Technology Just Amazes Me

    • 9 posts
    March 9, 2012 1:04 AM PST
    Wow...pong. My dad bought that game, and I swear, HE was more excited about it, then we were...til he played. That held his interest for a brief period of time, and it was on to the next gadget. Gotta love him, tho. My brother and I played the heck outta that game. (Mostly, baked...but whatever. LOL)
    And smokes...were 45 cents a pack. Not good, cause now? I been smokin' the damn things for close to forty years. Gas was cheap, too. Maybe not cheap, comparatively speakin', but still cheap.
    But you know what I miss the most? Drive-In movie theaters. They still have one in Toledo, (where I'm from), and
    it does a hellacious business. I always wanted to open one up, here in Jacksonville. I think it would fly.
    People always liked being able to sit in their cars, bring their own stuff, enjoy some social time, before the movie,
    and NOT have to pay a babysitter. Now, if I could just get some financial backing....
    Dreams...that's what keeps us goin'. Eh?

    Ride Free
  • March 9, 2012 1:29 AM PST
    My First Cellfone was like this but had a much larger base with 2 large long motorcycle type batteries to power charged up from mains and/or car charge socket, it had 17 watts signal output (modern ones here in UK are 0.02 watts), You could almost toast a cheese sandwich on the It cost me £2200 when I bought it, but I WAS the only one in the town to have one for a of course, I used to use it almost everywhere it could be seen that I was using a cellular phone, and sitting in my vehicle as (f* poser!!!) 

    It had 2 sockets for the "Chip", they looked like ford car fuses but bigger... so I had it on dual networks, we had 2 networks spring up overnight back was Cellnet, the other was Vodafone and I had both chips in it, the Cellnet chip was for all my business calls, and the Vodafone one was for all my private and personal calls...The ringtone for the Cellnet was a standard old type 2 rings at a time, the Vodafone had a long single tone like USA standard used to be (and still is?) So I always knew if it was a a personal or business call before I answered.....It was a real good fone... 

    • 5420 posts
    March 9, 2012 1:36 AM PST
    Cool look phone. I see it has a handle on the base so it "portable"

    Remember when things started becoming portable. The would put a handle on the top of a 80lb TV and call it a portable TV.
  • March 9, 2012 2:34 AM PST
    Hahahahahaha, you got that had one of the first transportable was an 8088 Processor .... I cant find what it was but the spec was ram and 3Mb hard drive, it had a drop down front for the keyboard, that was connected by thick cable, it had an 8" screen that was orange writing on a black screen, pre-ega, it couldn't do graphics of any kind, it weighed a ton and was like a double huge suitcase WITH A HANDLE ON THE TOP...hahahahaha...

    a single ANT had more processing power!!!

    and of course could go faster than I could carrying it...physical size was approx 3 feet long by 15 inch wide at the base, it tapered inward toward the top making it about 10" at the top, .....if I can find a picture of one I will post it up...but hey, I was FIRST in my whole town to have a TRANSPORTABLE COMPUTER!!!   (I admit it, I was a poser!!!) Hahahahahaha...