Welcome New Members

  • January 5, 2010 1:56 AM PST
    Hello from Hudson NH. Plenty of snow on the ground here. A couple of months to go before riding starts. Probably March time frame. This is a great site.
    • 1780 posts
    January 6, 2010 10:00 AM PST
    I just have to chime in again and say that this is hands down the friendlest site I've ever been on. I use to log onto this gun site (will not mention any site names) but it was a site for gun nuts, hunters, shooters,,,,,ya de ya de ya. Well you have these old farts that are retired (not that tha's a bad thing) that hang out there all day just waiting for someone to ask a dumb ass question, or post something in the wrong place, or whatever, so they can jump out and make that person feel like a munchcan from oz. Well I have a theory about people like that.....I think their pissed off at the world because they all have little penis's and the best way to feel like a big prick is to belittle other people.

    So to all the Big Pricks I left behind on that site......I say live and let live because your stick ain't going to get any bigger!!!
    Kudo't to Cyclefish

    The Night Dragon
  • g
    January 6, 2010 10:12 AM PST
    aye its a gid site ,no much bad folks on it .
  • January 6, 2010 10:21 AM PST
    Lucky,thanks for creating such a wonderful site, keep up the  good work.......hotpepper
  • January 9, 2010 10:53 PM PST
    Stumbled onto Cyclefish over at the Victory Motorcycle Club website.  A little late in life, but I have only been riding since August of '07.  In that time (through some crappy winters here in Michigan) I've managed over 26,000 miles in the saddle.  I just like to ride and meet other riders along the way.  I hope to see some of you on the road.

    • 1161 posts
    January 10, 2010 5:01 AM PST
    Well I have not introduced my self to this as of yet so here goes...  I have been on here for a few months and refered a few people to this web sight (and passed out cards thanks to Lucky) from the Toys for Tots on Dec 19, 2009.  Im in the process of a devorce.  I dont currently have a motorcycle,  But im still on the lookout for a cheep, reliable bike.  Been around Motorcycling MC's or RC's most of my life in some form or another.  Been a Pasenger off and on for a few years with uncles and uncles friends,  Dads friends exc.  Finally got my lisence 8 months or so ago,  after wanting it since I was 16 and wanting a motorcycle for aslong as I can remember.   If you have any questions feel free to ask me.

    Seakers (Michael)
  • January 19, 2010 5:10 AM PST
    I'm new here another biker site not sure what's diffrent with this one? I'm 56 have 1995 FLSTN with 119,000 miles on it I live in Washington state. I'm the State Lt undersec. COIR / US Defenders Washington State Frighting for keeping our rights as bikers. I guess I find out about this site soon

    • 1 posts
    January 19, 2010 6:06 AM PST
    peddler wrote...
    Stumbled onto Cyclefish over at the Victory Motorcycle Club website.  A little late in life, but I have only been riding since August of '07.  In that time (through some crappy winters here in Michigan) I've managed over 26,000 miles in the saddle.  I just like to ride and meet other riders along the way.  I hope to see some of you on the road.


    About where in MI - North/South/East/West/UP? - I really like riding along the Lakes & the UP -
    (snow pile seems familiar)
  • January 21, 2010 12:49 PM PST
    Just want to say hello from Illinois. I have had my license for about 30 years but haven't had a bike for 20 years. I bought a Harley 1200 Sportster in August. I did manage to get almost 3000 mile on before it just got to cold. Can't wait for nice warm weather again.
  • January 22, 2010 7:32 PM PST
    Hey Y'all. WoW great site. !  They call me Tiny. I am the President and Chaplain of Servants of Souls JC/MM. We are based out of Kernersville,NC. This is a Ministry of born again followers of Jesus Christ. We reach out in Love to bikers ,the homeless the sick and the elderly.We are looking forward to meeting all walks of life on this site. We are honored to be a part of CycleFish.

    Servin HIM in HIS wind.

