Wow, Guys, thanks for the encouragement to come. I've been so inspired by Adventure Girl with her solo trip, If I can come up with a route on all local roads I plan on riding down on the bike. It will be my first real adventure on the bike. If it becomes to far for me to handle alone, maybe I can talk one of my friends to come and let me ride with them. If not, then there is always the car. I can bring myself quite well in that if need be. After seeing the posts about showing up in any type of vehicle I knew I had to come too. I'm so excited to meet all of you face to face.
Hey sidetrack......Maybe we could work something out.
We should all put our heads together.
Sounds like it would be a great run for us girls.
Visions of all the women having a wet tshirt pillow fight in my head.......

The wife and I are planing to go useing all small roads from sw. pa to bowling green. If you come through here maybe we can join up. and if Rex is coming west he can join too
Yea, that's what I plan on doing; Interstate at 400 miles just don't cut it. I called today for reservations but the lady there didn't know what I was talking about. She told me to call back and ask for CONNIE. So. if n ya call, CONNIE seems to be the lady to talk to.