December 23, 2010 5:17 AM PST
Foot note from what Rex just said.......Back in 1971 when I returned from Southeast Asia I was stationed in California, (Single then) and the Women hated my Texas Accent. Made me sound like a Country Kid. Anyway long story short.....My single life sucked, so I knew I had to change something, soooooooo I began speaking with an English accent, and my world turn 180 degrees in no time. All was going my way, and then I ran into someone that lived in England at one time. Moral of story .....If ya want to speak like someone else ...better know a bit about that country.
I love accents, and speaking like different people ....I still pratice a lot with different Countries, and Actors.
Here is a list of my best
Countries.....England, Australia, Middle East, Russia, German, Spanish.....Now these are all English just accents
Actors....Sam Ellott, John Wayne (of course) Jimmy Stewart, Ron White, The cable guy, Johnny Carson....
Howard Cosell......If I can hear them.....I can get close the first time, and then I pratice.
I know....I know.......GET A LIFE!