January 5, 2010 10:23 AM PST
What doe's that bike mean to you ?
Does it mean ten minutes of swearing every morning pulling on your wet gear, putting on the boots before your leggings, then trying the impossible by pulling the leggings over them. Then after hauling the whole lot off and starting again, you go out to find it's stopped raining.
Does it mean praying to God when you hit a corner/gravel too fast and swearing that you'll give 20 to St Francis if you survive, and having survived, spend the 20 on coffee,sandwich and a packet of smokes, while congratulating youself on having the skill to survive.
Does it mean pulling up at lights on a cold wet monday evening, there in a car on your right is Mr Sensible laughing at your discomfort, saying to Mrs Sensible,"look at that langer on the bike". Then you give you're impression of a scud missile and think " feck you, i'll be home,showered, shaved and fed by the time you hit the next set of lights, and by the way if your wife ever wants a ride......."
Does it mean those little arguements with your partner, you know the ones....Honey will you go to the shop and buy a new shirt and tie for our sons 21st, and she fails to understand that the Richa jacket you got on special offer looked much better, she also fails to understand why the fck you were in a bike shop looking for a shirt and tie in the first place.
Does it mean forgoing food and sustenance, because you really need that new set of Pirelli Diablos.
Does it mean stopping at the side of the road with another biker sorting out the major problems of the world...like is a steering damper necessary on a Hayabusa at 160mph.
Does it mean going out for the sunday morning papers and arriving home 200 miles later with no papers but a grin as wide as an elephants ass...and straight into another arguement, you know the ones...silly little tiffs that lead to dinner..wine ..bed and kids if your not careful.
Does it mean getting pulled over by some mutton head of a cop, and him not believing the crisis you were speeding home to ... you promise you'll never do it again, once home you plan on how to avoid self same mutton head tomorrow.
Does it mean.................................ya ! you love your bike. And fck 'em if they can't take a joke
January 7, 2010 6:05 AM PST
that shit is hilarious and dead spot on...lol
January 7, 2010 6:07 AM PST
yeah, i call her Black Betty..at least before she became the Green Bean....
October 30, 2010 4:03 AM PDT
Damn! I love that bike! Took me damn close more then 20 years to be able to finally realize my dream of ownin my own harley. After three jap bikes and a lifetime worth of sweatin,strugglin and strivin i finally got my HD. My wife dont understand how a man could love a bike so much,. I try to make her understand that since i was a young pup of 16 not one day has gone by i havent thought about one day gettin my own Harley. I know its kinda wrong to love a hunk'a metal but...damn,i love that bike .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey SingSing
You don't have to be a man to have that feeling towards your bike! I too, loved my '91 Sportster just that much. She was my best friend. She never critizied me, she didn't get mad at me, and we went everywhere together. My divorce didn't hurt me as much as selling that bike did!!! (don't ask)
So yea, I completely understand, and I'm very sure, I'm not the only one...RIDE FREE!
October 30, 2010 9:07 AM PDT
She's my mistress, she has a name, Ruby, for her color. Does your bike have a name??
Mariah, like the wind.
October 30, 2010 1:06 PM PDT
You said it! After 30 years, I was finally able to get Tami. The wife calls her "the other woman". The kids call her Trouble Maker. So, yea, she has a name. Just as all those that went before her had names.... The first was Edith ('71 Moto Guzzi 750) , Britches ('79 Suzuki GS550), Gertie (Honda CX550E), and Davey (Honda Ascot 500 twin with a huge hole in the bottom of the exhaust). And I loved em all, each and every one.
November 1, 2010 1:40 AM PDT
Don't really care if it is considered normal, but I sure love MY Harley! "Candy" is so named because it's the sweetest thing I ever did know, I even wrote a song (and sing it often and revise it often) about her. Maybe Candy's a bit sweeter than Sugar, rest her iron soul, who preceded Candy and who was every bit the cantankerous machine.
Candy's cost me relationships, it's cost me many paychecks, but the joy of riding for endless miles and the anticipation of that next curve in the road has more than compensated. I swear Candy feels the same, and stares sadly at me with those big headlights when I have to park her in the garage once again.
November 1, 2010 5:25 AM PDT
Yep, I love my bike too, maybe some consider it a little too much, but it's mine, I worked for it, and it takes me to places I would have never seen without it. Sometimes Laura will say "I wish I was your motorcycle", but she knows that I love my Road King even more when she is on the back.
November 1, 2010 5:58 AM PDT
You properly wouldn’t be on this site if you didn’t Love your bike. Yes I to love my Harley. The time were parted I’m a miserable son of a bi**h. Consider the time and places we travel it could be nothing else. Where else but in the saddle can you think of the curving winding road ahead and get the proper respond of ya open it up. Where else can a cool summer night breeze be appreciated by bike and rider? Not a complaint can be heard between the two.
November 1, 2010 12:52 PM PDT
I have loved all my bikes especially my first streetbike. It was a 1982 Yamaha Seca 400 painted red. If anyone knows where I can locate one of these let me know ok. My current bike is probably my favorite though because the kids are grown up and me and the Mrs. can jump on her and ride all weeklong with no worries at all.
November 2, 2010 6:48 AM PDT
I've loved all mine - first was SR 125 called SiR Lancelot. Then SR 250 called Shifty. Then a beautiful red XJR 400 called Ruby matched with JOEY my work hack GN250. For the last 7 years my beloved Ethel (Suzuki GS500) so called because she's the greatest and always ready (after Ethelready the Great). I draw the line in letting her in the house though lol
November 2, 2010 9:19 AM PDT
I believe it is perfectly normal to love your Harley, But I don't believe it is normal to "love" your Harley. if you get my meaning. LOL
November 2, 2010 2:47 PM PDT
Yea, I love my bike too! (My SG 2007)....This current year marks my first time having / riding Harleys! As I stated in a previous post (maybe on my profile?), that I had jap bikes most of my life....1st was Honda 305SS, then the 450, then Triumph 650 Bonneville, various dirt bikes (Suzuki, Honda Elsinore) and long, very long gap of no riding. I knew something was wrong w/ me (lol!!!) , till I got my Harley! Now I can say 'Je suis tres content' !
btw, the pic is me in Ferebrianges, Fr. 'couper les raisons'.....
November 2, 2010 9:28 PM PDT
think i might get the new zx10 next year ,but ill still keep the 6 though ,for 10yrs old its one of the best in aberdeen .
November 2, 2010 9:29 PM PDT
she still dose a good 170mph ,so i think a 1000cc bike would slow me down a bit on the scottish twistys .
November 2, 2010 9:30 PM PDT
love the kawasaki ,looks nice has nice sharp angles .