complete: in "saving our financial system," the middle class borrowed trillions and transferred the money to private Elite, who then buy the public debt with the money from the taxpayer. Then the taxpayers transfer more wealth every year in the form of interest on the Treasury debt. The Elite will own the debt that was taken on to bail them out of bad private bets: this is the culmination of privatized gains, socialized risk.

    In effect, it's a reverse Third World/colonial scam on a gigantic scale: Buying the wealth creation results of the country with money you borrowed from its taxpayers.

    Watch before your very eyes as financial elites will champion the need to rein in Federal debt, (austerity) now that they have raised the debt ceilings and extended ownership over that debt.

    Now it boils down to insuring the middle class pays enough taxes to pay the interest on the Federal debt--interest which is sure to rise considerably. 

    This disease comes from political and financial institutions well under control in the 1960’s and 1970’s was not anticipated and it is this plus the lack of accountability to the common good that has accelerated and will deepen this problem and may well deepen it to (within speculative reason) the edge of social unrest.

    meanwhile, too many of us debate which party is at fault and which tax code changes are our favorites


    There are alternatives for us:


    Focus on family and small communities

    Get better

    Don't get fooled" - Bill

    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    • 611 posts
    August 13, 2011 7:11 AM PDT
    To StBobber... Thank you for the clearest explanation of our fiscal mess that I have EVER read (and I read a LOT). I want to copy and paste it EVERYWHERE. Problem is, there are concepts/ideas that some folk cannot grasp quickly. Oh well, I understood it... Just a f*king biker ):~/

    To everyone else, I am well armed and I am quick to defend what is mine and my friends when it gets heavy. There's just one small problem... the lethal arm of the government that is there just for that reason, to control the 'Masses' when they riot/storm the Bastille or whatever you want to call 'insurrection'.... The State Police, County Sheriff, Local Police force.... and the BADDEST MUTHA OUT THERE! The National Guard. Does anybody remember what they did at a peaceful protest at Kent State University? They killed four students...
    They have RPG's, fully automatic weapons, choppers loaded w/death and F*KING TANKS!!!!

    So, let us not talk revolution/insurrection in the streets... Rather in the polling places, the grocery store, the bars..... and remember, it is ONLY us against them... The wealthy elite, the politician, the banker.... That's THEM! I don't give a flying rats ass about abortion/gun control/illegal immigrants/or ANYTHING ELSE the MEDIA throws up at us! IT IS ALL A SMOKE SCREEN! To divide us, to scatter our resolve (well, I don't like him/her because they don't feel like I do), to keep themselves in power.... They will do ANYTHING to divert/split "We The People".
    Alright, rant over.Think about it, it's all JMO (just my opinion)
    Ride Enjoy Repeat!
    • 1780 posts
    August 13, 2011 9:05 AM PDT
    Holly crap it just hit me, why should we all give a shit about anything along this subject line...remember..........December of 2012 the world is coming to an end anyway. So until then forget all this wo is me stuff, and party until your balls fall off, or something like that. Ladies you can decide what you want to fall off !!!!!
    • 2072 posts
    August 13, 2011 12:12 PM PDT
    I'm not buying into that world is ending in 2012 crap. THAT was supposed to happen a few months ago. I quit my job, maxed out all my credit cards, mortgaged EVERYTHING I owned, partied like there was no tomorrow (cause that's what they said was gonna happen), spit into the wind and slapped Superman on the ass.......... Now I'm REALLY screwed !!!!!!!!
    • 1161 posts
    August 13, 2011 4:58 PM PDT
    I agree it was good to see opinions of people smarter then my self. But like some of you I am also trying to "stock up" but I'm also looking in to becoming a gun smith when I get the chance and cash. Because to repair, make new parts.

    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    August 13, 2011 5:39 PM PDT
    when i was growing up, my parents made me aware of what to expect when things go bad...from reading all the books on how to survive a nuclear blast, to what plants you can eat in the wild, to cooking anything on an open fire, to being able to hunt and kill my own food...and i hated it! when i finally asked why the answer i got was simple.......the world has now become one big country, with selfish greedy people running it and sooner or late the glass boat is going to break and the government will be worried about their own and the rest of us will be s.o.l...unless we can fend for ourselves. i as well don't want to be all "gloom and doom" but with only three to five days food supply in any major city, and so many of our society having the "the government owes us" attitude when thin gs do go south i would much rather have the skills and not need them than need them and not have them.....to answer your question things are going south and the best thing you can do is hope for the best...but be prepared for the worst.

    Glad to hear you are a suviver.

    I was fortunate enough to have been brought up in a household where growing your own food, hunting, trapping, and fishing  was taught by a woman that at 12 became the woman / mother of her  household during the Great Depression after her mother's death, and a man raised on a farm who survived combat in WWII.
    I am also glad I was a member of a Boy Scout troop with survivalist as leaders, and an Exployer post who's deal was emergency first-aid.
    Being in the U.S.M.C.'s Force Recon was also a big part of who I am today.
    Being born with the nack of building and or fixing stuff, was suplimented by attending factory endorced schools for machanics, welding, ect. sure goes a long way on being self suficent, I still have my CDL minus the Hazmat endorcement.

    I feel bad for the folks that reality is a movie or a video game, if all hell breakes loose they are gonners.

    • 1780 posts
    August 14, 2011 1:28 AM PDT
    Yep I'm still stocking up on supplies........My latest supply

    • 1780 posts
    August 14, 2011 1:31 AM PDT
    Guess that last picture was a bit big