February 11, 2014 12:01 AM PST
Just a little something to think about. Football related, kinda.
A man had 50 yard line tickets for the Super Bowl.
As he sat down, he noticed that the seat next to him was empty.
He asked the man on the other side of the empty seat whether anyone was sitting there.
"No," the man replied, "The seat is empty."
"This is incredible," said the first man.
"Who in their right mind would have a seat like this for the Super Bowl, the biggest sporting event in the world and not use it?"
The second man replied, "Well, actually, the seat belongs to me. I was supposed to come with my wife, but she passed away.
This will be the first Super bowl we haven't been together since we got married in 1967."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. That's terrible. But couldn't you find someone else -- a friend or relative, or even a neighbor to take the seat?"
The man shook his head.------------
"No, they're all at the funeral."
September 7, 2014 4:59 AM PDT
Here we GO!!!! First sunday of Football. Got my long ride in yesterday so I can just sit in front in front of the TV all day. Didn't get to watch much pre-season so I have no idea whos good and whos not... except for Seattle...still playing like a machine.
September 12, 2014 5:11 AM PDT
I'm ready for some football but I'm not sure my Chargers are. Only 17 points in the opener against the Cardinals was not what I expected. We have the Seahawks at home this week so wish us luck ok Jeff and Denise!!!!
September 23, 2014 4:00 AM PDT
My teams have been taking a pounding,and I am not happy with the play calling in general.Also some of the recent rule changes, I am still having difficulty following, all the penalties on the 49ers had me scratching my head.In effect the umps are truly dictating the game now.With key penalties becoming the defining moments in the game.Losing their home game to start the season was really a let down.And this last weekend another poor performance.
September 23, 2014 4:29 AM PDT
I wouldn't worry too much yet Ron, I think the 49ers still have a good team and they just need to make some play adjustments. I think as long as they hang on to Kaepernick and let him grow into a mature QB, they will have lots of winning seasons ahead of them. Unless I am wrong and he is just another flash in the pan with a great first couple of years and then working his way down (Tebo, Sanchez :-) ) - but lets hope not.
Just starting to get this feeling that Seattle is going to be the dominant team again this year. And I realloy hate to say that because I hate the Seahawks. First for beating my Bronco's in the Superbowl and then again on Sunday and second because a lot of their wins are coming from the crowd noise at home. What was their record B.C. (before CenturyLink) ??????
September 23, 2014 4:55 AM PDT
Still got my fingers crossed for my Giants, poor start but this past Sunday was better.
September 23, 2014 10:51 AM PDT
Like I've been sayin SINCE the pre-season....
Make BORTLES #1 QB!!! Rookie's have been known to explode, outta the gate.
After Chad Henne's, LESS THAN STELLAR starts in Regular Season...
the "powers that be", knew....if they didn't bump CHAD, they'd LOSE the fan-base.
Jaguars fans are a tight-knit bunch. We are fiercely loyal. BUT...we WANT A TEAM TO BE LOYAL FOR.
Show us the money, and we'll be the 12th man. We can make Jacksonville's fans, second only to
Since they named Bortles #1, Sunday evening. (only hours after THAT humiliating loss), things SHOULD CHANGE.
It may not happen the way I want This Season....but it'll happen.
Go Jags!!!
Ride Free
September 30, 2014 12:14 PM PDT
Sorry 'bout your team Tweek, but you can't blame it all on the QB. The Jags defense has given up 152 points in four games, by far the most in the league. But the good news is they are only second to last in points scored... they scored seven more than the Raiders :-)
September 30, 2014 12:15 PM PDT
Just looked at the standings and I thought I was looking at the NFL in some weird alternate universe. Here are the leaders of their divisions...
Buffalo Bills
Cincinnati Bengals
Houston Texans
San Diego Chargers
Philadelphia Eagles
Detroit Lions
Carolina Panthers
Arizona Cardinals
Some make sense, some none what so ever. Guess some of the teams are having a tough time getting back into it... not to mention all the suspensions!
Thursday night will be a great rivalry with the Vikings & Packers!
September 30, 2014 11:11 PM PDT
I think the biggest surprise is the AFC East. Who would've thunk they'd see any team other than the Pats on top in that division? I have to say, it was pretty awesome watching the Cheifs make the Pats look like a high school team on Monday night!
October 1, 2014 3:40 AM PDT
Yep that and the AFC West. Would not have expected to see the Charges ahead of the Broncos?
