Elev 20 ft, 38.99 °N, 76.16 °W
Rutland, VT
46.85 °N, 99.92 °W
Tonapah, NV
Elev 1191 ft, 39.9 °N, 79.72 °W
Ventner, NJ
Elev 12 ft, 26.71 °N, 80.05 °W
29.8 °S, 50.04 °W
Gracias, Amigo
one of my old favorites....
Yoe, PA
You are most welcome my friend
Elev 115 ft, 28.23 °N, 82.18 °W
Abbot, ME. Home of 'The Pie Lady' just off the Appalachian Trail...MMmmm
I only ever had time to walk the PA. part of the Appalachian Trail with another vet that lived right next to it.
Elev 1109 ft, 40.8 °N, 75.66 °W
I did the Maine part, several trips, when I used to vacation there, and a couple short sections in PA
Canadensis, PA
My friend lived in Pine Grove Furness State Park (where the A-T Museum is now).
Elev 489 ft, 40.97 °N, 76.61 °W
That's Cool...
Eldorado, Texas
Elev 1486 ft, 41.35 °N, 79.43 °W
Grosbeak, Texas
Elev 72 ft, 40.71 °N, 73.62 °W
Ipswich, MA
Elev 16 ft, 32.79 °N, 80.11 °W
And repeating one of my favorite little Texas towns...
Kermit, Texas
Elev 1486 ft, 41.38 °N, 79.37 °W
Memphis, TN
Elev 476 ft, 40.1 °N, 76.08 °W
Odessa, Texas
Elev 223 ft, 39.73 °N, 75.47 °W