August 24, 2010 3:00 PM PDT
Hey ~ Mustang is on ~ quick ride down the road... firm but kind to a very sore back... thank you all for your input! And the saga continues... ;-)
August 24, 2010 3:42 PM PDT
Good to hear Black Pearl. You will like it.
Oh yeah, Yes on the Licorice...
August 24, 2010 4:14 PM PDT
you need to do 2 things to correct this. 1) take the wallet out of your back pocket. 2) get a sundower thats narrower in the nose so its not to wide or have your seat altered to fit you. the reasson i say this is because i had to do the same thing to my seat on my harley. and a matter of fact a wallet in the back pocket over time, will make you develope a bad ciatica condition. i know cause i have ciatica.
August 25, 2010 12:00 AM PDT
Hey ~ Mustang is on ~ quick ride down the road... firm but kind to a very sore back... thank you all for your input! And the saga continues... ;-)
Don't worry, Your backside will reform to the seat....Then it will be softer....Gets better when you figure the backrest position
August 26, 2010 2:26 PM PDT
Good to hear Black Pearl. You will like it.
Oh yeah, Yes on the Licorice...
@ Mike ~ HA HA! NICE!!! But, do you still have it on Vinyl??? Do you still have a turntable??? I bet you do (to both ;-) Right On!
@ Howard ~ I hear that will happen ~ haven't had a chance to get her out on the road ~ think I might have some disc problems flaring up from the past, but am working on stretching and all... really want to get out and do some riding! Maybe this weekend ~ God willing! :-)
Thanks you guys!!! 
By the way ~ she has studs and conchos now... does that maker her 'Licorice', Mike? HA HA HA!!! 
August 28, 2010 11:45 PM PDT
Have you tried moving your handle bars a little since you changed sets it might be a "Reach" problem. I don't know how everyone else feels about Corbin seats, but you might check them out. They start off hard but will soon conform to your "butt" and makes for a nice ride. Just a suggestion.
August 28, 2010 11:46 PM PDT
I meant seat not set sorry
August 29, 2010 7:12 AM PDT
Yes ~ that might be next on my list... either new bars or risers. My arms do get out there a ways...
Had to laugh... my wife works at a large 'warehouse store' and has been polling anyone who comes through with a Harley shirt on what kind of seat they have. (what a character!) She asked a couple the other day about what kind of seat they had and told them I had just gotten the Mustang... the husband looked at his wife and said 'See? She
let him get a Mustang...' I just about fell over laughing! (Yes Dear...) HA HA!!!
September 5, 2010 9:39 AM PDT
I Went 700 miles from Colorado to Texas, in one day on a road king with a sundowner. And I felt fine. Now I have a 32”inseam. Ya I’m a short ******. But no problem with the width of the seat. My friend had a new Mustang seat on his glide and he was hurting by the end of the ride. Neither one of us had a back rest on are bikes. But I don’t know what kind of Mustang seat he had. It might not be a touring seat. Your best bet would be to find a friend with one and see if you can try it on for size. Maybe the back rest might make all the difference. I wish you the best with it.
September 7, 2010 4:32 AM PDT
I have a Sundowner Solo on my RK. Love it! Did a 300 mile ride Sat with the kid. Just wish I didn't slide forward everytime I stop. (I sit hard into the cantle). Guess I just need to break down and get the kit to move my boards... then the bars... what next?
September 7, 2010 6:02 AM PDT
I have a sundowner seat for my RK and it is narrower in the front then the stock seat and pushed me a little forward. Not enough for problems for me to have problems. Passengers do love them over stock. But when ever possible to eliminate the cause of the issue, if you have your old seat switch it back and see if it changes things. If it does then your narrow it down to the seat. Then your off and running on the new seat. If not then you may want to hold off on the seat and look at other areas.