Livin Out Of Saddlebags

  • January 13, 2010 5:55 AM PST
    JimandTerri wrote...
    Wow Ray! Detailed!!! I like it! Obviouslly organized guy.

    Terri and I are two-up for life! One thing I have an advantage on you is bags. I think I am starting to get the picture on this.

    Here is my "to get" list before Spring
    Tent (3 or 4 person)
    Air mattress and battery pump
    Sheets and a warm blanket
    Essentials bag (hygeen stuff, anti-ass smell spray, deet, SPF)
    Collapsable cooler

    Other than that, a light packing of clothes and we are there!

    I would add ....A .45 , a couple bottles of water and don't forget........clean undies!!

  • January 13, 2010 6:12 AM PST
    I was going to leave the guns at home and just use the five step punch of death if I encounter any violent wild life...

    The clean undies is a great idea, if you wear them.

    I bring water cuz it brings out the true flavor of scotch
  • January 13, 2010 6:34 AM PST
    What is the best camp chair? Anyone find one that is awesome? Shitty? Suggestions? I would probably just get a couple cheapys from Walmart, but I have seen some cool crap. However, looks cool is not the same as works cool. I also don't want to be worried about the thing growing legs when I'n not around.
  • January 13, 2010 6:41 AM PST
    I don't carry chairs , the ground works for me , I carry the .45 because I am to big a chicken to try to punch a grizzly.
  • January 13, 2010 6:45 AM PST
    I hear ya chywolf! And I COULD do the ground, but I just think I would be so much more comfortable in a nice chair! Tough to get a lap dance when you are on the dirt. Plus, I want to keep Terri nice and happy!!!

    Probably cheepies would work fine, but if there are soime cool ones out there I would consider it

    I would get something MUCH larger than a .45 for grizzlies. Maybe 45-70??? I wonder if I can get a scabbord for my 300 win mag?
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    January 13, 2010 7:14 AM PST
    Lucky wrote...
    Yep, Ray is the only guy I know that can carry almost as much on the Big Dog as I carry on the Road King!

    But I can fit the chairs even with Laura on board...

    Can't wait to see the Road King all packed up and ready to ride again Has Highrisk counted the days lately?!!!!
    • 1 posts
    January 13, 2010 9:00 AM PST
    Like your pack - The one olive drab on the back - Where is it from?
    Could mount that on the "Triple Tail", would be way more tidy than what I do when I have to take dress clothes w/ me.
    • 1161 posts
    January 15, 2010 2:22 PM PST
    I just need a blanket, Tarp (2), toothbrush, A$$wipe (in a zipplock baggy), sleeping pad, Sterno Stove (Boyscout version) and 5-50 Cord (Chairs, Tent can be made with the correct lengths of wood), and maby a bic lighter. and maby some clothes (for when I need to get some food supplys).
  • January 15, 2010 2:53 PM PST
    99Savage wrote...
    Like your pack - The one olive drab on the back - Where is it from?
    Could mount that on the "Triple Tail", would be way more tidy than what I do when I have to take dress clothes w/ me.

    Ha ha, that's a T-Bag Baja.  It was black but faded out in the sun while I was stationed in Kalifornia.  Poor dye they use.  Good pack though for being small.  My other larger one is a Saddlemen and it has retained it color.

    • 1 posts
    January 16, 2010 1:12 AM PST
    Ha ha, that's a T-Bag Baja.  It was black but faded out in the sun while I was stationed in Kalifornia.  Poor dye they use.  Good pack though for being small.  My other larger one is a Saddlemen and it has retained it color.
    Thanks - Real spendy (am a cheap SOB, ask my wife) - Will have to keep an eye out for a used one
    • 1 posts
    January 16, 2010 1:29 AM PST I have found this site to be the lowest in price compared to other sites, not say there aren't cheaper sites out there, but is what I have found. Believe me I am about the tightest penny pincher around. I have purchased all of our bike bags here, except a cooler bag. On our last trip it was 11 days long and we got so tired of eating in restaurants, so we decided to purchase a nice size cooler bag to cut back on restaurants and this will allow us to eat lunch when and where we want.
  • January 24, 2013 6:41 AM PST
    it suck try not to do it
  • January 28, 2013 5:29 AM PST
    What I carry with me
    For years I lived Nomad and my Motorcycle was my home. Because it’s the high bag when the bike is on the jiffy stand, my right saddlebag holds my clothes; two par of jeans two tee shirts one heavy long sleeved shirt, six socks. Fishing poll Tackle. Back up pistol, water shoes, towel. Extra sunglasses.
    The left bag holds 5 days of food, cooking utensils, tool bag air pump axe ammo Colman one burner stove, runs on gas from the bike. Espresso maker (I’m semi house broken)
    Top of my left saddle bag is my sleeping bag and ground tarp, top of my right saddle bag is my 3 man tent and ground tarp. In the stuff bag of the tent is light cord and tie straps. In the stuff bag for my sleeping bag is sleep pants and light tee shirt.
    I have a day bag that carries stuff needed on the road, Map, pain pills, rain gear, extra glasses, extra long sleeved pull over shirt. Water,
    Across the bike between the saddle bags I have a duffle bag that holds my air mattress, (I’m getting old) insolated bibs and fowl weather gear. Behind that a collapsible cooler
    This leaves a space between me and the duffle where I can put my helmet, leather coat, or any thing else, the space is big enough just incase I meet a sweet hitchhiker
    When I was a kid my Grandfather and I would ride the high country in Oregon looking for stray cattle, we would spend a week or too out. He would tell me Stevie saddle bags will hold all you need not all you want. So separate your needs from your wants and let’s get going.
    If I could offer any advice it would be to keep your packs low and tight. I have see bikes packed like high rises and that makes for an unbalanced load. Try a little test, With your bike on the jiffy stand and you in the left side of a un packed bike, grab a hold of the back bar and pull , see if you can lift the front wheel off the ground . Now when you’re packed with all the belongings you want, try it again.
    My 00.2 worth
    Ride and enjoy for we don’t get out alive
    • 284 posts
    February 21, 2013 8:42 PM PST
    Hotel unless I have a camper. The cheap, down here Super8 are almost like camping. Only good thing is in the middle of the night you do not have to search for the bathroom. Plus at about $20 something a night, last I looked, cost about the same as a camp site.