This Site Is An Excellent Site.....

  • March 3, 2012 11:41 AM PST

    Hi All.....

         I think I may be in the wrong place here.....some of you are good people and I seem to be having good banter with you, you know who you are.....

    .....but some here seem to take great delight in being a bit...well,  lets say that they did not research what they spoke of first.....

    If I give advice its generally through either logic or experience -and I hope my advice makes sense to those who would understand the content.....But to ride with a bald tyre with thread showing through???  To ride 1000 miles with a screw in the centre area????? Just because some company produces something and tells you how good it is does not make it a good product.....the very best product is a tyre in good condition, that is well maintained, it just simply dont need filling with products ..........

    I am an engineer, my engineering background goes back a whole lifetime, I will use logic where neccesary, I will use stored information from all the known engineers since recorded history as there is something in everything they said that makes sense in this modern world.....The Principals In Which They Were Written Was Based On SCIENTIFIC Principals.....

    So it confuses me greatly when I am reading articles written by people who for whatever reason are riding what I would class as a wreck just looking for somewhere to happen, not only is this irresponsible and a danger to other members of the public, but also to the people or novice riders who their advice is given to.....

    So I am sorry, sorry for giving my opinion, sorry for any advice I may have given that was either too logical or too abrupt or direct, maybe I should have just candy coated my opinions like it seems a lot of you here do...

    So I will take my use of Newtonian Laws, of Practical Physics, Newtons Laws of motion, Coulombs Law of friction, Newtons 2nd law of Motion, and not forgetting Newtons 3rd Law (every force has an equal and opposite reaction) ... and go to where the riders have an element of RESPECT for themselves and those they would give advice to...(previous comment is not directed at those I can respect)

    There are some of you here I would like to stay in touch with and as such I would be happy to give my USA Office fone number and email address to, so please, if you want to stay in touch with me then send me a message ok?

    I will remain a member here - just not an active one ok? I find myself criticising more than just having fun and thats not why I joined...some of you give excellent advice to novices, so keep up the good work, I am like a sledgehammer to a nut, I tend to be a bit too blunt with advice if I dont think I have been understood, but hey, if my advice sounded good to you then use it, if it dont then chuck it out, it aint my loss ok?

    My decision comes as a result of censorship, some of my posts are missing and I sure didn't delete them, I was not out to offend anyone, but just felt a need to make sure that everyone knew that I dont pull punches, I deliver with all the subtlety of a wet brick on the back of the head, but hey, thats just me, say it like I see it...

    Keep the faith people, riding aint just for sunny sundays.....

    Peace...and I'm clear..... Jetman...

  • March 3, 2012 12:22 PM PST
    Jetman I'm sorry to read this, and you sir will be missed. Yes many of my posts and such have dissappeared I believe its cause I don't say the popular thing, If cyclefish wishes to censor it is they have a right too, however I believe it would be nice if they've would explain why and not just delet them. Everyone looks at things differently and not all of us are going to rub each other the right way, but take this as what it is. I will miss ya cause I thought you were funny man. have a great one! "T"
  • March 3, 2012 1:23 PM PST
    Jetman, I completely have to agree with the sentiment. If you don't know what you're talking about then you should probably avoid dispensing ignorance among those that don't know any better!

