Open Carry Law for hand guns

  • February 18, 2011 3:26 AM PST
    I could not have said it better than razncain.

    I firmly believe that 90+% of gun owners are responsible. I am also a firm believer that guns don't kill people, people do. I have yet to see a firearm that has not been dropped discharge just because it wanted to....someone made a concious decision to release the safety and pull the trigger. If an individual has a round chambered or under the hammer and they drop the weapon, there is a chance that it will go off. Key there is to be 1. Knowledgable enough, and 2. Responsible enough to NOT have a round chambered while carrying or handling the weapon.
    • 0 posts
    February 18, 2011 6:43 AM PST
    Wish I could bloody ride around like this down here..Maybe when i come to get on the piss with THE DRAGON one day in Texas..CHEERS BOOF
  • February 18, 2011 1:50 PM PST
    Wow, what a great read, ALL the posts are good, and a really WELL written & thought-out article! I have carried concealed off & on in several states, been involved with guns & the shooting sports for over half my life, and have been fortunate to never have had any gun-related problems. I have been in Colorado for the last several years, and we have the right to open carry here. I have been contemplating exercising that right with a Beretta 90-Two I recently acquired. Being full-sized, it just isn't very concealable... but the question I am faced with is "am I ready to counter negative pubic opinion if some loud-mouthed anti-gun person confronts me?" That's one big advantage to concealed carry... done properly, NO one knows until the need to present occurs. I truly appreciate the open-carry rationale presented & will weigh it heavily to be sure.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    February 18, 2011 3:23 PM PST
    wheels wrote...
    I can understand why some of you here on cyclefish carry guns for job requirements but I'm just not in favor of the general public being armed everywhere they choose to go.

    Well I'm armed wherever I go, for this simple reason, I could not live with myself knowing I could have turned around a deadly situation but I didn't carry that day. Acording to my beliefs I am my brother's keeper.

  • February 18, 2011 11:29 PM PST
    I gotta laff when it comes to NY state. I was born and raised there and left in 1974. Even to buy ammo in ny you have to show them you own that gun and it's on your permit. Here I hauled hazmat over the road for 37yrs, cleared and fingerprinted for homeland security. I walk into a gun show to buy a gun and was put on a 3 day hold because of me getting finger printed. NICS wouldn't tell me why I was on that hold only that I was finger printed. I have lived in Ohio since 74. I think as long as someone holds a permit to carry he or she should be allowed to carry that gun in any state in the USA. It's like what I used to haul in that tanker. I could go anywhere in this country or Canada with that endorsement on my license as it should be with a concealed carry permit
  • February 19, 2011 3:17 AM PST
    I am Licensed to carry and do so when I deem it"advisable", sometimes concealed , other times openly. My home is protected electronically and by personal arms.I have had an experience with a person who was trying to come into my home and chose not to fire because I didn't feel the situation warranted it although the option was there and always will be. I firmly believe in personal protection being more essential today than it was years ago considering the "No Fear" attitude held by criminals and wannabe " Ganstas " now. As I see it the problem with firearms today is the inability of law enforcement to controll the criminal element with laws already on the books not that law abiding citizens own guns therefore , although I am not regularly a joiner I have become a supporter and member of the NRA. I don't think I'm that off-center with my approach to safety and wish you all well.
    • 1780 posts
    February 19, 2011 1:20 PM PST
    WOW some very cool responses...........
    One last thing to remember......" GUN CONTROL" isn't about's about Control !!!

    Be safe everyone gota go fight a little crime out there......OH yea forgot to say.....I made Sgt. with my company Top Gun!!!
    The Dragon
  • February 19, 2011 3:02 PM PST
    Congrats on the promotion nightdragon....and remember "Gun control is the ability to hit your target."
  • February 19, 2011 5:33 PM PST
    nightdragon wrote...
    WOW some very cool responses...........
    One last thing to remember......" GUN CONTROL" isn't about's about Control !!!

