September 13, 2010 5:51 AM PDT
A real woman or a real man, would not demand that their partner make a choice if they truly loved them. While our relationship always comes first, the riding is part of who and what we are. While each circumstance is going to be different, you don't barter with someone's love and affection, let alone manipulate it or make demands of it.
Only if the individual is dangerous, reckless, and an idiot and doesn't deserve to be riding in the first place, should he or she be told to get rid of the bike. When he feels the need to ride alone, he doesn't need my permission, when I rode alone, I didn't need anyone's permission either. If you ride, then you understand. Simple as that.
I've referred to my husband as "My Old Man" on occasion, but it just doesn't feel right. He's not an old man and he's not "mine," I'm just fortunate enough that he shares himself with me in the ways that he does, which is pretty much in all ways.
September 13, 2010 5:57 AM PDT
if someone told me its me or the bike I would pick the bike. If they really loved me than they would know how important that aspect of my life is and never even think to ask but i am also selfish self centerd and single

Why would someone who
cares about you even ask you to make a choice like that?
September 13, 2010 5:59 AM PDT
That's easy. Just tell her that you really do love her, and you will miss her dearly!