Dumba$$e$ like give us all a bad name

  • June 23, 2012 12:59 AM PDT
    Hey Wolfpack, check out the links that I put in inside the messages a few messages up from here, the news stories are there also...maybe you will think a bit differently about that particular kid then...

    Of course I could be wrong...

    The guy who was a blocker ... that could well be his job and as such enabling others who may be carrying 'anything' to get away...

    The girl on the pickup had 'stuff' she didn't want to get caught with, weed maybe? other one on truck had what looked like a knife, or something of similar size, that she passed to the guy on the bike...

    1st girl may be underage? a runaway? maybe even a convicted felon, who knows eh? So she did what she considered right, may not be a good judgement call, but it was as far as she was concerned, I aint going to hold that against her...

    Kid that was blocking the cop had on black clothes on what looks like a black bike, cop that pulled the kid in the WHITE t-shirt on the BLUE bike "apparently" had no dashboard camera working, funny that eh? ALSO, if you have watched the kids video the cop lost his temper with the kid and slammed the door on what I would presume was the kids legs...tried to snatch his camera as a source of possible evidence against other bikers...and then busted his a$$ to jail for a dirty licence plate? As I understand it that would be a simple "Fix-It Ticket" ... WTF?????
  • June 23, 2012 1:25 AM PDT
    Jetman wrote...
    Hey Wolfpack, check out the links that I put in inside the messages a few messages up from here, the news stories are there also...maybe you will think a bit differently about that particular kid then...

    Of course I could be wrong...

    What, you mean the one with the headline reading "Bikers Troll Texas Police Car"?!?  Yeah, I read it.  Sorry, still no sympathy.
  • June 23, 2012 1:35 AM PDT
    Hehehehehehehehe, I ride with black MC cops who are based in CT, MA, and NY, and you should see what we all get up to out on a ride-out somewhere...lol...

    Its a good solid military style ride with everyone remaining in place as we snake along highways (often I-90), such accurate riding from well trained people, and then when there is a breakaway on an open stretch of road...lol...well, kets just say they would not be busting a kids a$$ for playing with traffic while out with a crowd...depends what the idiots are doing but hey, they understand all too well the need to do what "Most" of us do when on a run...lol...

    I been told by them that they just give the worst heavy warning they can and send them away with a "If I catch you again..." ...lol...
  • June 23, 2012 1:42 AM PDT
    Wanna see what "Dumba$$es" can get like when some
    of them get together in London, England? ...lol...

    Oh and by the way...thats me at the end of it on "Big Yella",
    All filmed by me in Stonebridge Park, West London...
    • 823 posts
    June 23, 2012 3:21 AM PDT
    Jetman wrote...
    Wanna see what "Dumba$$es" can get like when some
    of them get together in London, England? ...lol...

    Oh and by the way...thats me at the end of it on "Big Yella",
    All filmed by me in Stonebridge Park, West London...

    Not quite sure what this has to do with anything in this thread.  Also people do this same thing everyday all over the world. 

    • 3006 posts
    June 23, 2012 3:22 AM PDT
    wheels wrote...
    Oh are we still interested in whatpeople "think of bikers" I thought we stopped doing that years ago. I feel sorry for anyone who isn't a bike rider and his or her opinion of me and my ride are irrelevant. So if these riders "give us all a bad name ", who cares really what the general public thinks. my opinion !!!!

    we are gonna catch hell anyway just for being on two wheels,and anyone who has an issue with kids being kids has a serious need for some wind therapy!!! I am sad that a lot of you have the sort of anger that would intentionally direct harm towards another biker   IMHO they didnt harm anyone,and as far as I can tell they were out having fun enjoying a bit of that freedom we all so proudly boast about in this country. Its too bad
    a lot of you have probably never been to an old school rally & been caught up in some old fashioned shenanigans with a bunch of us "crazee" bikers,yep the PD dont like it yet,they dont act irrationally and start going for blood, they seem to grasp the principle that people love their bikes and
    love showing off a bit at times,they handle it pretty well. The sport bike crowd probably took lessons from some OSB on a Sportster that was riding
    standing on the seat,or burning rubber like 50 yards down the main drag on Main St !!!

    Great video's Jetman !!! I am happy to see our friends across the pond havent lost their sense of fun & love for two wheels !!
    • 823 posts
    June 23, 2012 3:24 AM PDT
    I give up on this subject. This is the reason I stay away from crowds. Stupidity seems to be contagious..............
    • 1 posts
    June 23, 2012 4:21 AM PDT
    Hey, I have an idea! - Let's all go to the sea shore and rail at the tides for going in & out.

    Face it kids, squids will be squids, people will drive distracted & a few will get behind the wheel after consuming a skin of fire-water.
    That is the world we venture into. - It is up to us to be vigilant, wear the gear & stay current on insurance
  • June 23, 2012 4:37 AM PDT
    Guero wrote...
    I give up on this subject. This is the reason I stay away from crowds. Stupidity seems to be contagious..............

    Personally, I thought it was a good topic.  I had similar thoughts yesterday heading in to work, and watching a guy riding a Honda Valkyrie going about 45 mph in downtown Iron Mountain.  20 mph over the speed limit, weaving through traffic, all that good stuff. 

  • June 23, 2012 6:35 AM PDT
    blurplebuzz wrote...
    wheels wrote...
    Oh are we still interested in whatpeople "think of bikers" I thought we stopped doing that years ago. I feel sorry for anyone who isn't a bike rider and his or her opinion of me and my ride are irrelevant. So if these riders "give us all a bad name ", who cares really what the general public thinks. my opinion !!!!

    we are gonna catch hell anyway just for being on two wheels,and anyone who has an issue with kids being kids has a serious need for some wind therapy!!! I am sad that a lot of you have the sort of anger that would intentionally direct harm towards another biker   IMHO they didnt harm anyone,and as far as I can tell they were out having fun enjoying a bit of that freedom we all so proudly boast about in this country. Its too bad
    a lot of you have probably never been to an old school rally & been caught up in some old fashioned shenanigans with a bunch of us "crazee" bikers,yep the PD dont like it yet,they dont act irrationally and start going for blood, they seem to grasp the principle that people love their bikes and
    love showing off a bit at times,they handle it pretty well. The sport bike crowd probably took lessons from some OSB on a Sportster that was riding
    standing on the seat,or burning rubber like 50 yards down the main drag on Main St !!!

    Great video's Jetman !!! I am happy to see our friends across the pond havent lost their sense of fun & love for two wheels !!

    Hehehe, Blurp...We are just as nuts as everyone else in this sorry old world we all live in...lol...me a lot more crazy than most...lol...and the video I added on this page?  Sure, its just to show that we can have a few days every now and then to go nuts,  and unless someone does something to cause some harm to someone else then the cops just park up the road and walk down to come and watch too...they dont interfere...They Understand The Need To Let Off Steam and ENTERTAIN the onlookers!!!