    Chaplain Tiny..
  • January 22, 2010 7:59 PM PST
    Hello from the land of Siam!
  • January 23, 2010 6:48 AM PST
    Hello from NE Minnesota. I'm pretty much retired, and tolerate the cold up here 'cuz it means another bike season is on its way. Had -37 a couple wks ago, and today freezing rain and snow. I just keep the fire burning and peruse the bike catalogs. We have 4 grown kids (18,19,21,22), and can now ride alot more and farther. I actually joined last April, but then bike season started so I didn't spend much time on the computer. I do like the site, even though I spent little time on it 'til this winter.
    • 601 posts
    January 23, 2010 8:12 AM PST
    Ok I may as well throw me oar in as well. Irish, riding 33 years, only time i sat behind the wheel of a car was for some awkward sex, like this site 'cos its friendly, and no big ego's here.I travel to the U.S often and always meet new people there...............t'would be nice to go over and meet people who i already "know" from Cyclefish.
  • January 24, 2010 12:36 AM PST
    Hello Lucky,
    Good looking site so far. Glad to have found it. Looking forward to lots of new friends and information!
    • 1780 posts
    January 24, 2010 1:29 AM PST
    ChaplainTiny wrote...
    Hey Y'all. WoW great site. !  They call me Tiny. I am the President and Chaplain of Servants of Souls JC/MM. We are based out of Kernersville,NC. This is a Ministry of born again followers of Jesus Christ. We reach out in Love to bikers ,the homeless the sick and the elderly.We are looking forward to meeting all walks of life on this site. We are honored to be a part of CycleFish.

    Servin HIM in HIS wind.

    Chaplain Tiny..

    Thank you and you group for everything you do to confort others.
    Right on

    The Night Dragon
  • January 24, 2010 10:51 AM PST
    Am new to the site, but not new to riding, this is my 49th year of riding. The only transportation I do is my bike, so I don't fly or boat anywhere anymore. I live on the east coast of USA but work on the west coast.
  • January 26, 2010 11:41 AM PST
    Hi Everyone,just joined today and feel very lucky to say so.Sorry no pics yet of my Bike im going to get them up A S A P but thank you for a great site looking foward to viewing and posting as often as i can.I live in Maryland so if your ever down this way let me know > John
  • January 26, 2010 12:14 PM PST
    just joined from missouri like your site thank you
  • January 26, 2010 12:20 PM PST
    welcome glider and john1957 from Ohio
  • January 28, 2010 10:09 AM PST
    Hey, Ya'all! I'm new to the forum, but not the bike world. Been at it since I was 6, and I'm 49 goin' on 17, now. I ride a 78 FLH, for my everyday, and have a '99 V-Star and a '36 thru '71 45" Flathead. I can pretty much be found anywhere. I crossed the US for 2 round trips, this summer. Live in Mississippi, now, but saw Springfield, Mass; Miami, FL; Portland, OR; LA, CA (my birth town) Tybee Island, GA; with numerous trips to Kentucky/indiana line and North TN. Also made a September run to Denver, and pretty much saw everything inbetween all of these. Me an' my ol' Shovel just like to get lost, I guess. Hope I can meet some o'ya'all, this year. Always love to meet and make new friends. I'm a tatt artist and bike mechanic, now. Ex-Army. See ya'all out there! 
    • 1 posts
    January 28, 2010 10:27 AM PST
    TheFox wrote...
    Hey, Ya'all! I'm new to the forum, but not the bike world. Been at it since I was 6, and I'm 49 goin' on 17, now. I ride a 78 FLH, for my everyday, and have a '99 V-Star and a '36 thru '71 45" Flathead. I can pretty much be found anywhere. I crossed the US for 2 round trips, this summer. Live in Mississippi, now, but saw Springfield, Mass; Miami, FL; Portland, OR; LA, CA (my birth town) Tybee Island, GA; with numerous trips to Kentucky/indiana line and North TN. Also made a September run to Denver, and pretty much saw everything inbetween all of these. Me an' my ol' Shovel just like to get lost, I guess. Hope I can meet some o'ya'all, this year. Always love to meet and make new friends. I'm a tatt artist and bike mechanic, now. Ex-Army. See ya'all out there! 

    Pictures or it never happened!

    If you ever get really drunk & end up in NY look us up
    • 190 posts
    January 28, 2010 10:42 AM PST
  • January 28, 2010 12:26 PM PST
    welcome Fox from Ohio
  • January 28, 2010 12:29 PM PST
    Welcome Fox,Glider and John! Enjoy the site. Like the bike John,nice bro!
  • January 28, 2010 10:57 PM PST
    hey everyone found this site by a friend on FB and so for love it and their are a lot of intresting thing's to talk about hope to make some new riding friend's from michigan YA it's cold here i hate looking at the bike all covered up in the garage..take care and ride safe..(radar)