Accepting the inevitable

    • 1855 posts
    January 31, 2016 1:13 AM PST
    As physical age creeps on me with all its contradictions to my mental age of just 25 it's become increasingly apparent that I am no longer able to play shortstop anymore; which means old age isn't simply a state of mind.  Were that the case I'd actually be out there playing shortstop, diving for line drives, making double plays, and sliding into second base (if I could make it to second); doing all with reckless abandon as my knees shred to pieces and my hips shatter. So what does all this mean?

    As long as my motorcycle was running I've never trailered any where any distance.  But I've accepted reality in that I might have to do that sooner than I had anticipated.  I love my old Dakota but I can't trust it to pull my motorcycle the miles we normally travel on the bike, anymore than I can trust my body to do so.  I bought a new pick-up but couldn't stand to part with the Dakota.
    • 5420 posts
    January 31, 2016 1:27 AM PST
    Yep time does catch up to us and like you said event though in our mind nothing has changed with what we feel we can do, but truth is we do change (age). Doesn't mean we can't still enjoy life, we just may have to make a few small adjustments... like tow the bike and ride when you get there.

    By the way... Really Nice Truck!!! Let me know if you need a CycleFish sticker to make it look even better :-)
    • 1 posts
    January 31, 2016 1:30 AM PST
    Well I am sorry that this is some thing you have to accept. I wish there was magic pill that would let our minds grow but keep our bodies at mid 30's. ( That was what I think was my peak physical condition)
    New truck looks great!
    • 1855 posts
    January 31, 2016 1:45 AM PST
    A Cycle Fish sticker? I would like that. How much?
    • 57 posts
    January 31, 2016 7:15 AM PST
    I don't think I'm old but after nearly 40years in the trades my hands hips and knees most definitely disagree,the truck looks good but mine has more doors Lol
    • 1855 posts
    January 31, 2016 7:43 AM PST
    Hunter55 wrote...
    I don't think I'm old but after nearly 40years in the trades my hands hips and knees most definitely disagree,the truck looks good but mine has more doors Lol

    More doors means more seats.  More seats means more people.  More people means PITA.    LOL

    • 57 posts
    January 31, 2016 8:05 AM PST
    I can't believe that you guy's rode to Yellowstone a few years ago and I don't care how you get your bike there now ride your bikes when you can. Trailers are our friend. the PITA sits in the front seat next to me.Hahaha
    • 1855 posts
    January 31, 2016 9:38 AM PST
    Our trip out west to Yellowstone and back east again was 5,000 miles and yes we rode. Our trip the year before to New England area was 4,000 miles and yes we rode. Our trip to the Florida Keys and back was over 5,000 miles and yes we rode. We circumnavigated Michigan and hit all the Great Lakes for a total of 2500 miles and yes we rode. I don't believe we've ever made a journey of less than 1500 miles. We had a wonderful ride to Arkansas through the Ozarks and back also. Mmmmmmmmmmmm we've ridden through The Blue Ridge, The White Mountains, The Green Mountains, The Adirondacks, The Black Hills, The Bear Mountains, Hoosier Hill, Black Mountains, The Poconos, and God knows where else. And all of these rides were after I turned 60 when I retired. before that and before Gypsy it was 3 or 4 day power runs over week-ends.

    I plan on going as long as I can swing my leg over. I don't care if I can only do 3 hours a day. I have all the time in the world. But if I have to trailer then that's the hand I've been dealt and I'm cool with that. Looking back, as I'm sure so many others have, I can't believe all that I've done. But I still have to make Pike's Peak.
    • 57 posts
    January 31, 2016 12:09 PM PST
    You've forgotten about more rides than we've been on thats for sure but we're going to try to catch you this year,Lol
    Ride on Doc
  • February 1, 2016 2:04 AM PST
    Hey Doc nice looking truck.....can't go wrong with Dodge. Still driving my 2006 RAM 120,00 miles and still going strong.
    Keep up the riding, it's what makes ya young.
    • 1 posts
    February 1, 2016 11:53 AM PST
    Same thoughts hit me this year past, a couple of time the Ulysses decided it was going to eat me and it got me thinking that maybe, just maybe I'm tool old for it
    Trailering has zip appeal for me, ditto trikes (tho God bless anyone who likes them)

    I'm thinking about a side car rig - Dog in the tub, old lady on the back and I might never come home

    After riding since the mid 50s this past summer I actually not only got to touch a sidecar rig Freedom Sidecars in Middleburg, PA gave me a ride in one

