February 13, 2010 2:38 PM PST
I've been riding the back (yeah, I know, that's not what it's called! lol) for my whole life; I bought my first bike when I was 15, a Yamaha 650 Maxim, 4 cyl. poked around a little bit, parked it. Bought a Yamaha 1000 Virago, never heard the thing run, but not for trying lol. ended up getting rid of both of them about the same time and bought my Mom's 1980 400T Hawk last fall, and I've been pretty much hard to control ever since lol. (Got REAL tired of that back seat!!!!) Sturgis also gets old when you have to hoof it everywhere lol. I bet Gina and I are probably THE rookies on this site lol, born into it or not.