    I personally enjoy your directness and am very bummed you're not sticking around! Who cares if their feelings are hurt when you dispense good advice! The truth is the truth even if no one believes it but a lie is lie no matter who believes it!
    • 2072 posts
    March 3, 2012 1:56 PM PST
    Hummmmmmmmmmm !!!
  • March 3, 2012 2:03 PM PST
    Jetman, it's just people. I don't think that you offend anyone, and we need solid advice from people with your background. However, wherever we go and there are people there will be bad advice dispensed with the idea that they are sure of what they are saying. It's just life. Don't get aggravated with people, just love em and know when to shake your head and move on to another
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    March 3, 2012 2:11 PM PST
    Well you didn't offend me and I didn't delete anyone's posts.. as with any time you are in the "public" you get some you like and some you don't! Glad you joined us, but if this isn't the place for you and you are not having fun being here, then it is of course your choice to move on if that is what you want.
    Please feel free to stop by and say hello, and if you decide to stay,, good for you
  • Ry
    March 3, 2012 2:23 PM PST
    Jetman, your advice and the advice of many among this site is hugely valuable and always worth serious consideration by anyone who is truely looking for a properly educated answer. As I tend to always look for more information and good advice around the net, it's good to have a central place to ask those who may have already traveled down that particular road and found the best way to tackle an issue. On he same thought, I've always found that when I see someone suggesting something of an "iffy" nature, that I will usually gloss over it and reserve those type of solutions to a " nothing else seems to work, so may as well try it" situation.

    I'm not sure specifically where you've been so slighted against, but I think it's good to have you around here. I would hope you could find it possible to work past all those who promote bad advice as rule and continue to put the word out as things should be. Bad ideas show themselves and knowledge usually rises to the top.
  • March 3, 2012 2:31 PM PST
    censorship, SU(ks
    • 823 posts
    March 3, 2012 2:35 PM PST
    Sorry to see you go. I read many of the things on here and form my own opinion from all the posts and advice. I just assume everyone here should be able to read through and sort out the bs from the rest. Never saw your stuff as bad advice. Experience is the best teacher in my book so I usually try and listen to other old farts such as myself, also many of the younger people are more on top of the newer technology, what to do and what not to; i.e. can't beat it with a hammer to make it work these days, lol. Look me up if you ever get to New Mexico!
    • 5420 posts
    March 3, 2012 4:22 PM PST
    Well I guess I'll jump in here. First off as far as I can tell there was only one of your posts deleted Jetman, and it wasn't because your opinion wasn't "sugar coated", it was because the post was purely argumentative going as far as calling another user a friggin idot for their posting - granted the advice they gave may have in your opinion been incorrect, but the user did not need to be insulted, you could have simply posted what you believed was the correct advice.

    Sure some things people post out here may not be correct, a forum such as this is no different than the real world where people may have an incorrect assumption, and I don't know about you but I don't insult someone personally because of their lack of knowledge. No comes here and posts advice in response to another users question just to maliciously give incorrect advice... I'm sure they actually had a sincere intention of providing helpful advice, and if its incorrect there are many people here with lots of experience that correct that advice without being outright insulting. And for the most part all of us here even with all of our years and miles of riding and working on bikes also realize that we are NOT correct 100% of the time,
    • 658 posts
    March 3, 2012 4:29 PM PST

    I hate to hear this Jetman,
    I always enjoy your humor and quick whit. I'm not easly offended by anyone and always read advice weither it's good or bad and then make my own choice. You know brother there is no common scense anymore , those of us that still have it are an uncommon breed and  the rest, well that is job security for me.
    Take care my friend and please feel free to jump in anytime.


    Ride Hard and Have Fun


    • 0 posts
    March 3, 2012 7:14 PM PST
  • March 3, 2012 9:11 PM PST
    Lucky, Thanks for that mate, I appreciate it...just let me know if I push the boundaries way too far, personally I didn't think about it enough and yeah, I know enough that I could have done the direct insult in a much cleverer way.....

    It was just the fact that some of that advice could get someone killed, I have re-read all of the stuff that got my back up and still stand by what I wrote, but, I most certainly agree, this has to remain a stable platform, but if I may I will give a quick WHY as to my actions.....

