Tebow or Manning...?

    • 9 posts
    March 12, 2012 4:40 PM PDT

    Man, I about had a cow, when I saw Indianapolis had "let Manning go".  Seriously???  After he carried that team for all these years.  Gets one freakin' sidelining injury (ok, so it took him out for a while) but c'mon!  And now, I see he's been to Denver for "closed door" meetings.  And now there's a billboard up, asking Denver citizens who they'd rather back, as the Bronco's starting QB.  Manning or Tebow.  Last count, Tebow was up, but it looked like Manning was closing the Gap.  The kicker of all mother's is this.  There is a real good chance, that if Tebow is out, (then he'll be a free agent)  my Jaguars have the chance to get him.  For the second time.  Tebow is from Jacksonville, and that would sell out that stadium for every game from here to eternity.  He and Denver played here for one game, and it sold out in like 10 minutes.  And we are in desperate need of a quality QB.  Blaine Gabbert is good, but really green.  And nervous on the playing field.  He'll improve down the road, but we need to make it back to the play-offs...now.  Before this franchise loses much more of it's luster, and is sold out of state.  We have a new owner, a very RICH Pakistani named Shahid Khan.  Said to be the most financially qualified owner in the league.  And he said, and I quote: "This is a partnership really with the fans," Khan said. "They have to come and support the team. I’m committed obviously to the rebirth, reinvigoration, doing whatever it takes to put a winner on the field and really make Wayne and the rest of the Jacksonvillians proud."  Let's hope he puts his money where his mouth is.  GO GET TEBOW!!!  As far as Peyton, is concerned, Denver would be a good transition for him.  And this could end up being a win-win.  Let's hope & pray, Eh? 

    Ride Free  

    • 844 posts
    March 12, 2012 6:39 PM PDT
    I'm thinking Manning may never be the same. It's not the missing one season, but the fact that he is always going to have the injury in the back of his mind. It's a neck injury and he will always know that the next one could put him in a wheel chair.

    As for Tebow, I don't think he is a championship level QB. He's a good player but just not championship material. Plus he just brings all the news hound chitter chatter which has not a darn thing to do with football, but can be awful distracting to any team he goes to.

    Look at us down here with Romo. The news worries more about who he's dating then his stats.
    • 467 posts
    March 13, 2012 1:46 AM PDT
    I agree that Manning will never be the same. But...I feel that Tebow is still young and has a bright future in the game. Broncos need to keep Tebow; as he still has his entire career in front of him. Since they are essentially still rebuilding from the loss of Elway--they need to stop messing around with the lineup and let that happen. IMO, it would be a huge mistake to take on Manning and let Tebow go.....
    As far as the media goes with Tebow, it isn't really him that is drawing all the attention, it is the media making his personal practices the issue. When, really; it's not the issue at all. Heck, athlete's have been thanking the Man upstairs for their gifts across the board for years and this is the first time it has become an issue. They just need to get over it and let the team play on!
    • 5420 posts
    March 13, 2012 2:53 AM PDT
    I am a huge Payton Manning fan, both on and off the field. He is one of the greatest QB that has played. He is also a great person and a really funny guy - his SNL skits are hilarious!!!! But I'm sorry to say that I think his career as a superstar is over, and I really don't want to see him become a so-so QB somewhere else... i.e. Joe Montana. I think he needs to hang up the cleats and move on, maybe up to the booth.

    As for Tebow... I agree 100% that all this media stuff is not his fault at all, and the media just needs to let it go!!! As for his playing, like GoFur said he's a good QB but don't think he will ever be great. I'm not saying the Broncos will never win a Super Bowl with Tebow at QB, it is just not going to be because of him.
  • March 13, 2012 3:06 AM PDT
    The Jags need some excellent players, Tebow is an ok player not a great one. Too many in this area are blinded by his Gator days to see he is a slightly above average player, who knows maybe a few more seaseon and Tebow may mature to a good solid Quarterback in the NFL, but as for now he's just average. Manning has a big injury he's coming off and as the others have stated will be worried about the possible out come if he were to be reinjured in the same manor, ya can't blame the man he is only human. What the Jags have to do is get out there and recruit players immature and mature that are solid players that have the potential to be great players if placed in with the right team mates and stop worrying who will sell tickets, for a winning season sells tickets, a name will only sell them for a short peroid and this team needs long term ticket sales. this is what I hope the new owner weighs out as well. I will admitt here, I am a Gator Hater and not a Jaqs fan, I am a Packer fan and god forbid a Penn State fan. So my views might be a bite jaded. have a great one! "T"
    • 9 posts
    March 13, 2012 3:11 AM PDT
    Ah....Ye of little FAITH, LOL  Manning isn't done. But when the day comes, that he knows it's over, I think he'll gracefully walk away. I don't see him goin' the way of Brett, or Joe. But as for Tim, I got to watch this kid grow up, and have seen what he can do. I have NO DOUBT, that he'll be an awesome QB, where ever he plays. As long as the team, coaches, and mgmt. support him. The sky's the limit. And as far as his spiritual beliefs, you and the Iacavetto's are 100% right on. That shouldn't be the issue, at all.

