November 8, 2012 7:47 AM PST
I quite enjoy winding it on a bit on decent, straightish roads and and enjoy the overtakes when it's clear. However, on moar of our very narrow, bendy, hilly roads (which we have a lot of in Yorkshire and around) then I prefer to take it steady. A little faster on the bike than in the car (dughters say I drive like a Grannie and I tell them that's cos I AM one lol) - but mainly because I can get past other traffic on the bike. Don't like to go tooooooo fast to be totally honest cos I'm keen to keep my licence and there's always the risk of too many mobile speed cameras and unmarked police cars. Besides which - if I wind it on too long Shaun's hands and legs get tired from all the flapping (o:
November 8, 2012 8:00 AM PST
Admit it're a hooligan !!!!
November 8, 2012 8:22 AM PST
Admit it're a hooligan !!!!
Oh my dear Rory - think you're getting me mixed up with SheepShaun lol
November 8, 2012 1:22 PM PST
I look at it like this, and this is also how cops look at it...(motorofficers)...a biker should ride through the traffic. Not stick to one spot..and travel with it. Cages have the capacity to forget why what and how they are doing it. Test yourself when next in your cage..let someone else drive and just watch them. Cagers get distracted by the most mundane things. Thats when trouble for the wayward biker occurs..(usually). So yes i speed through the traffic. I always have. It's kept me alive thus far...on country roads well thats another story...I have no clue how to stop farmer Smith from pulling out of his hedgerow right infront of you... so usually i ride down the centre line...unless he's coming the otherway then i move to the side...
November 9, 2012 5:23 AM PST
I do 4-6 MPH faster on the open roads in my car except in residential areas then I go 15-20 MPH. Last thing I want to do is hit or hurt a child. On the bike I go speed limits or below because my bike won't get up and go like most riders I ride with.
January 26, 2013 3:30 AM PST
Because I am an amateur club racer and my street legal bike is also very fast looking that I would love to speed on the road, but I don't. I normally go with the flow of traffic, maybe just a little faster. The one exception is out on the long straight empty roads that run through the center of the state and the Everglades. Out there I will open it up just for fun.
I get the need for speed out on the track where it belongs.