April 8, 2010 11:14 AM PDT
I've been on CF for a while, and I have been through the wo is me it's cold, and wo is me it's snowing, and wo is me it's raining, but now the weather is coming around to be more rider friendly... is it just me or does everybody seem happer. I mean the general mood now seems to be more up beat and more playful. It's amazing how the weather can change peoples moods. When it's cloudy people seem more down, and when the sun is out people are more friendly, and out going. Here is a proven test.....when one is laughing It is impossible to be reminded of bills that are due, the car is broken, the kids need school clothes,,,,,etc. Now try this ......the next time you sneeze try to keep your eyes open....did you know it's impossible, just like it's impossible to worry about things when your laughing.
Hell let's laugh more....it's actually good for ya
Night Dragon
April 8, 2010 11:33 AM PDT
i agree. Dragon, check your mailbox either this monday or tuesday. Anyway, i agree, the good weather has us comin outta hibernation....
April 8, 2010 11:42 AM PDT
Dragon I just got done saying to Steven I did not realize how depressed I was until today when I finished the mulching, mowed the yard and was ready to build steps or go for a two hour ride. I am happy to sneeze...spend a couple hours a week doing yard work if it means many hours on my bike. I think the snow blocked my laughing but I have remembered and I will do my best to remember during next winter.
See you all in June...ride safe..
April 8, 2010 1:20 PM PDT
Hey you all have it wrong! When its wet,raining and cold there is a little vain inside your brain and the worse the weather gets the more it gets blocked. Now that the weather is clear,sunny and warm this little vain drains and unblocks. So thats why the unstable feelings you all have in the cooler part of the year.
Now if you all move to good old Australia where the weather is mostly always good you wouldn't have those symtoms of cold weather woes!!!!!!
Maybe I should move over to there and experience that kind of problem.
Weathers nice so all of you get on the bike and ride the saddle of it.....
April 8, 2010 3:21 PM PDT
The medications keep me happy ALL DA TIME !!!!!!
April 8, 2010 3:26 PM PDT
Hey you all have it wrong! When its wet,raining and cold there is a little vain inside your brain and the worse the weather gets the more it gets blocked. Now that the weather is clear,sunny and warm this little vain drains and unblocks. So thats why the unstable feelings you all have in the cooler part of the year.
Now if you all move to good old Australia where the weather is mostly always good you wouldn't have those symtoms of cold weather woes!!!!!!
Maybe I should move over to there and experience that kind of problem.
Weathers nice so all of you get on the bike and ride the saddle of it.....
I didn't think 'Yanks' were allowed to move down under! Or is that just your mates in New Zealand?
April 8, 2010 3:36 PM PDT
Laughter is always good medicine, no matter what the weather or situation is. But since the weathers gotten better here and I've able to ride around and start to shake off the rust, I do feel much better, so I'll give the notion a Boooya or Hell Yea, whatever you prefer.
April 8, 2010 4:59 PM PDT
Man Nightdragon......I guess thats why the song goes...sunshine almost always make me happy..sunshine almost always makes me smile.
I know I'm getting more dry rides then wet rides so I'm a happy camper....
RandyJoe...Ride Strong...
April 8, 2010 5:03 PM PDT
The medications keep me happy ALL DA TIME !!!!!!
Yah, me too. I think it's the drugs!
April 8, 2010 7:42 PM PDT
Im kinda the reverse because I dont have a bike yet and seeing others riding I get jellious (spelling is wrong).
I know it is wrong so I try to stay away from roads asmuch as possable. I cant wait untill I get my own ride so I can go out and enjoy the freedom again!
April 8, 2010 8:23 PM PDT
Im kinda the reverse because
I dont have a bike yet and seeing others riding I get jellious (spelling is wrong).
I know it is wrong so I try to stay away from roads asmuch as possable. I cant wait untill I get my own ride so I can go out and enjoy the freedom again!
Hey my bikeless Brother if you can make your way to Arlington Texas man I will put ya on my 06 Street Glide, I will straddle the Dragon and we, my friend will ride until our butts are screaming! Hell Yea
April 8, 2010 11:33 PM PDT
Hey Dragon... The Bad weather had everyone P.M.S.ing... Kinda like a Big Dog stuck on a short Chain. He ain't a "Bad" dog. he's just depressed and very angry about not being able to run and feel the wind in his face! Did ya ever notice when yer riding down the road with yer dog, how they love to stick their head out and feel the wind in their face? BUT!!! Don't you dare blow in his face. They don't like it..... Bikers get depressed and "growley" when they're "Chained Up"...... And they damn sure don't want anyone blowing in their face!!! Sarge....
April 8, 2010 11:47 PM PDT
I know I've been feeling better. I've gotten yard work done, (not much), been walking again in the morning, getting up earlier to greet the day. All those stresses from the winter are starting to fade into the background. And, Bowling Green is only a few weeks away. 10 weeks and 3 days away and we'll be on the road headed south. WOOHOO!!!
April 8, 2010 11:53 PM PDT
Hey Rex ya old Dog....How ya doin man?
April 9, 2010 12:31 AM PDT
Naw, I'm still cranky
April 9, 2010 12:31 AM PDT
Rex is good. Been ridin a bit and my special lady keeps me happy when I am not so in short Life IS GOOOD!
April 9, 2010 1:45 AM PDT
I know I've been feeling better. I've gotten yard work done, (not much), been walking again in the morning, getting up earlier to greet the day. All those stresses from the winter are starting to fade into the background. And, Bowling Green is only a few weeks away.
10 weeks and 3 days away and we'll be on the road headed south. WOOHOO!!!
And the countdown begins.
April 9, 2010 2:06 AM PDT
I'm always Happy, except when I'm not...............
April 9, 2010 2:13 AM PDT
April 9, 2010 3:28 AM PDT
Hey Dragon... The Bad weather had everyone P.M.S.ing... Kinda like a Big Dog stuck on a short Chain. He ain't a "Bad" dog. he's just depressed and very angry about not being able to run and feel the wind in his face! Did ya ever notice when yer riding down the road with yer dog, how they love to stick their head out and feel the wind in their face? BUT!!! Don't you dare blow in his face. They don't like it..... Bikers get depressed and "growley" when they're "Chained Up"...... And they damn sure don't want anyone blowing in their face!!! Sarge....
very well put bikersarge. don't i know well, stuck with a broken tibia, leg in a cage, and on crutches, have fer another 8 months, i'm told...
sometimes i feel like barking at the moon alrite!
April 9, 2010 3:34 AM PDT
very well put bikersarge. don't i know well, stuck with a broken tibia, leg in a cage, and on crutches, have fer another 8 months, i'm told...
sometimes i feel like barking at the moon alrite!
Sorry you are stuck with a broken leg in a cage. I gotta tell you though I howl at the moon just for the hell of it!!! Feels good and makes my neighbors think I'm a little bit wacked!
April 9, 2010 3:49 AM PDT
I'm still an asshole.
April 9, 2010 3:55 AM PDT

But you can be a happy asshole too...
April 9, 2010 4:05 AM PDT

But you can be a happy asshole too...
Take some Senna, that can make you feel better!! LOL
April 9, 2010 4:12 AM PDT

But you can be a happy asshole too...
Take some Senna, that can make you feel better!! LOL

Senna???? No thanks I don't need help poopin'.....