    A long long time ago...(most of my stuff seems to be a long long time ago now) ...A bro of mine was given some advice that he took and it killed him, he literally crossed the centre of the road on a curve and hit a rather large truck head on, his girlfriend went straight up in the air as we all passed, he flick flacked down the side of the truck and then landed on his head and was ground away on the road surface, his head and face was ground away down to the right shoulder, his arm was only just attached, obviously he was very dead...we slammed everything on and stopped, raced back to see that mess.....we couldn't find his girlfriend...luckily, the truck was a Dunlopillo Box Van, 12 had a fibreglass roof and she went in through the roof and landed on foam rubber, all the damage she got was a scrape above an ankle, no other damage at all apart from shock.....He Was Dead...

    Ever since that time when I have heard bad advice being given it just boils my blood, and its always the same, its always something that is going to directly affect the handling of a motorcycle at some point, thats why I threw in the comments about Centrepetal and Centrifugal forces, affect one and you negate the other.....Anyhow, Thats why I reacted as I did...

    Everyone, Thanks for your comments, Its greatly appreciated...and yeah, I guess I do run off at the mouth a bit quick in attack, just dont stick a gun in my hand thats all, I think the best advice that I can give myself is to sit on the back burner for a short while and see how it goes...I will continue to join in...and will try not to go toe to toe in an instant...or how is it said? Go from 0- Absolute B$TD in 0.3 seconds!!!

    Lucky, I understand the need for censorship and why, but just let me know that I am overstepping the mark and I will modify the comment that I put in to a more acceptable standard ok?

    Thanks you lot.....I am still here.....
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    March 3, 2012 9:29 PM PST
    Yeah, what Lucky said, especially about the perceived insult phrasing. I am going to disagree with the use of the word stupid, which has very negative tones. Not everyone has your or my level of experience and education. That does not make them stupid, just uneducated. So help them, thereby us, out and educate in a non condescending way. If I delete or censor you I send a private message from me to you explaining why. Hell, ask Boof, and he still calls me friend (I hope). And I have not censored anything from you that I remember.
    • 1161 posts
    March 3, 2012 9:50 PM PST
    Jetman, I have taken some of your advise as well. Because I am a new street rider and want to be and remain as safe as possable. I hope you do stick around but if you chose not to I understand as well. I know we have had a few that have left from this very reason. And are still missed to this day because they had their own things they added to each topic that was personal to them. Weather it was political or working on bikes or what ever. I just hate to see another good bloke leave because of the same issues.

  • March 3, 2012 10:01 PM PST
    I have accepted my wrist will in future moderate what I say in a better way...but please understand that I reacted to advice I saw as totally flawed, and could possibly result in death...

    Having said that and accepted MY resposibility in all this I now ask that when giving advice about products people should understand that to fix something before it is broken is a false security that will lead to disaster.....There is well over 30 products I could put on the market tomorrow that would make me very rich indeed and so easy to tell people how much it will improve their ride, in fact, it will improve MY ride as I shall go and buy the most expensive toys, Bentley's, Pagani Zonda's, hey , I may even get a private jet on the profits.....but hey, it would be from telling you things you want to hear - not any kind of truth.....

    The TRUTH is check your machine all the time, if you feel or hear ANYTHING different from before STOP and CHECK IT.....who knows, it may save your life.....

    • 9 posts
    March 3, 2012 10:53 PM PST
    May a "lady" step into this conversation? Jetman. I, too, lost someone to some bad advice. And it DOES make the blood boil, when you hear someone spoutin' things God never intended, come outta their mouths. But there are two kinds of riders, and you and I both know what and who they are. And the only way for any of us to cushion that blow, is by hearing GOOD advice, and taking it all into consideration. And...listening to your guts. If something don't "feel" right to ya, then it probably ain't, so have it checked. BY A PRO, K? My Ex, (the deceased one) was
    a certified Harley-Davidson trained mechanic, but he had days, when he wouldn't work on someone's bike. He wanted to be alert and primed, so he wouldn't make a mistake. Cause like Jetman said, that mistake?
    Can cost you your life.
    I say, take all advice under advisement. Then do some research of your own. Talk to more than one person.
    Make an "educated" decision. And for pity's sake, use a little common sense, too.
    In the end, it's the choices WE make, that will make all the difference. And personally, I'd like to be around, 
    to make a few more of 'em. YOU?

