Custer, SD ( still my favorite SD town)
Elev 2484ft 40.55 °N, 78.51 °W
Ely, NV
Elev 397ft 38.77 °N, 77.32 °W
Great Gorge, NJ
Elev 5160ft 40.2 °N, 105.17 °W
Indian Springs, NV (Home to Creech AFB, where I spent many hours)
Elev 905ft 37.33 °N, 82.8 °W
Heading up to ...
Kermit, Texas
Elev 1380ft 40.75 °N, 78.67 °W
Moclips, WA
Neshaminy, PA
Ocean Shores, WA
[blockquote]RexTheRoadDog said:
Neshaminy, PA
I worked at the state park off and on there. :-)
Elev 570ft 37 °N, 90.32 °W
Cool Rev...I've been to that park a few times...
Quanah, Texas
[blockquote]RexTheRoadDog said:
Cool Rev...I've been to that park a few times...
Quanah, Texas
Nockamixon State Park was the HQ of that section so I moved around sometimes daily.
Elev 75ft 39.9 °N, 75.32 °W
Spent many nights in Ridley Park. Dated a girl from there in my crazy teens.
Sierra Blanco, Texas
Elev 390ft 44.24 °N, 76.02 °W
Union City, OK
Elev 180ft 40.1 °N, 75.47 °W
Wind River Reservation, WY