May 26, 2012 12:59 PM PDT
Got mine this morning and puttin it on tonight with the membership patch I ordered. Good job Lucky,
they look Great!! I'm proud to fly them.
I'll send pics
Btw: The decal is going on my track helmet in the morning.
Thanks brother, that was way cool of ya!
Got mine today. Now to get the complicated one to sew it on. Gonna be a great addition to the ALR vest.
Got our patches today. Thanks, Lucky
Got mine too. I'll get my vest to the cleaners to sew it on on Tuesday and post a picture.
Just ordered on of the Supporter patches for myself and a Military patch for my dad. I'll give it to him on Father's Day.
wooster thank you for having the idea and Lucky thanks for offering them to us. Here you go front and back. Guess I should thank the complicated one for sewing it on also.
Got my patches today! Can't wait to get them on my vests! Thanks--they look AWESOME!!
Got mine!
Got mine too, Thanks Lucky
Looks good Mike. Don't forget to let your ALR Chapter know if they want to sell the patches as a fundraiser, I will sell them to the club at cost.
Just got mine in today thanks Lucky be looking for a new pic. from us