    Ride Free

    And on a personal note, we all love the site, and like Lucky said, sometimes things said, are inflammatory.  Said, maybe, in the heat of the moment.
    When that happens, I'm glad there is someone to hold us all accountable.   And I don't feel that's censorship.  I feel more like, someone's got MY BACK.  You know, like a good friend, who elbows you, and says...lighten up!

    • 1855 posts
    March 3, 2012 11:20 PM PST

     I firmly agree when it comes to offering advise. Some of us don't understand that might not have all the right answers. That is why I posted the following (directed at beginners) in an earlier topic (I think it was "turning"):

    Practice is the key to all things. The parking lot is a great place. You don't need to be out on the road, in traffic, if you're not comfortable with any aspect of your ability. The rider's course is a must. And a word of caution:

    Taking specific advice from "experienced" riders is not always the best way to go. The key here is "experienced" riders understand what they are doing BECAUSE they have experience. With no disrespect to LCstrat, counter steering involves initiating a lean (in a corner) and is not for steering your motorcycle in the true sense of the word. It is also an intuitive (unconscious) manuever a rider (especially a beginner) doesn't have to put much thought into. The best and only advice any experienced rider should give you is "practice and take the rider's course". Oh, we can tell you stories of the stupid sheite stuff we've done and the mistakes we've made, but they only begin to mean something after you've had some quality time in the saddle.

  • March 4, 2012 3:23 AM PST
    yea your never too old or expierenced to learn new things and when someone ask for advice its up to them to take it or ignore it.i guess all you can do is give your 2 cents and hope it works out for them.hang in their jetman i think your passion about the tire issue was spot on.idont guess i saw the deleted post nobody wants to see anything bad happen to a brother or sister.
  • March 4, 2012 4:21 AM PST
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    Yeah, what Lucky said, especially about the perceived insult phrasing. I am going to disagree with the use of the word stupid, which has very negative tones.

    Rex, I have removed the word from my text and thanks, it wont appear again unless I am saying it about myself... If any of you moderators disagree with wording I have used just let me know in a private message and I will rectify the situation immediately.....Like I said before, I am not out to offend anyone directly-just not my style, sometimes I may just need a reminder ..... After all, I am the guy that will use a 14lb hammer on a walnut, just to make sure!!!
    • 79 posts
    March 4, 2012 7:00 AM PST
    cal22 wrote...
    yea your never too old or expierenced to learn new things and when someone ask for advice its up to them to take it or ignore it.i guess all you can do is give your 2 cents and hope it works out for them.hang in their jetman i think your passion about the tire issue was spot on.idont guess i saw the deleted post nobody wants to see anything bad happen to a brother or sister.

    • 601 posts
    March 4, 2012 8:27 AM PST
    Agree with Boof on this one, its a cultural thing J-man...we are the same in Ireland, its straight up - no kiss, with us too, but I find when interacting with other cultures I have to moderate myself !! and I deal with a lot of different nationalities at work.... Fcuk off in Ireland is a term of endearment....with Scandanavians, its a threat of all out war !! sometimes on here I bite my tongue and suck my beer...but the mods do a good job and you don't get a bitchfest on here too often, and that suits me. Meanwhile keep the advice taught me a few things...Ya dirty dyin' son of a siberian camel wanker !!! (its a term of affection mods.... Jetman will get it! )
  • March 4, 2012 8:50 AM PST
    Hey Rory.....less of the siberian ok???

    Sheeesh, some people!!!
    • 0 posts
    March 4, 2012 6:35 PM PST
    Bloody Nora you bloke just have to take it too bloody far everytime..Tryin to get Paddy's and Poms to get along is like trying to hide beer from me...LOL
  • March 4, 2012 6:47 PM PST
    Them Paddy's are ok.....Its The Micks ya have to worry about!!!!!