But the Raiders are in last so I know we are not in a total Twilight Zone!!!!
October 1, 2014 4:32 AM PDT
Yep that and the AFC West. Would not have expected to see the Charges ahead of the Broncos?
But the Raiders are in last so I know we are not in a total Twilight Zone!!!!
And Browns last in the AFC North....we're not completely Out There!
October 1, 2014 3:35 PM PDT
Funny I mention poor play calling & lately I see some minor grumblings coming from somewhere in the 49ers org.And the Raiders let their head coach go,with a 8-28 record it was certainly time for a change.Feel bad for the ex coach since a lot of the Raiders woes stem from the front office & the owner.
The 49ers play calling staff is somewhere in the twilight zone and I am not sure if Harbaugh should be held accountable? This last game they went back to basics and I believe proved to the coaches some things will always work,given the right players.In both of the losses one of our prime weapons Frank Gores running game was not even utilized fully.While the odds are stacked against the 49ers at making the playoffs,,the Raiders are truly in the Outer Limits
October 2, 2014 3:45 PM PDT
I'm a Raiders fan so the season is over already.
October 3, 2014 3:03 AM PDT
Damn another Thursday Night Football blowout. We have a regular thing on Thursdays where a bunch of the neighbors get together for TNF. So far every TNF game has been a blowout and almost not worth watching the second half. Well at least the Angels played last night and there were pool tables to give us something to do!
October 3, 2014 7:30 AM PDT
Is anyone else starting to feel a little saturated with the NFL. In my opinion they need to get rid of the thursday night games and just go back to sundays and mondays. Also I wish the sports commentators would stop pushing and talking about fantasy football so much. They make it seem like I'm the only guy in america that don't play it, I own a damn motorcycle for gods sake I don't have time for that crap. JMO though Go BOLTS!!!!!!!~!
October 3, 2014 11:34 AM PDT
Tennessee has got to be the most ate up state I've ever seen on football. The funny thing is after the Vol's or Titans get there butts kicked the local news stations only show plays that went well for the home teams. It's like they live in some sort of cartoon world about there teams.
All I can say is "How Bout them Cowboys"!!!!
October 20, 2014 5:02 AM PDT
Some great games this weekend. I love anygame that comes down to either team can win it in the end of the 4th quarter.
But the best (in my opinion) was the Broncos game last night. Peyton Manning now holds the all time record for touchdown passes. He needed three to break the record and he got it and then through another for good measure. I figure he has got a couple years left so by the time he finishes he will have set a record that will stand for a very long time.
I really liked when he threw number 509 for the record and his team played keep away with the ball! I am sure it is now up on his mantle at home.
October 20, 2014 5:05 AM PDT
Tennessee has got to be the most ate up state I've ever seen on football. The funny thing is after the Vol's or Titans get there butts kicked the local news stations only show plays that went well for the home teams. It's like they live in some sort of cartoon world about there teams.
All I can say is "How Bout them Cowboys"!!!!
How 'bout them Cowboys... best record in the NFL. What is going on ?!?!?!?!?
October 21, 2014 1:04 AM PDT
And the (Fl) Eagles are kinda surprising too...
October 23, 2014 3:53 PM PDT
The Raiders are 0 and 6,all I can say is i'm ready for april because the season is over.
October 24, 2014 3:14 AM PDT
Raiders being 6-0 just let us know that everything is still normal in the world :-)
(just kidding, I would actually like to see them start winning again)
Looks like Seattle is no longer the unstoppable powerhouse that everyone thought they would be. Not only back to back loses, but the most recent being to the then 1-4 Rams.
Broncos looked really good last night. I was expecting a little closer game against San Diego who has been looking real good themselves.
Now we have the Broncos and Cowboys with the best records in football.
October 24, 2014 5:00 PM PDT
The 49ers are looking tore up.Too many injuries the suspensions.It all adds up.
The season is not looking good for any local teams.Hate it when you have to hang up the season before the first week of November.
But, Hey what about them Cowboys ?!?! LOL
October 25, 2014 10:38 PM PDT
All we got around here is the Bears and the Highest paid QB in the league, not worth wasting my time watching,
October 26, 2014 7:14 AM PDT
Know your pain, RAIDER FANS!

Jacksonville Jaguars are about to go 1-7! SHEESH!
Bortles is good. Just really green. Need to give the boy some MIRACLE GRO!
Keep the Faith
Ride Free