Greetings bikers,
My name is Pat and I'm a wanna-be-biker-poor-college student. I've always wanted to be a biker and now that i am of age and have the capable funds I'm ready to get my FIRST BIKE!
I have some "newbie" questions that i would sincerly appreciate some accurate advice and recomendations.
-My first problem is the fact that i do not know anything about motorcycles!
-My second problem is the MONEY! i have to buy a used bike and i do not know what to look for when i am looking at it and testing it out.
I know what i want though......i want a crotch rocket that i can fit a girl on the back comfortably

. I also want it to be safe, reliable, comfortable,and generally a bike i can show off with (speed, "fast looking",etc.). I've been told that when you get your first bike you have to get a beginners bike,but i have a problem with this. I'm a quick learner and i do not want to buy a beginners bike, have it for a year, and then go and have to sell and buy a new bike for when i get better. i'm sure i'm not the first person that doesnt want to learn on a beginners bike.
I'm guessing it is like picking out a car......
-brand name
-motor problems
-size (not like a car

-gas mileage
-what should i feel for when test riding...
-those obvious factors that are automatic no-no's (like when you see nice truck you wanna buy and it rides really nice but right before you bbuy it the tell you they "INSTALLED A BRAND NEW ENGINE or IT WAS IN AN ACCIDENT ONCE")
any recomendations and advice would be greatly appreciated. I really want to be a biker, but i have nobody to give me advice and help on the matter.
Thank you so much,

Glad to hear that you want to be a "biker" Pat. Have to agree with all the rest, and I'm sure you won't like it, but take the basic riders course before you do much of anything. Your statement, "i want a crotch rocket that i can fit a girl on the back comfortably

. I also want it to be safe, reliable, comfortable,and generally a bike i can show off with (speed, "fast looking",etc.). I've been told that when you get your first bike you have to get a beginners bike,but i have a problem with this." , actually is a scary one. It smacks of trouble, so remember, you know you must stay within your means, but PLEASE ride within your ability range. If you want to "show off" do it on a track, NOT on the road and NOT with a passenger on the bike. You say you havent owned a bike before, so you have a learning curve to begin with. But a passenger, espically an inexperienced one, changes the whole picture. As said above, you WILL put it down, hopefully fairly gently, and I hope all you experience is some road rash. I could go on and on, but I will only offer the following: Buy your own admission, you will be a newbie rider. Rember, children learn to walk by taking baby steps, not by sprinting. You should do the same with your first bike.