home....home on the range
Range cattle come in various sizes and colors.
Colors of our flag do not run.
run like forest gump..."i was runnin"
July 1, 2010 11:37 PM PDT
Runnin' will help you lose weight.
July 2, 2010 12:11 AM PDT
weight is finaly lifted off my sholders
July 2, 2010 12:54 AM PDT
Shoulders is what connects your arms to the rest of you body,
body work on a bike is hard to do cause of all the radius curves that are involved in trying to straighting up...
Up is a good movie in which Mr. Fredickson attaches helium ballons to his house and floats to South America.
america...the beautiful, and the free...HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!
July 4th is a day i'll be working.
Working seems to take up a lot time we all could be out on the bikes.
bike ralleys are already here...
Here is definitely a relative term.
Pronunciation: \\in-ˈdir-mənt\\
Function: noun
1 : a word or an act (as a caress) expressing affection
2 : the act or process of endearing
Endearing words should be used in conversations with one's spouse or significant other or loyal dog.
Dog love is unconditional
"Force to reckon with" usually implies fear.
Reaper is always near by, so be careful out there.
"...There are no straight lines that make up my life, and so far no dead ends..."
Tell me who's (a great singer songwriter) quote this is and I will be impressed.