Packing heat

    • 1 posts
    January 7, 2013 10:47 AM PST
    As far as I go; if carry or not, well, lets say you never know unless you try me.
    • 44 posts
    January 7, 2013 11:35 AM PST
     Well said me and the wife Agree
    • 1780 posts
    January 8, 2013 2:22 AM PST
    Steven wrote...
    As far as I go; if carry or not, well, lets say you never know unless you try me.

    Like what you said Steven......That's what makes a conceal carry person dangerous. You just don't know who standing around you at a 7/11 is packing heat, until the time comes to reveal. Here's something for those who want to open carry to think about.The Type of holster and holster placement can make it pretty easy for someone standing in line behind you to take your weapon away. That is why if you choose to open use a Law Enforcement lock down holster. Most low lifes out there don't know what a lock down holster is or how it works, so while they are jerking around trying to remove your gun (strong side) they end up with an elbow in the face. Remember their holsters are just there waist band most of the time.
    Be safe out there every one
    Good Show Steven
    Night Dragon

  • January 8, 2013 8:57 AM PST
    Hey yeah...Thats it...Open Carry or Ban Guns and that way I will stop coming to there is an up-side for you guys, lol, States gets rid of me

    Of course... There is a down side too, loads of visitors from other countries who like coming to USA will also stop coming as visitors....Well...Tourists will stick out like a sore thumb...we aint allowed to carry...Instant Target!!!
    • 1 posts
    January 8, 2013 9:05 AM PST
    NightDragon you are spot on. I never understood why someone would open carry a weapon. I would not want to scare innocent bystanders and I don't want a would-be attacker(s) know what I have. If I am the bad guy my objective would be to take out anyone armed first and then the rest of the unarmed. I strongly believe in self defense, but if you have the opportunity to flee by all means run (live to fight another day). However, remember one thing you can run from a knife, but you can't run from a gun.

    Like NightDragon said Be safe out there and beware of your surroundings

  • January 8, 2013 9:15 AM PST
    Steven wrote...
    NightDragon you are spot on. I never understood why someone would open carry a weapon. I would not want to scare innocent bystanders and I don't want a would-be attacker(s) know what I have. If I am the bad guy my objective would be to take out anyone armed first and then the rest of the unarmed. I strongly believe in self defense, but if you have the opportunity to flee by all means run (live to fight another day). However, remember one thing you can run from a knife, but you can't run from a gun.

    Like NightDragon said Be safe out there and beware of your surroundings


    Just adding as a joke at this point

    You CAN run from a gun.....

    ..... But its the bullets you have to watch out for!!!
    • 1780 posts
    January 14, 2013 9:51 AM PST
    I just heard on the news... in the year 2012 there were more GI's that killed themself than died in Combat.
    I just don't understand what is going on with the world and the people in it.
    Little Kids killed while setting in class trying to learn about the world. What in God's name is going on, can anyone explain this crazyness No one is safe anywhere they travel, NOWHERE!
    Remember always check your 6 when out and about, and always expect the unexpected!!!!

    Be safe in everything you do

    Night Dragon
    • 7 posts
    January 16, 2013 12:38 AM PST
    mac117 wrote...
    ...Better to have ... and not need .., than to need .. and not have..

    One of my all time favorite truisms Mac :-)

    Edit: Still trying to figure out why sometimes the quote is in the box and my text is too - or is not. I dun'no

    • 1855 posts
    January 16, 2013 6:25 AM PST
    NightDragon wrote...
    I just heard on the news... in the year 2012 there were more GI's that killed themself than died in Combat.
    I just don't understand what is going on with the world and the people in it.
    Little Kids killed while setting in class trying to learn about the world. What in God's name is going on, can anyone explain this crazyness No one is safe anywhere they travel, NOWHERE!
    Remember always check your 6 when out and about, and always expect the unexpected!!!!

    Be safe in everything you do

    Night Dragon


    My explanation Dragon is that the human race is basically cruel.  While some profess some degree of compassion, just take a look at the rest of the world and how they torture and maim and commit genocide.  They don't seem to get it that the world is someday going to end anyway and their cruelty to an end is meaningless.  Humans are a cancer on the world and inherently cruel.  Those who aren't are only about 1 in 10,000 and should definitely be in a constant state of awareness.