    Ride Free
  • March 13, 2012 3:52 AM PDT

    I just dont understand American Football...lol...

    It looks like a modified form of Rugby to me - but with safety padding - lol...

    What WE call "Football" here in England is where you actually use your FEET to KICK the ROUND ball around the pitch...lol...THATS why its called FOOT-ball...lol...

    Does sarcasm suit me?


    • Moderator
    • 277 posts
    March 13, 2012 4:51 AM PDT
    I'm hoping Manning signs with the Cardinals...that's closer to home and I can take a road trip to see him!!!!
    • 467 posts
    March 13, 2012 7:33 AM PDT
    Well Tweek, I am with you all the way on hope for the Jags. I gotta keep an eye on them, cuz they picked up 2 hometown boys last year that actually used to play baseball and hockey with my boys. John got hurt last year, but the docs are saying good things!
    But as far as Manning goes.....guy ought not take that kinda chance with his injury. Why do you think he was released? They were scared of him paralyzing himself on the field. And when a team doc won't sign off on a team star playing any which way he can.....somethin' is serious!
    • 1855 posts
    March 13, 2012 9:24 AM PDT
    I'm sorry but Tebow can't be a hasbeen because he never was a "been" and he might never be. Quite simply, he's been one of the luckiest QB's in the NFL. Just luck. That's all. He certainly can be a star but he's been played up way too much and he's gonna have a hard time where ever he goes cuz everyone is going to expect more from him than he's capable of at the moment.
    • 5420 posts
    March 13, 2012 10:17 AM PDT
    Well put Jimmy. Seen this happen to way too many college "stars". They come out and just can't live up to the first round draft expectations.

    Not sure why so many people are thinking Tebow is or is going to be such a great QB. Yeah they win games, but they don't do it based on his QB performance. Hell is QB rating for the 2011 regular season was 72 with an average of 121 passing yards per game.... not going to the Hall with those numbers.

    Not sure if it's all luck. I think some of it is he came in as starter mid-season and since he didn't complete a lot of passes he would pull the ball down and run a lot which caught the other teams a little off guard. (600 rushing yards in 14 games for a QB is a lot and not what they pay him for). But I think this year the other teams will play Tebow and the Broncos a little different and that backup plan will be shut down real quick.

    Tweek, as for your Jags, I think they need to pick up Manning! He may not be up to the Payton of old, but I think if they pick him up along with a few rookies he could be a big help in rebuilding and grooming a winning team.
  • March 13, 2012 11:06 AM PDT
    I'd pick Option #3 and stick with Blaine Gabbert. As much as I like Peyton Manning personally, QBs get traded or released for a reason. Somebody a lot closer to the game than any of us decided it was time to cut him loose, and with a 36-year-old QB, I trust their judgement. I suspect the reality is that his career is on the Brett Favre road to mediocrity. I hope he sees the end soon enough to retire with his dignity intact. As for Tebow - good guy, but he's not the guy to a team within shouting distance of the Super Bowl (sorry, Floridians). Denver pulled more than their share of wins out of their hind-quarters last season, but come-from-behind victories and abysmal QB ratings aren't the mark of a winner. I think last season was as good as it gets for Tim.

    I think Gabbert is trainable and just needs more time under center. It used to be that starting a guy at QB during his rookie season was to ruin him. I don't think that's true anymore. Look at Troy Aikman and his record first year out of the starting gate. Give Gabbert time and a good QB coach, and you might be surprised at what you see a few seasons down the road.
    • 1161 posts
    March 13, 2012 11:18 AM PDT
    Personally NFL (and all pro sports) can stick it where the sun don't shine, all the money hungry thugs and greedy owners want butts in the seats and the media just give them free advertisement stating it is NEWS.

    As for Rugby I think that is a real sport, it is not a bunch of whining, complaining bunch of thugs because they did not get their multiple million dollar contract.

    As for "football" it is called that in most places except in the US it is called "Soccer".
    • 5420 posts
    March 13, 2012 11:44 AM PDT
    The only problem with that Wolfpack is they still have no championship experience on the team - players or coaches. I still think the Jags need to salt the team with some experience to help build the young team. It's amazing how much one or two players wearing their Super Bowl rings to the meetings can help motivate the youngsters. Especially if those players are real motivators and roll models to those young players.
  • March 13, 2012 12:08 PM PDT
    Lucky wrote...
    The only problem with that Wolfpack is they still have no championship experience on the team - players or coaches. I still think the Jags need to salt the team with some experience to help build the young team. It's amazing how much one or two players wearing their Super Bowl rings to the meetings can help motivate the youngsters. Especially if those players are real motivators and roll models to those young players.

    Yeah, that's a good point.  I think Gabbert will do fine with enough time, but you need more than that.  Like you say, get some veterans in there, guys who have been to the Super Bowl.  Attitude is a big part of it, and folks like that will bring it into the locker room with them.

