Ron, give Jessie my

and tell her to kick back and relax. Your in good hands with Deb; just tell Deb to keep the tofu and bean sprouts away and feed that gal of yours something that will stick to her bones

. Glad to hear it wasn't worse than it was; sweet Jessie is a very fortunate women today

. Freakin idiot feckers in cages just never cease to amaze me with their stupidity

Just to let you know Dear Mr. FxrDude, there is not a bean sprout or a piece of tofu in the house to feed Ron and Jess!!

Breakfast this morning was bacon, fresh organic eggs, grits with chedder cheese, a nice grainy bread toasted, fresh fruit salad and coffee cake muffins with a couple of pots of coffee!!! To bad you missed out, it was pretty damn good!!! LOL

OK Ms. Hippie Holistic Homemaker from OZ; what is the difference between a organic fecking egg and a egg laid by a freakin chicken? Do you grow in yer egg garden fertalised in chicken shit or what?....
OK; had to do a google search since this redneck don't know shit about organic except growin yer own private garden in the woods...

Jeeeeeebeze's H Christola! Organic eggs my ass! What did you pay for those organic eggs? Twice what a freaking regular egg costs and what was the difference in the taste? What the hell happened to the days of grabbin some eggs out of the chicken coupe, whipeing the crap of em and frying them up...Organic Bullshit!!.......LOL!