    Be safe everyone gota go fight a little crime out there......OH yea forgot to say.....I made Sgt. with my company Top Gun!!!
    The Dragon

    Congrats Sarge...
    • 202 posts
    February 19, 2011 11:45 PM PST
    Sweet bike Boof! i like it!

    i used to have my license to carry concealed. I didn't renew it and now it is expired. How stupid of me... now to get relicensed i have to go through all kinds of bullshit! So i am not going to bother. I have knives and swords instead.

    Personally, I am not that inclined to carry, but i sure do feel safe with a man who is carrying! I am more inclined to wanting a gun at the homefront, but i have german shepherds, and they are quite the alarm system, so it's all cool!

    I'm not much afraid of needing a gun while out and about. Guess i figure my odds at being the victim of violence is pretty slim. but who knows. i do some martial arts (or shall i say did) and feel confident i can handle myself. Whatever i can't, i can't... we all have to go sometime!

    I see a lot of 'gang bangers' and wouldn't be very happy if they were walking around with open carry guns, as they would be paraded for intimidation. That would really piss me off!

    I do think that if there were open carry laws, while it would be abused on some end, there would also be a lot less crime. I can't imagine anyone pulling a gun on another individual who was carrying. Nor could i imagine someone pulling a gun on an unarmed person with two or three other armed individuals nearby. Not unless they were suicidal! lmao

    • 1161 posts
    February 23, 2011 8:12 PM PST
    razncain wrote...
    I have no problem with someone being on my property, happens all the time around here. What I have a problem with, is the individual who comes into my home packing any kind of weapon and my rights as a legal and responsible gun owner being threatened or removed leaving me no recourse than to become a criminal in order to protect my family or those who can't protect themselves. Anyone who breaks into my home and threatens my family, IF they get by my dogs, better be ready to face my .40 caliber, if that's the one I pick up. That is if my kids or husband don't get to them before I do. Same in my car or on my bike or out walking. I want the odds at least evened out a bit.

    We may sound like extremists, but when you've been shot, it makes you think a little differently about "gun control." Getting shot hurts. I know. My family has a lot of guns. We go out regularly with the kids and shoot on the range. We've taught our kids since they were little about gun safety and responsibility, and they are two very different things. If you go back in the prayers section, a neighbor kid of ours was shot by a foster brother when they were playing with a gun. That should have never happened, especially in the presence of "responsible" adults. Those kids weren't taught anything about guns, other than they're "cool." Guns are not cool or neat, they're deadly. They were designed to kill. Period.

    In my line of work I've had guns pulled on me. I work in an ER and have idiots come in all the time drunk and armed. But I'm not allowed to carry a firearm or even have one on the property. That's what the law says. I abide by it. I can call 9-1-1 if I can get to a phone, but who knows how long it will take them to get there? And in the meantime, I have to try to talk down this individual while the rest of the staff gets the patients and themselves to safety. Why me? Because that's what I'm trained to do. So who's going to get shot? Me. But it's also a choice I make because it's what I do and I'm good at it.

    Being a gun owner is a choice and for some, a very personal one. I don't argue with anyone who doesn't want to own a gun or shoot one, again it's a choice. So is drawing your weapon. So is pointing it. So is firing it. I've been on both ends of the gun and neither are places I prefer to be. But if I have to be, it's going to be on the butt end, not the barrel end.

    Criminals aren't going to give up their guns and neither am I.

    So Agree!

  • February 24, 2011 2:20 AM PST
    Just a thought I had this morning. Have you ever met a biker/motorcycle rider who didn't own a gun? I personally don't think I have, It seems like the two just go hand in hand. Congrats to you also Dragon on your promotion to Sargeant!!
    • 3006 posts
    February 25, 2011 4:27 AM PST
    I personally know quite a few riders who dont own or carry guns,not really sure why any of them would? When is the last time any one has heard of a biker actually using one to save their butt??.of course barring the 1%'er crowd
    • 1 posts
    February 25, 2011 4:49 AM PST
    blurplebuzz wrote...
    I personally know quite a few riders who dont own or carry guns,not really sure why any of them would? When is the last time any one has heard of a biker actually using one to save their butt??.of course barring the 1%'er crowd

    Assumes that people posses firearms for defensive purposes only + that firearms are useful only against people.