    I tell Gypsy to use the handicap stall because there's more room to fight if something happens.
    When being seated at "ANY" establishment I insist on a booth or table furthest away from the main entrance and we always sit next to one another facing the door.
    Never get gas at the pumps nearest the entrance to the station.
    Never make it obvious that you have something valuable on your person.
    Always lock your car doors
    Never leave your woman in the car alone.  Some dude jumped in and stole my car once and my girlfriend bit off his ear and busted his nose.  LOL
    Don't linger at your car when getting in....just get in.
    Because there is just the two us...each of us has immediate access to a weapon.
    Our doors are locked at night.
    Our shades/curtains are drawn.  Of course our dog sits in the window a great deal and that is a good thing but honestly, unless your dog is train to protect you, you can't count on her/him to do so.
    We take our walks regularly but also change the route so as not to be predictable. Plus, we always take the dog.  We don't walk with freaking ear phones either.
    And if you have a concealed carry permit........practice accuracy.  Take an additional course in tactical/personal defense with your weapon. And then make sure you carry it.

    I'm sure some of ya'll have some more tips for personal security and safety.  I know we have plenty more but I just wanted to elaborate a bit on what Night Dragon said.  And BTW, I also carry a knife (or two).

    Peace (of mind, of heart)
  • January 16, 2013 8:39 AM PST
    If you are going hunting carry a gun....other wise be wise and leave it home.A problem is much easier solved with calm common sense,than with something that will ruin Your life.
    • 1 posts
    January 16, 2013 12:02 PM PST
    Night Dragon...

    As for a little more insight... Humans are the strangest animal of them all, I forget who said it but I truely believe it. Society as fallen over an edge that we was tetering on and I am not sure why??? I happen to think it is alot of things... and all things some times. I have serveral hypothesis why this is. Some simple, some not so much. One is with more people the odds of having more crazy/insane/mental ill or disturbed people are only going to be going up with the population... Only makes since.
    Then we have those that will do any thing for fame.... I am not sure why people want fame I think it would be a big pain in the back side but seems some will do any thing. So this type of person is doing bigger crimes, bigger schemes, more cons,etc. etc. Tjose that worship the dollar... Now do not get me wrong money is nice pays the bills and buys me tires for the girls. But seems some have become obsessed with getting all they can... Black friday sales and what people will do to another to save a buck. Stampede over people cruch them to death. Sickening !!!I I could go on and on but what do I know I am just a nobody and happy about it.
  • January 17, 2013 12:51 AM PST
    As a member of the military I have been places and done things that the everyday person will never do or understand. I have lost close military brothers and my real brother to suicide. The only person that trulely knows why they did it is the person that did or attempted it. There are too many reasons to list. I have had alot of training on suicide prevention as well as resillancy. I know in my heart that I could have helped alot of people had they chose to talk to me. I cannot hold myself responsable for thier actions anymore than you can. People are going to do bad or good things as they choose. I feel safe when I go places because I know what to look for and then avoid it. I carry because if something does go horribly wrong and I am without a defense for myself, my family, or others. I do not let any horrible things make me paranoid. I simply live with awareness and a defense plan.
  • January 17, 2013 1:12 AM PST
    I have a CCW which was really tough to get in NY. I don't own a gun, yet, but there have been times when I'm riding solo that I wish I did.....
  • January 17, 2013 5:04 AM PST
    You have definatly felt the need for one if you went and got the ccw. I would do two things 1 get good instruction in the use. 2. get one.
  • January 17, 2013 5:38 AM PST
    I go out to the range every other week. I went to a citizen's police academy and was trained by an FBI trainer, who said "you're a natural, you should get your license". Never realized how theraputic shooting is
  • January 17, 2013 5:47 AM PST
    it can be alot fun as well. try shooting some melons or ballons or something with spinning metal targets.
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    January 17, 2013 7:10 AM PST
  • January 17, 2013 7:24 AM PST
    that is great!! gonna show it to the guy at the range! thanks
  • January 17, 2013 9:04 AM PST
    I carry bear mace, it is a larger and more powerful mace that can shoot a fog 35 feet. Legal in all States.
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    January 17, 2013 3:32 PM PST
    mommabailey65 wrote...
    that is great!! gonna show it to the guy at the range! thanks

    You are most welcome my friend.

  • January 17, 2013 3:35 PM PST
    I've been thinking about a permit for sometime now. I think it's time to get it done and I'll probably carry in some instances.
  • January 22, 2013 3:42 AM PST
    I think that everyone here will respect that decision.