    Still know squat about sidecars, so if anybody wants to pass on knowledge or provide leads on a rig, I'm willing to listen
    • 10 posts
    • 57 posts
    February 2, 2016 2:00 AM PST
     My 02 Ram had  176k so I got this one New for towing also.
    • 467 posts
    February 2, 2016 2:28 AM PST
    I already know that this time is creeping up on me. I have had too many broken bones and am now down to 400 miles a day....And as my arthritis gets worse I know that my ability will just go downhill. I already have made the choice that I will be transforming my bike to either a trike or get a sidecar. I would really prefer a sidecar (those who know me know of my obsession with my dogs), but my husband is dead set against it for some oddball reason. Anybody have opinions on which way they would go?
    • 1 posts
    February 2, 2016 3:37 AM PST
     Please I'm not trying to start an argument, I have nothing against trikes, several of my Legion Rider brothers & sisters ride trikes but they have no appeal for me, wanted to get on a motorcycle because I wanted to own the curves and to keep going when the pavement stopped
    Sidecar rigs seem to take real skill but properly ridden they can own the curves and keep going when the pavement quits
    Thought about a Ural, simple, rugged, easy to fix, but no matter how well you plan your route sometimes you are going to be on divided slab and they cannot keep up with traffic on divided slab. 
    Now leaning towards something using either a Sportster or a Bonnieville as a tug
    The Sportster has service & parts available everyplace, plenty of horsepower upgrades, all kinds of luggage available and looks great but has iffy ground clearance and is heavy
    The Triumph, scrambler version anyway, has good ground clearance and weighs 100# less than the Sportster
    Feel free to chime in here folks

    Couple of summers ago ran into a guy in Gettysburg with a sidecar rig based on a Honda Rebel, he was a dwarf and his wife was a wheelchair bound dwarf. He fabricated the rig himself, he could move his wife into the tub then lash down the wheelchair. The entire crowd gave the guy kudos all around.
    • 1 posts
    February 2, 2016 3:55 AM PST
     Encountered this guy on a Golden Retriever forum and met up with him about a year ago, he and his dog have traveled a big hunk of the US
    Barley has now gone to wherever good dogs go and he is breaking in a new traveling companion
    His rig is bigger and more expensive than I will be able to consider but it is a great rig and suitable for about every purpose
    • 3006 posts
    February 2, 2016 4:59 AM PST
    You have done more riding than a lot of us here. You certainly have me in awe of the miles you have run. I been riding for the last 17 years, have logged on about 130,000+ on my 03 Vtx & the prior 98 Honda Shadow. I feel the creep of age on my riding habits,not going out when it hits the 40's or raining. Trailers to me seems like a logical choice to continue riding when your body starts to say no all the time,yet the spirit is willing. At least you are acknowledging it and are willing to make the adjustment,a lot of guys will just say forget it and quit riding. Personally I feel blessed every time I throw my leg over the saddle, and never plan on giving it up until old mother nature decides otherwise. LOL

    The Dakota/Dodge PU's are great, bought my 97-Xcab brand new and gave it to my daughter w/ 92,000 on it in 012,she sold it last year w/130+ , for a grand. Other than routine stuff she was the most reliable vehicle I ever owned. It had a tow package and upgraded stuff that made it a really smooth ride.
    Your new truck is looking sweet, one of these days I hope to bring one home myself. If I have to trailer my scoot that's just fine by me,whatever it takes!!!
    • 1855 posts
    February 2, 2016 7:28 AM PST
    Nice looking truck Hunter. So the PITA sits where? LOL
    • 10 posts
    February 2, 2016 10:19 AM PST
    The dodge dakota is a nice truck. I was interested in getting one years ago (90's). Then I found out there isn't enough headroom for me. I still have an 02 f350 with 220,000 miles on it.

    As long as I can start my Pan, I am not going to trailer.
    • 57 posts
    February 2, 2016 12:01 PM PST
    cnciaco wrote...
    I already know that this time is creeping up on me. I have had too many broken bones and am now down to 400 miles a day....And as my arthritis gets worse I know that my ability will just go downhill. I already have made the choice that I will be transforming my bike to either a trike or get a sidecar. I would really prefer a sidecar (those who know me know of my obsession with my dogs), but my husband is dead set against it for some oddball reason. Anybody have opinions on which way they would go?

    I dont have any experience with trike's or side cars but have seen several bikes with sidecar's in our area and most were carring their favorite pooch,I don't know your husband but i'm pretty sure his concerns are for your saftey as well the dogs.

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 2, 2016 9:42 PM PST
    I too have an aversion to three wheelers. I am not putting them down, just they are NOT for me...When I can no longer keep it upright on two (or operate the controls) then I'll get another CJ and ride with the doors off and windshield down.
    • 467 posts
    February 4, 2016 2:44 AM PST
    Now Mike, you know I could not give up Ms. Green!!! LOL!! As for my hubby having an aversion to the sidecar, even he can't explain it (but I'm pretty sure he is afraid I will get more dogs!), I have been riding my whole life and he has only been riding since he met me. Yes, I know, I am a bad influence....
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 4, 2016 10:37 PM PST
     Hey Lady, More dogs huh?!?!?!  
  • February 5, 2016 2:37 AM PST
    It's amazing how our body has a way of changing our minds for us........I remember back in 2010 I think it was I was thinking about installing a Jockey shift and suicide clutch on my Dragon Bike. Holy crap today that is exactly what it would be..........Suicide, and a "What was I thinking moment" ....LOL
    Getting old is God's way of making ya humble.......
    Stay Safe
    Night Dragon
    • 467 posts
    February 5, 2016 3:00 AM PST
     Hey Lady, More dogs huh?!?!?!  

    Right now I only have 6 in the house! It's not like they are all mine forever! One is for sale if you are interested!