August 30, 2010 11:48 PM PDT

Yet another reason I will not live in Ca., however this kind of over-involvement of government does or should indeed concern us all.
"We the People" need to stand up again, get involved, voice our position and get rid of those politicians that would infringe on our freedoms and rights – enough is enough!
I don't know about all areas of the country, but I do know that in pretty much all the areas I have ridden and traveled through, few if any had "motorcycle only" parking spaces. Anyone see any biker only lanes anywhere?
Yet with most bikes ranging from 40-60 mpg are they not more "green" than most of the cars?
As for the loud exhaust...maybe if the cage drivers paid more attention to what was going on outside of their Crackberry texting, or make-up applying mirror watchers, non-signaling lane drifters...maybe we could feel safer riding the whisper machines (though I personally like the sound of the big twin growl) – how about spending more time picking on these moving threats to everyone?
The bottom line seems to be all about money making for the State and Fed…imagine that – now it’s our turn to start pushing back and demanding we keep our money, our rights and our freedom. They can keep the change.
My rant for the day…