September 17, 2010 6:07 AM PDT
This morning on the way to work I ran into some heavy traffic and was totally stopped about 20 yards short of an exit ramp on a major interstate. I see this car that was stopped just past the exit in the right lane decide they wanted to go back and get off at the exit. The driver pulls forward onto the shoulder then begins backing down the shoulder back to the exit. There were a lot of cars exiting so the driver stopped just short of the exit to wait for an opening. After a minute or so the driver got impatient, saw a small opening and punched it in reverse. Well he went straight accross the lane, through a small drainage ditch and hit a wall going about 35 mph in reverse. Since the only damage was to the idiots car, I could do nothing but laugh!!!
Ok, lets hear the Stupidest thing you have seen a driver do on the road...
September 17, 2010 7:04 AM PDT
Ya can't fix stupid and Here's Yer Sign!
I have many things I could list here. I'll gather my thoughts a bit and see which is best...
OK, One that immediately pops up is the woman doing eye make up on the PA turnpike at morning rush hour. Zooming down the passing lane while she passed a bunch of cars, using her rear view to apply the chemicals that she thinks made her look good but certainly not smart. OH, did I mention there were two toddlers in the back seat?
September 17, 2010 12:59 PM PDT
How bout the jerk that got ticked with the semi that got stopped at the bottom of a hill? He passed me on the right. Came back into my lane so close I couldn't see his taillights. Then the jerk slowed down. All this in a left exit lane.
September 17, 2010 8:23 PM PDT
I was on the interstate and all of a sudden this SUV came on the interstate got to the end of the on ramp and STOPED (With out any Yeld sign or any lights) and the 2 cars behind her were still speeding to merge and they slammed on their brakes to avoid hitting her SUV. When she got out of her car yelling about the food she had in her hand dropped and fell in her coffee and spilled on her phone and broke it, She stopped to dry it off so she could continue her texting to her friend...
(she got a crap load of tickets when we all told the cop what she said when she got out of her SUV).
September 18, 2010 5:43 AM PDT
Don't know where to start, I seriously think I live in the dumb driver capitol of the world! I was actually thinking of starting a website called, but then I realized I would be encouraging people to take pictures while they were driving. Kind of defeated the purpose.
A few weeks back my son and I were headed to the track. We were on a two lane road, which is a main thoroughfare for a residential neighborhood with a traffic light like every three blocks. We were behind this car and every light I had to honk to horn to let him know the light had changed. Then when he did go he would travel 10 mile under the speed limit and had trouble staying in his lane. When the raod finally opened to a four-lane we got up next to him to see him not only reading, but making notes on whatever it was he was reading. Yep, holding a stack of papers on the steering wheel with one hand, and a pen in the other. I swerved toward him a couple of times to get his attention, then via hand gesture let him know how I felt about his lack of attention to his driving.
September 18, 2010 6:45 AM PDT
Don't know where to start, I seriously think I live in the dumb driver capitol of the world! I was actually thinking of starting a website called, but then I realized I would be encouraging people to take pictures while they were driving. Kind of defeated the purpose.
A few weeks back my son and I were headed to the track. We were on a two lane road, which is a main thoroughfare for a residential neighborhood with a traffic light like every three blocks. We were behind this car and every light I had to honk to horn to let him know the light had changed. Then when he did go he would travel 10 mile under the speed limit and had trouble staying in his lane. When the raod finally opened to a four-lane we got up next to him to see him not only reading, but making notes on whatever it was he was reading. Yep, holding a stack of papers on the steering wheel with one hand, and a pen in the other. I swerved toward him a couple of times to get his attention, then via hand gesture let him know how I felt about his lack of attention to his driving.
Oh ~ that would be a great website, Lucky ~ but I agree about wanting to take pictures...
There are far too many stupid things to be seen on the roadways ~ 'one' of the classics I was next to was a guy who was shaving, with a copy of The Wall Street Journal on the wheel while holding his latte'... oh PULEEZE! Get off the road or get up earlier!!! There are just too many to list... you just can't fix stupid (like Mike said)
September 19, 2010 1:22 AM PDT
Ya can't fix stupid and Here's Yer Sign!
I have many things I could list here. I'll gather my thoughts a bit and see which is best...
OK, One that immediately pops up is the woman doing eye make up on the PA turnpike at morning rush hour. Zooming down the passing lane while she passed a bunch of cars, using her rear view to apply the chemicals that she thinks made her look good but certainly not smart. OH, did I mention there were two toddlers in the back seat?
