May 11, 2010 12:35 AM PDT
May 11, 2010 12:45 AM PDT
Every once in a while I put this one up also. This is what I did back in the eighties. The original photo of the trumpet with snow and flames was done the "hard way" in camera on film! Sometime in the nineties I drew in the planet, stars, galaxies and sun using photoshop. One of my proudest peices...
Every once in a while I put this one up also. This is what I did back in the eighties.
The original photo of the trumpet with snow and flames was done the "hard way" in camera on film! Sometime in the nineties I drew in the planet, stars, galaxies and sun using photoshop. One of my proudest peices...
Rex that is one of the most awsome pictures I've ever seen....WOW
Semper Fi...
Hey Leatherneck; hope you don't mind but I want to borrow this pic....Semper Fi Brother!
My wife insists to have this up, say's it remindes her of me...WAIT ! It is me
My wife insists to have this up, say's it remindes her of me...WAIT ! It is me
What bike ya riding there RandyJoe?
I took this during my summer long trip last year. It's Ft. Zachary Taylor Park in Key West, FL Had the pleasure of visiting this spot a couple of times in early August. It felt like paradise.
That is one of the many paradises out there, my wife n I were there 3 years ago
RandyJoe...Ride Strong...
My Boys are on mine...
I took this during my summer long trip last year. It's Ft. Zachary Taylor Park in Key West, FL Had the pleasure of visiting this spot a couple of times in early August. It felt like paradise.
That is one of the many paradises out there, my wife n I were there 3 years ago
RandyJoe...Ride Strong...
Buffy, that is a great photo. I concur on paradise.
Night Dargon, Thanks man, I appreciate the complement.

to you Randy Joe, your guys are some of the most talented riders I know!!!
My Boys are on mine...
That one in the middle looks a bit sneaky; better keep your eye out on that one.........

I usually have a photo I am working on for my art portfolio as my graphics PC desktop. If I still like it after a month or so it will make the cut. Currently it is this building that stands on top of a hill near Claverack NY. Sidetrack and I went there at sunrise one morning to get this and many other angles.
I keep coming back to this one; VERY nice work. The imagination can take you in all directions with this one....Very well done Rex
Good looking family ya have there
Good looking family ya have there
Yep, Mama loves us!!! That was a while ago, the boys are grown up now (except me

and sorry to say the three in the front are no longer with us
May 11, 2010 11:08 AM PDT
some amazing pics there, please keep 'em coming
... and rex, ye're a feckin artist alrite, bro: mind if i borrow the trumpet one?!
May 11, 2010 11:56 AM PDT
My wife insists to have this up, say's it remindes her of me...WAIT ! It is me
Bad Ass picture Randy....Looks like Kawe 900 or 1000 cc's you guys are on. Very nice bikes .....the California CHP rode these for years....very quick bikes.
Very Bad Ass my Brother