Illegal immigration is a problem
but a WALL is not the answer....
My apologies to the true Native Americans who were pushed out so many years ago but who is an American today. Excepting the Native Americans we all have some foreign blood in our veins...
Tom Russell says it pretty well...

...What is the answer Mike? Should we just have open borders an allow all who feels the want to do so, just come in? Is there an answer somewhere in between that will work? I wish I knew because as we stand now, one day some idiot from afar who sneaked across that border will surely decide to leave a nice little pkg in some city somewhere which will cause serious havoc and destruction; it's just a matter of when.
Should we just give the country back to the American Indian what is rightfully theirs by many accounts?
There must be an answer somewhere in which we all can live by?
I don't know what the answer is either, but killing innocent children is not the answer. Building a wall that resembles the Berlin Wall is not the answer either. Maybe working with governments to make life more desirable in their own countries, so people would not want to leave in the first place is something that should be pursued. I think most people would want to stay on their own home land if they did not have to live in abject poverty and despair.
This All American Canal System where all these people are drowning and being buried in the desert is a travesty. How can we as American's sit back and let this happen? Aren't we supposed to be compassionate, caring people?
Most of us here in this country had ancestor's that fought, scratched and crawled their way here to make a better life for their families. Most came through legally, not all I'm sure. My ancestor's on my Father's side arrived on these shores in 1636, my Mom's came much later and we have never found records of them entering the country. They fled from Ireland during the famine. Lots of secrets on that side of the family. Did they come in illigally? Good possibility! Don't know, at this point, I don't really care. Their all dead now. I can imagine what they must have gone through to get here and to make a better life for themselves.
I believe we have to have a better system than we have now, I don't believe killing people is the answer. Do we need to keep the bad guys out? Yeah, you bet! But, most of the people we are trying to keep out are not bad guys, they're just poor people looking for a better life.
Bleeding heart liberals make me wanna puke. Kill them all and let God sort them out.
Illegal immigration is a problem
but a WALL is not the answer....
My apologies to the true Native Americans who were pushed out so many years ago but who is an American today. Excepting the Native Americans we all have some foreign blood in our veins...
Tom Russell says it pretty well...