Rex is correct on that one.....
September 19, 2010 4:06 AM PDT
Yep, stupid is forever!
I can't even list all the stupid things I have seen people do. I think because we ride we tend to pay more attention to whether others are paying attention, so we see more of the stupid stuff then those driving in cars.
I have seen ladies putting on make-up, guys shaving, reading maps, texting, and so much more. Hell I even saw a guy doing a crossword puzzle one day in traffic!
Was in my cage today pulling out of the road and got up to speed and checked my mirrors, like normal and saw a sport bike rider. I thought what kind is it while I was looking in the rearview and this moron pops a wheele behind me and was up on my bumper in 2 seconds. All I really wanted to do was hit the brakes to get him to back off. But I refrained, and watched him turn the other way with flip-flops, T-shirt and shorts, but he had gloves and a helmet. Poped another wheele and almost wiped outon the car that was in front of him because they were going about the speed limit. ( The bike was a ninja 1000) from what my friend said.
July 5, 2011 11:30 AM PDT
Back in the day, when I was workin' fast food at Wendy's I had a fun experience. I was the Drive-thru order taker lady. So this guy pulls up to the order board and starts yellin' his order at me, (I knew he was wasted cause he was slurrin' a lot), anyways, he orders his chow, I give him his total, and tell him to pull around. I turned to start puttin' his order together, and I hear this loud engine noise, so I look out the drive-thru window, and see his car heading straight for me. Now, mind you, in those days, the drive-thru windows stuck further out from the building, like a box, for easier access. But this guy was doin' at least 35MPH and I freaked, and stepped out of the way, just as he crashed into the box. And he wasn't done yet, he screamed "gimme my food bitch", and me being the magnanomous one, pitched it to him, through the now greatly enlarged pass thru window. He throws it in reverse, stomps on the pedal and backs into two parked cars. Then throws it into drive, punches it, goes thru 4 lanes of criss-crossing traffic (miraculously missing everyone), goes up the drive-way of the gas station across the street and proceeds head on into a telephone pole. I swear to you, that car was up off its front wheels and sitting like someone had propped his car there. And as I'm watching all this, I swear to you, I could see him just sittin' there, waiting for the cops, and he was eating his french fries....
Ride Free
July 5, 2011 12:00 PM PDT
Driving down a multi lane interstate, I start coming up on an SUV that keeps weaving off to the right hand side of the highway .. onto the shoulder at times. I moved into the lane to her left and speed up enough to pass said SUV. What I saw was definitely bizarre. A woman is attempting to drive the SUV and at the same time lean into the seat behind the passenger seat to hold a bottle of milk for her baby.
I'm thinking it would have been MUCH safer to just pull off the road and feed the kid rather than risk killing both her and the kid.
Stupid is as stupid does. And, Ron White is right. You can't fix it.
July 5, 2011 12:18 PM PDT
In CA where splitting lanes is legal I have seen more than one car get pissed that bikes cruise by as they sit in dead stop traffic. They will make all kinds of stupid moves to make their frustration known, pinching the center lane as much as they can being a favorite.
The best was one day when I was following a cop up the middle just cruising along behind him. An idiot in a coffin lurches forward toward the middle of two lanes causing the cop to lock up his brakes. You could see me smilin' a mile away as the cop lit up the lights and eased the guy toward the safety lane. Not sure what the ticket cost the idiot but I hope it was a lot.
July 5, 2011 12:21 PM PDT
My wife reported seeing a woman do the very thing GoFur saw, on the local expressway, recently.
I've seen a boatload of stupidity on the road, most recently, a woman talking to a strap-on phone and making notes in a ledger while on the expressway. And folks wonder way the Arabs won't let them drive.
Last year an SUV in front of me in the center lane, with 2 women and 2 kids, drifted over into the right lane. The car occupying that space honked the horn and the lady swerved hard to the left, crossed over the center lane and into the left lane. She darn near took out another car and then she over corrected again by jerking the wheel back to the right. She crossed in front of me by 25-30 feet on her left two wheels only, went off the hwy and rolled the vehicle 2 1/2 times. Luckily everyone was wearing seat belts. I stopped, along with 5 other vehicles and got three of the people out, but the passenger was complaining of a bad headache, and didn't want to move, so she stayed strapped in with the vehicle on it's side until the medics arrived. It turns out the lady was talking on her cell phone.
