November 23, 2010 8:20 PM PST
if you wake in the morning and know that groceries will be on the table, be grateful...if you wake in the morning and know you can supply your childs needs, be grateful...if you wake in the morning and have no doubt that your mate is there for you, be grateful...if you drop to your knees in despair and cry out to God in lonliness and hopelessness, and you feel the reassuring calm of your maker, be grateful...if your life has been anything but a constant struggle for the basics, be are not lost, not caught up in a whirlwind of desolation, not so soul tired that you cant see any other way grateful....because, for whatever reason...for some of us, a bullet kissing the brain is the only peace I can see. I'm scared and need help.
Help is on the way dear...
Ryndaz, I'm praying for you! But listen to me, please. I just got done ranting on how sucky my current situation is, and then I read your post. It's a God thing, girl, cause just when I'm feeling sorry for myself, over something which now seems pale in comparison, God smacks me. And he did. I know what you are going thru, I was a single mom for 17 of my son's 19 years. But look at what you wrote. The part about dropping down on your knees, crying out to God, and feeling his reassurance and calm. God IS with you, girl. It may not seem like it, at times, but he is. Trials and tribulations are gonna happen to us all, but think about your life and your children. Look back, and I know you'll find, that when it really really counted, ya'll got what you really really needed. Lonliness, not here. We are all here for you. Just talk to us. Hopelessness, while I can't fix depression, I can tell you that you can, simply by asking God to take it from you. Pray and ask God for his help, babygirl, HE will listen and answer.
I have been going thru one heck of a lot in the past year alone, but the one thing that won't ever change, is my faith. My faith in God, my faith in my fellow man, (especially when I have asked someone for help), and my faith that, just when things seem the darkest, comes the dawn.
This too, shall pass! Please, hang in there. Things will get better, I promise you. Much love, coming your way. OK?

November 23, 2010 10:36 PM PST
Can't add anymore to the posts but just to let you know you have another who is praying for you and hope you can find the help you need right here with your CF brothers and sisters. Feel free to post us every chance you get and someone will be here to talk with you. God Bless Webb
November 23, 2010 11:54 PM PST
Let me just jump back in a moment, because a couple of reply's after mind reminded me of a time when I was in a situation a lot less severe than yours. In my mind I had nowhere to go, so I got down on my knees and just talked to God. The VERY NEXT day God answered my prayers. The little talk you need to have with God is your ticket to freedom from the demons that you carry. It's not necessary to speak to God like the words that are written in the Bible.....Just Talk to him.
November 24, 2010 12:45 AM PST
Have not had the blessing of a personal relationship with God as so many others here obviously have so cannot speak to that, but I do have children and can tell you Denise that no matter how bad it gets I could not do to them what suicide would do to them. It's already been said so I'll just agree - and add: Peace for you *perhaps* (won't get into the morbid what-ifs) but certainly not peace for anybody you leave behind. Thinking of you, hoping you find peace and healing and strength. <3
November 24, 2010 1:01 AM PST
thank you all for your concern and caring words. despair is making my mind crazy. it is funny to me, that i am so alone here and all these people that i dont even know, are willing to care. i just wish i was around some of yall, because i can hardly stand how alone our life is. it is along and insane story of how i got to this state of being. God knows that hindsight is so clear, but then again i know that there was probally nothing i could have done to change the things that went on so long ago, i have always known i guess that it would probally turn out this way, but beyond all my rough and outrageous ways, inside, i have always believed in the good of life, man, and love. Yet my life has not let me experience the very things that i have held secretly inside. now, i am full of distrust, despair and hopelessness. i think to myself, what i am going threw not is nothing compared to the things i have survived over and over in the past...where has my fight and strength gone? its truely not that i have given up, just that i have spent my whole life only surviving and fighting, and i have grown way to tired to do it anymore. this is not how life should be. i am not selfish in my thoughts, concerning my son, although it may sound that way. no one but me sees how my child suffers because of my inability to provide. sometimes i think a selfless mother, should do whatever, , to assure her child is taken care of. I am so sorry for you guys that shared your pain about what i speak of. i can only ask you to forgive the ones that hurt you so deeply. it is hard to understand sometimes where other people are. the outside does not always match the inside. i could almost promise you that they meant you no harm, although it did, forgive them, there pain was so bad, that you cannot understand. i dont know where to go, what to do, how to make anything better (the right way), I find that to be sad. i am tired and need rest.
November 24, 2010 1:46 AM PST
rynydaz, you keep going back to "how my child suffers because of my inability to provide". I can tell you that I grew up in a proverty stricken home. We hunted mostly for what we ate, grew the rest or neighbors shared what they had. I remember getting a small transister radio, a blanket and a new trash can for my room for Christmas. I had a sponsor when I was growing up to help with school clothes. Without their care and concern I'm not sure how that need would have been met. My point here is even though I was criticized and osterized somewhat because I was from the "other" side of the tracks so to speak I remember the strength my Mother showed when things got hopeless, I remember the times we shared sometimes in a car eating chicken on a dirt road because we didn't have a home to have a turkey dinner. Times were bleek like they are for you. Not sure how God deals with you, but he will without a doubt shut down my world until I turn my attention to him so that he can tell/show me what it is he's trying to say/do. Perhaps your not listening to what he's saying. Not always what we want but then again we don't know what he has in mind. Just talk to him and ask him for his help. He knows your pain, he's waiting for you.
November 24, 2010 5:24 AM PST
rynydaz, you keep going back to "how my child suffers because of my inability to provide". I can tell you that I grew up in a proverty stricken home. We hunted mostly for what we ate, grew the rest or neighbors shared what they had. I remember getting a small transister radio, a blanket and a new trash can for my room for Christmas. I had a sponsor when I was growing up to help with school clothes. Without their care and concern I'm not sure how that need would have been met. My point here is even though I was criticized and osterized somewhat because I was from the "other" side of the tracks so to speak I remember the strength my Mother showed when things got hopeless, I remember the times we shared sometimes in a car eating chicken on a dirt road because we didn't have a home to have a turkey dinner. Times were bleek like they are for you. Not sure how God deals with you, but he will without a doubt shut down my world until I turn my attention to him so that he can tell/show me what it is he's trying to say/do. Perhaps your not listening to what he's saying. Not always what we want but then again we don't know what he has in mind. Just talk to him and ask him for his help. He knows your pain, he's waiting for you.
thank you my everyday angel, maybe you are exactly world has shut ears have been deaf for along time.
November 24, 2010 5:30 AM PST
Listen, and you shall hear...Bless you.
November 24, 2010 5:45 AM PST
Agree with postings above. Local churches open the arms to those in need, especially during the holidays. You are not alone. Faith, family and friends help you through the tough times, and are always there for you. Take one day at a time, or one hour at a time. Get some help as suggested by the postings above, and a local church is probably your best step foward. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
November 30, 2010 2:40 AM PST
Hello Denise.... your post and I've been there . Hold on because it will get better. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It broke my heart to feel the dispair in your words because I know just how that feels. There are Angels looking out for you that you may not see right now but they will show themselves in time. Be patient and they will reveal themselves to you. And when you think about a bullet as a way out.....just remember all the happy times that will come later that you will be missing out on and the memory that something that terrible will burn into your kids memories of you if you do. They need you to be strong and be there for them to see their futures fufilled. One thing I have learned through my trials is that for every storm I weather there is always a beautiful day just waiting ahead that I would have missed if I had given up. You are a strong woman! Don't give up! There are people that love and need you! I will be praying for you and your family. I'm in SC not too far away if you need a friend to talk to.
November 30, 2010 3:08 AM PST