January 5, 2010 10:23 AM PST
What doe's that bike mean to you ?
Does it mean ten minutes of swearing every morning pulling on your wet gear, putting on the boots before your leggings, then trying the impossible by pulling the leggings over them. Then after hauling the whole lot off and starting again, you go out to find it's stopped raining.
Does it mean praying to God when you hit a corner/gravel too fast and swearing that you'll give 20 to St Francis if you survive, and having survived, spend the 20 on coffee,sandwich and a packet of smokes, while congratulating youself on having the skill to survive.
Does it mean pulling up at lights on a cold wet monday evening, there in a car on your right is Mr Sensible laughing at your discomfort, saying to Mrs Sensible,"look at that langer on the bike". Then you give you're impression of a scud missile and think " feck you, i'll be home,showered, shaved and fed by the time you hit the next set of lights, and by the way if your wife ever wants a ride......."
Does it mean those little arguements with your partner, you know the ones....Honey will you go to the shop and buy a new shirt and tie for our sons 21st, and she fails to understand that the Richa jacket you got on special offer looked much better, she also fails to understand why the fck you were in a bike shop looking for a shirt and tie in the first place.
Does it mean forgoing food and sustenance, because you really need that new set of Pirelli Diablos.
Does it mean stopping at the side of the road with another biker sorting out the major problems of the world...like is a steering damper necessary on a Hayabusa at 160mph.
Does it mean going out for the sunday morning papers and arriving home 200 miles later with no papers but a grin as wide as an elephants ass...and straight into another arguement, you know the ones...silly little tiffs that lead to dinner..wine ..bed and kids if your not careful.
Does it mean getting pulled over by some mutton head of a cop, and him not believing the crisis you were speeding home to ... you promise you'll never do it again, once home you plan on how to avoid self same mutton head tomorrow.
Does it mean.................................ya ! you love your bike. And fck 'em if they can't take a joke