Shattered and in need of some serious care, thats how my week-end went. Went to the Rory Gallagher blues festival on Friday and never left it until last night. We were supposed to go to Bikefest on Sat morning, but the shades had checkpoints on every road in and out of Donegal, alcohol tests, thats the latest here, they catch you in the morning when the booze is still in your system. So we stayed put, what a blast, wall to wall blues and rock with a really laid back crowd, because of the recession most of the younger crowd didn't come this year so it was really laid back, lots of denim jackets and lumberjack shirts and some really cool music. I checked out an American group..... Mirenda Rosenburg Band, don't know if you guys ever heard of them, but if you get the chance, see them, they were brilliant, I have never seen such energy flowing to and from a group on stage. So i missed Bikefest, but no regrets, I had a really cool weekend partying with my friends and a bunch of German bikers, total ride was over 800 miles on dry roads...roll on more like it.