August 6, 2011 1:05 AM PDT
Hi, Im Rick, I live in Largo,Fl, just found this site, and I love it. I have been riding since I was 10, but havent had a bike in over 20 years. Usually rode friends on short rides. Last year I got a deal on a great ride, my Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 1500. I have always loved the shaft drive smooth and virtually no maintenance. I have been adding on to it and riding as much as possible. Of course it is summer here in Fl and the heat index is over 100 degrees at 8 am, but I didnt buy it to let it sit, so I ride anyway. There may be a few people that condemn me for not owning a Harley, I like them and will add one, but right now, Im having a ball. Always looking for new people to meet and ride with. So if your not a Harley snob, please contact me and I would be happy to chat, ride or just share info. Always remember " A ride is a ride"... Thanks, Rick
August 6, 2011 6:34 AM PDT
Hello from Pennsylvania's north coast.
August 6, 2011 10:50 AM PDT
Hey everyone! Glad to be a new member! I'm not new to forums but I am new to riding. My father gave me a gorgeous Suzuki Volusia a little over two months ago and I wrapped up my motorcycle safety school at Black Bag/Full Throttle Safety School in Federal Heights, CO. I've been loving every second on my bike and look forward to attending some events. Thanks for the great site it will definately be a MUST use to keep track of everything and everyone.
Here's a pic of my bike!
August 6, 2011 5:56 PM PDT
Hello Lucky,
Thanks 4 the warm welcome!
Your website has alot to offer, really like it.
August 7, 2011 10:27 AM PDT
Hi everyone from NY. Looking forward to this site
August 13, 2011 6:28 AM PDT
Hi Lucky

I joined this site quite awhile ago, and kept getting the newsletters, but finally decided to check things out a little closer... Loving it here and will be back often...
August 13, 2011 7:29 AM PDT
Well Welcome Back Dianne. There are lots of great people here, so you do need to hang out and get to know us!!!!
August 13, 2011 4:45 PM PDT
Hello from the Lake Erie region of Pennsylvania.
August 22, 2011 11:00 AM PDT
Thanks for this site Lucky. I have been to the BON site and it was not what I was looking for seem to be a dating site for bikers. I just want to talk to fellow riders about events and news around the states. I want to know where some of the best events are as many are closing down and new one are starting. I enjoy the AZ TBFS although this year was dampened. I am planning a group ride to Sturgis next August. About 6 couples are going. Just looking forward to intresting chat.
August 22, 2011 11:27 AM PDT
Well Alan ya come to the right place mate..Cheers from Brisbane Australia..I partied with the cyclefish mob last year at sturgis and we are mates for life..Now go grab us a beer mate..CHEERS BOOF
August 22, 2011 2:00 PM PDT
hello from central kansas
August 22, 2011 5:11 PM PDT
Hi from the north coast of Pennsylvania.
August 22, 2011 5:36 PM PDT
Yep Alan, like Boof're in the right place. I created this site just for the things you stated.
You'll find nothing but great people here that like to ride. some a little crazy, but all good!!!
August 26, 2011 8:54 AM PDT
Hi from the southermost city in the United States. Great place to live but not best place for riding Harley. Have to ride two lane road for 125 miles and 40 some bridges before get to mainland to enjoy good ride.
August 26, 2011 9:52 AM PDT
Hey Don, Welcome from a former FL boy myself. I love Key West. Used to go down there like two weekends a month when I was younger. Fish all day, hang out at the wall for Sunset and then into the bars for the night!!!!
Enjoy the site!