    • 9 posts
    March 13, 2012 6:35 PM PDT
    Lucky, I agree with almost everything you've said, and I would LOVE to get Payton Manning. His skills and leadership are just what the Jags need. And stats don't lie, however, Tebow isn't the first rookie QB to flounder, his first shot outta the gate. He had impressive stats in college, and yes, I understand that college ball is different. But I like Tebow, for more than his potential. This team, even with all of it's recruiting skills, still lacks the one thing that can make or break a team. And that's BELIEF. Belief from the team, but more...belief from the fans.
    A team can rally behind a good leader, but I've witnessed miracles, when a team is venerated by an entire city!
    And this kid, brings that. Manning? Sure, he'd get us excited. But Tim, he's got that EXTRA something.
    And if you want to address the spiritual side of it, well, if you ask me? That's just a huge BONUS!
    Just my two.
    I can't wait to see how this all "plays" out. You?

    Ride Free
    • 1855 posts
    March 14, 2012 8:02 AM PDT
    Well now. I apparently don't have my sheite together when it comes to picking teams. Basically, I'm a LOSER; having been a Jets Fan and a Cubs fan for, my God, I don't know how long. I only know that I'm probably more stubborn than realistic. LOL

    I was real impressed with Cam Newton but it's obviously more than a great QB to make a team a winner. And I think more than any of the new dudes, Cam really can be a great QB. But alas, I'm still a Jets fan.

  • March 14, 2012 8:41 AM PDT
    Hey, I am a Jets fan too...lol...

    but the Jets I like burn Jet Fuel...hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
    • 51 posts
    March 16, 2012 4:03 AM PDT
    Not sure if anything will help the Jags. I root for them because they are the home team (well I'm right in the middle but like them better than the Dolphins or Bucs), but just don't see them making the super Bowl until they make MAJOR changes from the top down!

    Manning would be a good start as a team leader!
    • 5420 posts
    March 22, 2012 6:28 PM PDT
    Well Tweek, sorry but you didn't get either   But there is still going to be lots more trading going on, so hopefully if the Jags are serious about building a tema they will go out and get some players.

    In the meantime, Tebow in Green?, backing up Sanchez?  I'm not sure why the Jets wanted two good but not great QB's.  I personally think their money would have been better spent getting Sanchez some better players to surround him on the field , then one player to sit on the bench and watch him play.
    • 9 posts
    March 23, 2012 12:51 AM PDT
    A second chance and a lot of ruffled feathers here in J'ville. Look, I like Blaine Gabbert, but adding Tebow, would've given this team, that much needed boost. Ah well, can't look back now. And...we've added Aaron Ross to the defense, and a couple of others, who might make a difference. Here's hoping, that Khan's vision for the Jaguars to
    "return to elite status"...comes true. I'm taking a "looky see" on this one.
    I was perplexed as to why they recruited him to the Jets. That's gonna leave a mark on Sanchez, and his
    confidence. And I don't see him in a "mentoring" role. This season looks to be full of surprises, and not all of
    'em good. I can't wait to see what Peyton's gonna do this year.

    Ride Free
    • 1855 posts
    March 23, 2012 1:53 AM PDT
    Jimmyacorn wrote...
    Well now. I apparently don't have my sheite together when it comes to picking teams. Basically, I'm a LOSER; having been a Jets Fan and a Cubs fan for, my God, I don't know how long. I only know that I'm probably more stubborn than realistic. LOL

    I was real impressed with Cam Newton but it's obviously more than a great QB to make a team a winner. And I think more than any of the new dudes, Cam really can be a great QB. But alas, I'm still a Jets fan.


    What?  They gave him #15?!!!  Oh the horror!!!!!!  Well now the media has something else to talk about besides the Jets offensive co-ordinators lack of planning and the mouth of Ryan.  And now we (Jets fans) have two QB's who run in circles, get confused, and fall on their knees.   A GOOD move the T-bow to say the least.  Good for the Jets?  Not much has helped them in a couple of decades.  It's going to be interesting.
    • 5420 posts
    March 23, 2012 3:16 PM PDT
    Jimmyacorn wrote...
    Well now. I apparently don't have my sheite together when it comes to picking teams. Basically, I'm a LOSER; having been a Jets Fan and a Cubs fan for, my God, I don't know how long. I only know that I'm probably more stubborn than realistic. LOL

    I was real impressed with Cam Newton but it's obviously more than a great QB to make a team a winner. And I think more than any of the new dudes, Cam really can be a great QB. But alas, I'm still a Jets fan.


    Yeah, try telling the fans in Indy that a great QB doesn't make a team a winner

  • March 23, 2012 4:35 PM PDT
    I like both Manning and Tebow. I do think that Manning is more of a risk at this point. Manning is right now, and Tebow is just a winner and is good now plus younger, barring injury, has a longer future than Manning. I wish both the Broncos and Jets well and I'll root for both of them.

    I was thinking the Jaguars would get him, and maybe try to get Ye Old Ball Coach, Steve Spurrier, to jump back into the pros. Oh well, such is what dreams are made of. I was hoping Jerry Jones would have snatched up Tebow and put him in a Cowboy's uniform.
  • March 23, 2012 5:14 PM PDT