January 14, 2010 11:49 PM PST
It's early and coffee hasn't kicked in, I forget, a lot.
Oh darlin, no no, I meant Easy Rider, honestly, not The Indian (atleast til Krum gets back). Of course I agree with YOU!
Remember I'm pleaser, like to make my all favorite men happy!

Getting busted sucks, lol!
lol, really do love The Fastest Indian a lot tho..
January 14, 2010 11:54 PM PST
Step actually I love the Fastest Indian as well, but I still have to stick with Easy Rider for this poll.
Sometimes getting busted ain't so bad
January 14, 2010 11:54 PM PST
OK so I don't count huh?
January 15, 2010 4:26 AM PST
Freebird 2008 english comedy biker flic.
check this list out though
January 15, 2010 4:34 AM PST
Quite a few good ones. Hell's Angels on Wheels
January 15, 2010 5:06 AM PST
Well run this for a while then take the ten most nominated and make it a poll.
My Vote -
Worlds Fastest Indian. Not really a 'biker' movie but certainly about a biker.
Gotta go with Mike on this one, actually he is the one that told me to watch it.
January 15, 2010 5:33 AM PST
I'm back lol
They are all classic, where's the popcorn
January 15, 2010 5:42 AM PST

but to every one of y'all, whoops!
Rex I'm agreeing with you too handsome, honest, I think you all are correct and I'm gonna just hush and sit in the middle from here on out, lol! Pinned in a corner, on a Friday even, geesh! THAT is what I get for being so agreeable and trying to make so many fellas happy

I really am just a good girl with great intentions, honest I am
January 15, 2010 5:46 AM PST
My all time favorite is the one where Stephanie Britt is posing on my bike out on a mountain somewhere.
January 15, 2010 5:52 AM PST
The Motorcycle Diaries.
January 15, 2010 5:55 AM PST
Rory, I'm just kinda hoping that that pic isn't EXACTLY what Hambone had in mind

But the motorcycle diaries...sexy thought! Can't share my entry though, can I? lol
January 15, 2010 5:56 AM PST
My all time favorite is the one where Stephanie Britt is posing on my bike out on a mountain somewhere.

NEKKID of course.
January 15, 2010 5:57 AM PST
My all time favorite is the one where Stephanie Britt is posing on my bike out on a mountain somewhere.

NEKKID of course.
Is there any other way for a beautiful woman to pose????
January 15, 2010 6:01 AM PST
Easyrider for me but I think you have to have lived in that era to truly understand the meaning of the movie. But I've also watched the "Worlds Fastest Indian" a million times and each time it just gets better.
My two all time favorites.
But a couple more I like:
Harley Davidson and the Malboro Man
Hells Angels on Wheels
Stone Cold
The Wild One
January 15, 2010 6:02 AM PST
Is there any other way I would pose? lol
Friday, tattoos, catch you fellas this evening maybe when I get back in.
Thank you for the pleasant smile I'll be wearing, and thinking of you all afternoon