Ladies first,,,,, my ego can take it.
If a man needs to put himself first,, before the lady,,,,,, he's not a "real" man. Ride on first, Wrapter,, sooner or later our paths may cross and you'll remeber "me",,,, when all the others will have been just loud pipes.
My masculinity is definitely intact no matter who I'm around.
And YES,,,, I am a little perv too ! But, that's not always a bad thing.
May 13, 2010 10:22 AM PDT
I ride Tail end with the group I ride with. 2 up bikes are right in front of me and nice rear ends that have a beautiful bounce on them are for my eyes only. I an A class perv and proud of it....
My folks raised me to be a gentleman ~ Ladies first. Sad thing is, in this day and age, I get more crap for holding a door open than not! Well, maybe not ALL the time, but have had it happen.
And ~ I do believe it's only natural for a man to enjoy a lady's 'presents' ~ sorry hgsc90... was that a Freudian slip? Ha ha! Either way ~ it's true ;-)
Any time a man is a gentleman it is always appreciated. Gives us hope chivelry is not dead. I can open my own door, my arms aren't broken, but it feels good when I man is thoughtful and gentlemanly.
My folks raised me to be a gentleman ~ Ladies first. Sad thing is, in this day and age, I get more crap for holding a door open than not! Well, maybe not ALL the time, but have had it happen.
And ~ I do believe it's only natural for a man to enjoy a lady's 'presents' ~ sorry hgsc90... was that a Freudian slip? Ha ha! Either way ~ it's true ;-)
A few years ago I was holding a door open for this gal. She gave me a real dirty look and said "You don't have to hold the door just 'cause I'm a lady". I looked at her, smiled and said "I'm not, I'm holding it because I'm a gentleman" !!!! Guess that impressed her because I think she wanted to have sex with me.................. she looked at me and said "GET F*#@#@ " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yer right "Cruiser"... Sadly, many aren't Ladies, they're just females....
Aaaawwww, guys are ALL Gentlemen,.....
ok, maybe Most of you
Aaaawwww, guys are ALL Gentlemen,.....
ok, maybe Most of you
still love ur eye's ...
Maybe it's just a Texas thing, be we always treat ladies like ladies. We call them ma'am if we don't know there name, we hold doors, and always let a lady go first.
May 14, 2010 10:27 AM PDT
Ooooooooh...looking forward to Texas then

. I think it is always a lovely gesture when a man opens a door. Hopefully, it is simply kindness. I open doors for people... i like it when it happens for me. Simpls acts of kindness...not rocket science.
May 14, 2010 10:34 AM PDT
Ooooooooh...looking forward to Texas then

. I think it is always a lovely gesture when a man opens a door. Hopefully, it is simply kindness. I open doors for people... i like it when it happens for me. Simpls acts of kindness...not rocket science.
Put very nicely Inga,
Simple acts of kindness makes everything better.

May 14, 2010 11:18 AM PDT
May 14, 2010 12:17 PM PDT
I hold doors and generally help people when I can,male and female, but never had the signal situation. I ride with Motomalissa and she always leads unless it looks like danger then I get to go first lol!