yea - I will put it up in events, just wanted to nail down a date and state first...looks like we may be leaning towards Maggie Valley/Cherokee area of NC, which should make it easy enough for most of us.
I'm with you guys on the adult only thing, we can do that anytime - pretty wide open for activities.
The main thing I am interested in is getting to have some more laughs and good times with you guys and get some good quality group runs. Pretty simple.
So with that said, let's see if we can nail a weekend down - labor day or the weekend after labor day work best for you guys?
Bulldog, i need a date and a state, but i think Mrs. Hollywood and i are in. If she can clear the time at work, it's a go with us.
BullDog... A holiday weekend or the weekend after? Dude... If you do the holiday weekend, I'll have two choices. Come straight down Delmarva and pray I can get thru Virginia Beach or... Leave 3 days before that weekend and go around Washington DC...... No brainer.... The weekend after will be less traffic, ergo less chance of getting ran over by someone drunk and trying to get to Grandma's house or their Condo at the beach while totally engrossed in their cell phone conversation! SHEW!
July 4, 2010 11:26 PM PDT
I'm with you on the holiday Sarge, to many cages to be safe.
I have put up a poll to see when you guys want to do this, so far 3 votes are in
If you are thinking of joining us, please add your input I will be closing the vote in a few days and will post the event after that.
Cast your Vote Here
July 5, 2010 12:26 AM PDT
Maggie Valley NC is a 15 hour 950 mile drive for Angel Eyes and I, and if I start back to work probably wouldn't be able to break loose, so looks like Deb and I probably won't be able to make this one.
July 5, 2010 12:28 AM PDT
well hopefully this will be the first of many "gatherings" that lead up to each years Big Meet & Greet Event - keep in touch with friends on a face to face good time
July 5, 2010 12:32 AM PDT
Maggie Valley NC is a 15 hour 950 mile drive for Angel Eyes and I, and if I start back to work probably wouldn't be able to break loose, so looks like Deb and I probably won't be able to make this one.
Ken, what will we do for entertainment if you can't be there???LOL
July 5, 2010 12:34 AM PDT
Maggie Valley NC is a 15 hour 950 mile drive for Angel Eyes and I, and if I start back to work probably wouldn't be able to break loose, so looks like Deb and I probably won't be able to make this one.
Ken, what will we do for entertainment if you can't be there???LOL
July 5, 2010 12:41 AM PDT
hmm, what about the not-so-young?
I'm cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
Maggie Valley NC is a 15 hour 950 mile drive for Angel Eyes and I, and if I start back to work probably wouldn't be able to break loose, so looks like Deb and I probably won't be able to make this one.
Ken, what will we do for entertainment if you can't be there???LOL
I'll send you guys a video of me doing something stupid, should hold ya over until I can make the next one.
July 5, 2010 11:52 PM PDT
I am in for sure!!
July 5, 2010 11:59 PM PDT
im in as well...but need to know for sure the date,time and place so i can take off work that thursday and friday...
July 6, 2010 12:16 AM PDT
check the poll for dates - gonna close the poll in another day or two so everyone can make plans so speak your peace there.
July 6, 2010 12:26 AM PDT
k...thanx dan
July 6, 2010 12:57 AM PDT
hmm, what about the not-so-young?
I'm cleverly disguised as a responsible adult

oh you are better than me. I can't even pretend, so I just admit it up front: I'm a big kid.
July 6, 2010 10:38 PM PDT
don't worry about it Buffy - I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up.
Ok peeps - looks like we have 8 votes in so far, I have not yet voted - do we have everybody in the vote yet???
I think not - come on any other folks gonna join us for the fall gathering?
The number from the votes will also help in picking a location and getting a good deal for the stay.
July 6, 2010 10:43 PM PDT
im in and voted
Don't think I can make this one. but I'm known for last minute change of mind.
I'm somwhat like Bro Krum on this one; depends on the date and where ya'll meet. I'll be watching and try ta make it if I can.