    Like firearms for the same reasons I like motorcycles - They are interesting AND they are precise AND they are best used carefully.
    The manufacturing revolution was born in gun valley - Eli Whitney - interchangeable parts, automated machinery - Sam Colt - precision manufacturing - I could go on.

    Almost never carry while riding & then only a Stevens 22/410 survival gun, broken down & packed away but when sleeping in bear country sure wish I had a bulldog 44 or better yet a Taurus Judge w/ 2 buck & 3 .45

  • March 23, 2014 6:27 AM PDT
    Well what do ya say when this happens.........Saturday afternoon my Girlfriend and I were at the movies, and afterwards of course ya have to hit the bathroom because of the 3 gallon cokes they sell there. My Girlfriend carries a 22 six shot magnum revolver in her purse in one of those carry purses with an end pocket. As she is standing in the bathroom waiting her time with about 6 other Women waiting........Yep it happened......Her 22 Mag slipped out of her purse and landed in the floor right at the feet of the other Women. Apparently the look on everyone's face was worth a photo. They all jumped back as if a life grenade had hit the floor. She said one lady look at her and said "Well that was awkward" and life goes on.
    • 1 posts
    March 24, 2014 8:15 AM PDT
    1) Great write and read.
    2)Have been around guns all my life. I have never seen a gun go off by itself. IE takes some one to pull the trigger.
    3) I believe an armed public is a polite public.
    4) Have hunted since I was 5, believe me taking any life is something I think about, not something I want to do not something I hope I ever have to do but something I have trained to do if the need ever pops up it ugly head.
    5) have had a gun save my life. Did not have to shoot anyone but when they seen I was pulling it made them rethink what they was trying to do. Have had a gun save a girl friends life more then once.
    6) worked in a place once and every 6' there was a load gun just in case. we delt with a lot of cash so we knew we was targets.
    To be honest open carry does not bother me one bit. On the farm you always see the all the farmers with a gun beside them. When I was in Arizionia last year always seen people open carry. So I have been around open carry me entire life. Open or concealed it is a right, a choice, not mine to make for anyone else in this world but myself.
    • 3006 posts
    March 24, 2014 11:26 AM PDT
    99Savage wrote...
    blurplebuzz wrote...
    I personally know quite a few riders who dont own or carry guns,not really sure why any of them would? When is the last time any one has heard of a biker actually using one to save their butt??.of course barring the 1%'er crowd

    Assumes that people posses firearms for defensive purposes only + that firearms are useful only against people.

    Like firearms for the same reasons I like motorcycles - They are interesting AND they are precise AND they are best used carefully.
    The manufacturing revolution was born in gun valley - Eli Whitney - interchangeable parts, automated machinery - Sam Colt - precision manufacturing - I could go on.

    Almost never carry while riding & then only a Stevens 22/410 survival gun, broken down & packed away but when sleeping in bear country sure wish I had a bulldog 44 or better yet a Taurus Judge w/ 2 buck & 3 .45

    Valid points above and I should have qualified my statement to include those riders that do carry responsibly for a valid reason.
    I recall backpacking thru the high sierra with my friends,one of whom carried a 45 automatic for our protection as we were traveling thru bear territory every day down in the lower mountain areas.

    I fall on the side of allowing people who are responsible, the right to bear arms openly if it discourages criminals from committing crimes.
    Or as in the case of a rancher or farmer for general protection against wild animal attacks,tho much more commonly out here its wild boar or pig that are main nuisance I hear of.

    For myself I will continue to ride unarmed,other than my pocket knive which is carried primarily for eating.