...What is the answer Mike? Should we just have open borders an allow all who feels the want to do so, just come in? Is there an answer somewhere in between that will work? I wish I knew because as we stand now, one day some idiot from afar who sneaked across that border will surely decide to leave a nice little pkg in some city somewhere which will cause serious havoc and destruction; it's just a matter of when.
Should we just give the country back to the American Indian what is rightfully theirs by many accounts?
There must be an answer somewhere in which we all can live by?
I don't know what the answer is either, but killing innocent children is not the answer. Building a wall that resembles the Berlin Wall is not the answer either. Maybe working with governments to make life more desirable in their own countries, so people would not want to leave in the first place is something that should be pursued. I think most people would want to stay on their own home land if they did not have to live in abject poverty and despair.
This All American Canal System where all these people are drowning and being buried in the desert is a travesty. How can we as American's sit back and let this happen? Aren't we supposed to be compassionate, caring people?
Most of us here in this country had ancestor's that fought, scratched and crawled their way here to make a better life for their families. Most came through legally, not all I'm sure. My ancestor's on my Father's side arrived on these shores in 1636, my Mom's came much later and we have never found records of them entering the country. They fled from Ireland during the famine. Lots of secrets on that side of the family. Did they come in illigally? Good possibility! Don't know, at this point, I don't really care. Their all dead now. I can imagine what they must have gone through to get here and to make a better life for themselves.
I believe we have to have a better system than we have now, I don't believe killing people is the answer. Do we need to keep the bad guys out? Yeah, you bet! But, most of the people we are trying to keep out are not bad guys, they're just poor people looking for a better life.
Deb, I don't belive killing people for the sake of killing people is the answer either; but I do believe If you come on my property without being authorized to do so and you want to come into my house without my permission then there will be TROUBLE. I actually agree with you that the world should all be a better place to live and we should all learn to live together and sing KumBaYa; but that is not reality, at least not my reality. The border problem is not just a immigration problem of people needing to work and make a good life; for me, it's also a national security issue. I see the world as a struggle now going on between two things...Good and Evil. We as a nation regardless of our past mistakes have to decide if we are going to allow those who wish to destroy us to do so, or are we going to fight to protect what have...Just that simple for me
You know, maybe I'm just "Old School White Trash" but, I've waxed and buffed floors in a Mall. I've flipped burgers at McDonalds. I've worked for farmers on their farms. I worked double shifts in a Seafood processing plant. I've done many of the jobs that it's said the Mexicans do because nobody else will do them. BULLSHIT! The illegal aliens are no longer just picking lettuce and strawberries! They aren't just doing the menial tasks that our children used to do to learn a "Work Ethic". We have coddled our children to the point where they won't even cut the grass or take out the trash around the house! McDonalds and Burger King used to be the entry level of our kids into the workforce. NO LONGER! Now they all have cell phones and iPods to complain to their friends about the latest fashions their "RENTS" (parents) won't go out and buy for them! They sit on their asses and make complete fools out of their parents. I worked and bought my first car. They think they're ENTITLED to a new car by the age of 16 and you should buy it. 10 year old kids with cell phones? 11 year old children carrying their own LapTop Computers? Herein lies most of the problems in society today. We have worked to provide better for the next generations and in the process, we have SPOILED them! They are too LAZY for the most part to take these lower paying jobs and support themselves. HELL let me get down off my SOAPBOX before someone kicks it out from under me...
SARGE! Oh, and I can guarantee you Blaine that we have screwed this country up so bad that the "Original Americans" wouldn't want it back!
I'm rolling with sarge all the way on this !!!!!!!!!
I agree with you on National Security and someone braking into your House, Blaine. I live alone in the country. I don't have a gun in the house for the first time in my whole life. I was given my first gun for my 16th birthday. My when ex left he took all the guns in the house with him. Not a lock on the doors worked and there are many transient people that pass through here. My nieghbor came the first week he left and put locks on all the doors for me, so I could at least feel a little safer here alone.
But, the immigration issue with the Mexican's is not so much National Security. These are people who are suffering and should not be punished for suffering. Yes, we have to keep out the bad guys and there are lots of them. How we do that without pursecuting innocent people I don't know. I'm not that smart to be able to figure that out.
I agree with Bikersarge that we have spoiled our children where they won't work meniel jobs anymore. There is a sense of entitlement I don't understand either. I had my 1st job at 12 yrs old and I've been working ever since. I wipe asses for a living!
I hate to think of the world in such black and white terms of good verses evil. I know first hand about bad people out ther. I've been hurt and hurt badly by people I didn't know. Thats probably why I stay here in the country. But, I want to believe there is more good than bad. I know I have met more good people in my life than bad.
I am thankful for those people who are on guard to protect us from the one's that want to destroy our lifestyle and country. Do I sit around the campfire singing KumBaYa? No, but I don't want to sit around my campfire armed to the teeth either.
I agree with you on National Security and someone braking into your House, Blaine. I live alone in the country. I don't have a gun in the house for the first time in my whole life. I was given my first gun for my 16th birthday. My when ex left he took all the guns in the house with him. Not a lock on the doors worked and there are many transient people that pass through here. My nieghbor came the first week he left and put locks on all the doors for me, so I could at least feel a little safer here alone.
But, the immigration issue with the Mexican's is not so much National Security. These are people who are suffering and should not be punished for suffering. Yes, we have to keep out the bad guys and there are lots of them. How we do that without pursecuting innocent people I don't know. I'm not that smart to be able to figure that out.
I agree with Bikersarge that we have spoiled our children where they won't work meniel jobs anymore. There is a sense of entitlement I don't understand either. I had my 1st job at 12 yrs old and I've been working ever since. I wipe asses for a living!
I hate to think of the world in such black and white terms of good verses evil. I know first hand about bad people out ther. I've been hurt and hurt badly by people I didn't know. Thats probably why I stay here in the country. But, I want to believe there is more good than bad. I know I have met more good people in my life than bad.
I am thankful for those people who are on guard to protect us from the one's that want to destroy our lifestyle and country. Do I sit around the campfire singing KumBaYa? No, but I don't want to sit around my campfire armed to the teeth either.
Deb, all I can tell ya is I'd rather sit around armed to the teeth than singing Joan Baez songs; hell, how about armed to the teeth and singing Joan Baez songs then we'll all be happy...
As far as good vs evil; it is what we have, seems to me trying to find middle ground with bad guys is like trusting the fox in the hen house; but that's just me.
I hate these topics cause we all have our beliefs and 99.9999999999999999% of the time our views are not gonna change and I get pissed off many time with these discussions so, I'm out of this topic from here on cause my head hurts

....Be safe sweetie and I

Me too, Blaine! Makes my heart hurt and my head.
Gotta say, after reading the responses in the post, did anyone watch the videos? They are not so much about the Mexicans crossing the southern border.
My personal opinion is--anyone who wants to come here and be an AMERICAN, should be able to do so after they prove that they will be a productive AMERICAN and a benefit to the communities they join.
But the Mexicans crossing the border are the only ones we hear about! These videos highlight the fact that that is not the true danger! And why hasn't that fact been in the national media? If they did report and focus on the "others", I think Americans as a whole would have a lot easier time closing the borders.
THat's all I'm sayin'!
It's okay.... I'll just keep re-loading my Brass and sleeping at night with one eye open! An GOD help the POOR SOB that tries to bash in or kick open my door. Because right or wrong, I am gonna PROTECT ME and MINE!!! NUFF SAID???