February 12, 2010 4:00 AM PST
When I first came on the sene back during the first week of December in 2009 I'm thinking Dragon you have entered the Bad Ass Bikers Lair look at these dudes pictures! Now that I know everyone and read your post and replys about new born baby's, Vet's, ladies problems, old guys problems (me) and all different kinds of cool stuff I'm thinking no Dragon you have entered a lair of friends like no others, but to look at our profile pictures one would think what a bad ass bunch of Bikers. Let me just walk you through a group of bad ass dudes and provide my own take. I will even start with me
(1. The Night Dragon: I guess only if you believe in Dragons would you be taken back by the road name...Look at the Dragon as he proudly displays his tattoos, now that is bad ass
(2. The Extreme....Holy crap if I ran into this dude in a bar and didn't know him I would be buying him beers all night long just in case any shit goes down he would be on my side
(3. Wolfhound: this guy has a mask on in his pic like Jessy James, this can't be a good sign
(4.Seakers: What can I say, he has a flag on his site that say's "Kill em All"... Pretty much say's it all
(5. Hambone: This dudes picture screams CRAZY BIKER.....Shit Mo-Hawk's went out with Custard at the little big horn ...didn't they
(6. Sing Sing: Doesn't this guy have a smile that say's mess with me, and your scooter will be hanging from a tree by morning....LOL
(7.g: This guy has got to have a nut loose....no one but him can understand what the hell's he's talking about....LOL...He's like "I like french fry's"
(8.Krum: Sometimes I'm not sure if he's on my side or not.......It's kind of like ...yea it's the same but different
(9.Minion: Holy shit everytime I see his profile pic I have nightmares..LOL
(Dyna: This guy is kind of like......I'll get you my little pretty, and your little dog to look about him, but a hell of a poet
(10.Lucky......This is the Head Master of them all......It's like mess with me, and I will shut off CF.....No..No anything but that!!!
OK, Ok that's enought, and the point I'm making here is what we look like on the outside is really nothing like we are on the inside. We have LARGE hearts of gold, and would do anything for each other, and people this is the real meaning of "Brothers", and if anyone messed with our better half's I mean we would all rally together to kick some serious ass.
Thanks everyone for allowing me to have a little fun with you. I hope each and every one of you understands I would take a bullet for you, and I mean that......What the hell did i just say..LOL
You guys are my Brothers for life....
Love ya all
The Night Dragon
PS ..if I left you out of my band of crazy's forgive, for I love you all, and you are all unique in your own way
February 12, 2010 4:12 AM PST
looks and first empressions are decieving, I believe in "walk softly, stay quiet and listen, absorbe then act do not ever react, then they have to decide for themselves, who you are and what your about.
If that don't work, 3 1/2" magnum 00 buck no rifeling marks!!!!!!!!!
picturers tell a lot but not every thing!!!!!!!!
February 12, 2010 4:19 AM PST
I agree Dragon, and you came in here blazin your guns and sending out stuff to your fellow bikers that may need it and keeping us all posted as to what you are up to in a day. You and most of the others you listed have shown that side of themselves here in the forum. (We all remember the side that Hambone let us see!!)
Really we all do have two sides, but I am just glad that here it's fine to show both!
I am proud to be a part of this "family" too.
February 12, 2010 4:32 AM PST
I agree Dragon, and you came in here blazin your guns and sending out stuff to your fellow bikers that may need it and keeping us all posted as to what you are up to in a day. You and most of the others you listed have shown that side of themselves here in the forum. (We all remember the side that Hambone let us see!!)
Really we all do have two sides, but I am just glad that here it's fine to show both!
I am proud to be a part of this "family" too.
No doubt in my mind girl......you are for sure one of the cool ones!!!!
February 12, 2010 4:33 AM PST
Great post Dragon! There are a great bunch of "bikers" here, but like you said they are all people too, and now friends. There are enough sites out there that strive on egos & controversy, where people hide behind those "bad ass" biker photos and never really make friends, or get to know each other...or just take a break to have some goofy fun.
Can you imagine if the rest of the world saw us "bikers" congratulating each other on having babies, talking about grand kids, supporting community causes, and playing dumb games in the forum...What would they think? They would probably think this is just a front for some gun-running or drug ring
p.s. - Great call on all the photos...especially Minion!!!
February 12, 2010 4:55 AM PST
Every single one of you are HEROS to me!
February 12, 2010 4:59 AM PST
Well Lucky, I guess your rules that you enforce here really are working!!! Whether we all agreed with them to start with or not!!!