Downtown Huston, Tx about 20 years ago late one Sunday evening. Sitting on our balcony drinking a beer listening to a car screeching through the streets getting closer. As it rounds the corner at the end of the street skidding sideways pops a tire off the rim and proceeds to roll the car right down the center of the road 3 or 4 times. Two idiots climb out the windows a bit dazed and one very calm walks over to a pay phone and makes a call, this was before cell phones. You can guess what happened next when the cops showed up.
You cannot fix stupid, but it can be entertaining.
A while ago riding home from work on my dirt bike I was assaulted by a 4x4 driver with the "dont follow me im going fishing spare wheel cover'.This fat arsehole had a bug in his arse about me trying to pass him so he swerved all over the road like he was defending the lead at the Indy 500.I just gave the fat wanker his room and waited .Coming down to the intersection of a main road the light turned red so i changed to the inside lane so i could get the jump on the fool.As I came down the inside lane he swerved across no indicator and forced me up the gutter.Those of you who have met and know me know I'm a loveable mild mannered kinda bastard..So the kickstand went straight down helmet off and I walk across to"show" this arsehole how unpleased I am..He wasnt so brave when I started walking over to his drivers window which was goin up as fast as his chubby fingers could wind the bloody thing.No worries to me as my helmet went straight through the window then made short work of his jaw with me climbing in the window pummeling 7 shades of shit outta the dickhead..Now unconscious his big tough 4x4 rolls into the car full of large Maori gentlemen in front who also would like a "word" with the fat bastard when he came to..I calmly put my helmet on jumped on my bike and still made the green light..Theres a saying around here" Be careful who you "mess" with,It might just be me"...(thats the pg version BTW)...CHEERS BOOF
July 6, 2011 10:39 AM PDT
Jeeze Boof glad you were not really Pissed at that guy.
July 6, 2011 10:56 AM PDT
..... Those of you who have met and know me know I'm a loveable mild mannered kinda bastard......
I looked up "mild mannered" in the dictionary... low and behold, there was a picture of Boof
July 6, 2011 11:03 AM PDT
I wish I did know you Boof, sounds you you handle things down under the same as we do here in Texas! But since I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you I was wondering if that is you "mild mannered Boof" in the picture with the riffle next to the sign "Trespassers will be buried in a shallow grave"?
July 6, 2011 11:09 AM PDT
Riding south on I-5, I pulled up next to a woman that was reading a novel across the steering wheel, while drinking a cup of something. So I twisted the throttle and got the hell away from her, after getting her attention and telling her to put the book down and watch the road, as calmly as possible.
July 6, 2011 11:48 AM PDT
That aint the dictionary Lucky thats this months copy of Immigrations "Do not let in list"..Well GoFur old mate like many Texan i've met,Im a loveable chap until someone makes me otherwise then shit goes sideways at a rate of knots...Yup that me in my driveway mate.Funny thing is our house is the only house on the street that aint been burglarized...Go Figure..CHEERS BOOF
July 6, 2011 12:15 PM PDT
I gotta vote for the dumb-arse woman who made a left turn in front of me as I was doing about 50 mph. I had about 30 yards to stop. Couldn't do it! T Boned her car just behind the right front wheel.... 6 months later her check bought me a new bike.
July 11, 2011 3:37 AM PDT
In California we have "carpool" lanes (far left lane) that require two or more people in the vehicle, or a motorcycle is ok, to ride in them. So I'm in the carpool lane behind a CHP officer when he hits his lights to pull over the car in front of him. The driver actually STOPS right there in the car pool lane instead of moving over to the shoulder. The CHP officer is on his speaker trying to tell the moron to move off the freeway and stop, but the driver just stays there. Finally the officer gets out of his car goes up to the drivers window screaming and pointing to the shoulder. I couldn't hear everything the officer said, but I heard enough to know if it's was filmed for COPS there would have been a lot of "bleeps".
July 11, 2011 4:07 AM PDT
Years ago I had a woman pull out in front of me with her Volvo sedan, I hit her right behind the rear door with my bike. I was only going 35 so I got lucky and got scrapes and some sore body parts out of the deal. She claimed in court I was speeding even though she had told all the cops at the accident that she had never seen me. The judge in small claims court asked her how she knew I was speeding if she had never seen me before she pulled out. She had no answer and I won the case.
July 11, 2011 4:57 PM PDT
Well. alls I can say since I don't drive much cause I the stupidest thing I've ever seen a driver do is get in the car n drive...
RandyJoe...Ride Strong...