I have to roll with sarge on that one.....damn good group of riders, and there is nothing more sexer than a chick on a bike.....OH HELL YEA!!!!!!!
July 3, 2010 10:48 AM PDT
Deb, the meat in the Ettouffe was crawdads...
July 3, 2010 11:31 AM PDT
Deb, the meat in the Ettouffe was crawdads...
God I love it... Ettouffe... and she didn't know what the 'meat' was?

HA HA HA!!! Tell her this Mike ~ them be 'slipper lobsters'... heh heh!
July 3, 2010 12:02 PM PDT
I'm not good putting out my feelings specialy in English ..lol ..
but wished and wished I could do the Turkey talk to you all " GOOBLE ! GOOBLE .....
July 3, 2010 12:05 PM PDT
I'm not good putting out my feelings specialy in English ..lol ..
but wished and wished I could do the Turkey talk to you all " GOOBLE ! GOOBLE .....
Sweetie ~ I'm sure you could talk 'Turkey' ~ ha ha!!! Gorgeous picture of ya ~ and congrats on your anniversary!!! What a tremendous thing Sibel!!!
Well... Aftermath... Yep, that's probably an apt description... The Mrs. has been looking at everything that's been written and all the pictures that have been posted and I'm giving y'all fair warning..... She's done seen how much fun was had an what she missed out on... She'll be coming online soon as she decides on a "screename" that suits her... Sarge..
The more the merrier, I say......Sign her up!
I would have to suggest ~ MST. Sarge... ha ha ha! Sir... ;-)
July 3, 2010 11:24 PM PDT
I would have to suggest ~ MST. Sarge... ha ha ha! Sir... ;-)
LOL...or MrsSarge! and yep, come on gal; if you can put up with that goober yer married too; you sure as hell can put up with us....LMAO
July 4, 2010 12:18 AM PDT
Well... Aftermath... Yep, that's probably an apt description... The Mrs. has been looking at everything that's been written and all the pictures that have been posted and I'm giving y'all fair warning..... She's done seen how much fun was had an what she missed out on... She'll be coming online soon as she decides on a "screename" that suits her... Sarge..
lol - good luck with that Sarge
My sidekick should be making her way on here soon as well...curiosity is getting to her...shhh don't tell her anything, I say we keep them guessing

Nah... No guessing.. She just headed to the "Posts" and Pictures... Looked around and said, "I won't miss the next one!" I told her she's gonna have to pull 500 mile days.... Said no problem..... RIGHT!!!!!
better get her registered in the Iron Butt if she's gonna pull 500 mile days on 2 wheels...and plenty of that powder
My Mrs. decided i was having way too much fun on here. She had to check it out for herself. Now she's on here about as much as i am.
Hollywood!!! Who, wha, where, when???? I missed her. Unless she's "ghosting" us and not logging in...
How the heck are ya?
Hollywood!!! Who, wha, where, when???? I missed her. Unless she's "ghosting" us and not logging in...
How the heck are ya? 
You haven't met Mrs. Hollywood yet???? She's been around!!
I'll second Sarge on the howdy do Hollywood....how are ya???? Did you have a good ride home?
Well... We ain't been formally introduced. Unless someone thumps me on the head, things tend to get right by me...
Sounds like everyone had a great time! Malissa and I are really sorry we couldn't make it. Maybe next year!
Well... We ain't been formally introduced. Unless someone thumps me on the head, things tend to get right by me...
Ha...you won't miss much now that Jess is around. She'll be thumping and we'll be giggling!!!