February 12, 2010 4:59 AM PST
p.s. Thanks Dragon!
February 12, 2010 5:03 AM PST
First bike site I found where members actually appear ride bikes.
February 12, 2010 5:17 AM PST
Hell, I'm just an old fart that putts around on my old Triumph. I don't participate too much here, but I sure enjoy reading what you all write. This is a great group.
February 12, 2010 5:27 AM PST
Well said nightdragon. How true we all have 2 sides and you can't judge a book by it's cover!
February 12, 2010 5:37 AM PST
Did you notice how long a Chest Thumper lasts when everyone else knows the Game and Score ?
Not here to prove anything. Just share a little of my world
February 12, 2010 5:58 AM PST
Did you notice how long a Chest Thumper lasts when everyone else knows the Game and Score ?
Not here to prove anything. Just share a little of my world
Elaborate hgs
February 12, 2010 6:19 AM PST
Hey I am a Bad Ass Biker! Got the pic of it to prove it.
February 12, 2010 6:22 AM PST
Hey I am a Bad Ass Biker! Got the pic of it to prove it.
Hambone...you know you scare me.
February 12, 2010 6:23 AM PST
Lol Dragon I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes, but yes your right! We all seam like were something else just from the profile pictures.
Good Post!!
February 12, 2010 6:24 AM PST
Hey I am a Bad Ass Biker! Got the pic of it to prove it.
Hambone...you know you scare me.
Yeah but it's a hot tinggly all over scare huh....
February 12, 2010 6:24 AM PST
Mm a member of three other sites loooooooooooooooooooooooong before the greatest show on earth, the Lucky and Laura show..."Cyclefish" came along. What really sealed the deal for me on this and I knew I was in the right place was the acceptence ya'll/we made for our Brother "Seakers". Now, I ain't tryin to embarass the Seak but this man don't have a bike, dosen't ride one as best I can tell, yet his herat and loyalty to this group seems as strong as any. Most sites I have joined and visited I'm willing to bet my left nut would not have given the welcome and acceptence all you hard asses did; that says a lot to me brothers and sisters. Also, debrajo is right, I don't agree with Lucky's rules of no posts or threads on politics and feel we as adults SHOULD be able to discuss ANY subject as reasonable adults, but I do after thinking about it realise not all adults are always reasonable and because Luck pays his bills off this site who am I to push the issue. I could have got pissed and left, but felt the brother and sisterhood of this site much stronger than my selfish need to have my way. Without a doubt folks, and I MEAN this; this site is the best and the folks here make it what it is...Love ya all my brothers and sisters.
February 12, 2010 6:24 AM PST
I've never had a more loving or happier home! Thank you all for being a part of it, thank you Lucky for building it.
xoxox to everyone!
February 12, 2010 6:25 AM PST
Hey I am a Bad Ass Biker! Got the pic of it to prove it.
I saw that pic...ONCE was ENOUGH!!!

February 12, 2010 6:26 AM PST
Dragon............. EXCELLENT post!!! Reminds me of a situation I experienced last year on a charity poker run (raising $ for a kid with cancer). Now, understand, most of the "Bikers" involved in this run were what you would call "Hard Core".... Even had a few members from one of the well known 1% clubs. Anyway.............. the wife and I are standing outside this bar we had stopped at talking to a lady rider. She really seemed out of place the way she was dressed and acted. She was AMAZED at how friendly everybody was and really surprised at the (as she put it) "Type" of bikers were supporting this run. I just kind of laughed and explained to her................. Don't judge us by how we look, the number of tats that adorn us or even the dirty jokes that are over heard. Judge us by whats in our hearts. Over the years I have discovered that when a need goes out, illness, death, fire, toys for Christmas ect, it's bikers that are the first to sign up. Society likes to label us as baby raping, drug selling gun toting thugs, too bad they can't see who we really are !!!!!!!
February 12, 2010 6:32 AM PST
I saw Hambones 'flipside' too and had to claw out one of my eyes! I would have clawed out both but I still need the other to see where I'm riding...
Great post Dragon!
February 12, 2010 6:41 AM PST
yep this is a fine looking bunch of gentlemen and women i would be proud to play bingo with anytime
February 12, 2010 6:53 AM PST
ummm....i kinda liked hambones picture myself
February 12, 2010 6:57 AM PST
Hey Bullmoose, if we're gonna play bingo, can ya get them to turn the volume up real loud. I'm getting on in years and my hearing ain't so good!!!